class SmartCS < Oxidized::Model prompt /^\r?([\w.@() -]+[#>]\s?)$/ comment '# ' expect /-more -/ do |data, re| send ' ' data.sub re, '' end cmd :all do |cfg| cfg end cmd 'show version' do |cfg| comment cfg.insert(0, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------! \n") # Unhash below to write a comment in the config file. cfg.insert(0, "Starting: show version cmd \n") cfg << "\n \nEnding: show version cmd" comment cfg << "\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------! \n \n" comment cfg end cmd 'show config' do |cfg| # remove "Press SPACE for another page" add SPACE(\s) cfg.gsub! /\s{5,}/, "" end cfg :telnet, :ssh do # preferred way to handle additional passwords post_login do pw = vars(:enable) pw ||= "" send "su\r" expect /[pP]assword:\s?$/ cmd pw end pre_logout 'exit' pre_logout 'exit' end end