Feature: Define helper methods in a module You can define helper methods in a module and include it in your example groups using the `config.include` configuration option. `config.extend` can be used to extend the module onto your example groups so that the methods in the module are available in the example groups themselves (but not in the actual examples). You can also `include` or `extend` the module onto only certain example groups by passing a metadata hash as the last argument. Only groups that match the given metadata will `include` or `extend` the module. You can also specify metadata using only symbols. Note that examples that match a `config.include` module's metadata will also have the module included. RSpec treats every example as having a singleton example group (analogous to Ruby's singleton classes) containing just the one example. Background: Given a file named "helpers.rb" with: """ruby module Helpers def help :available end end """ Scenario: Include a module in all example groups Given a file named "include_module_spec.rb" with: """ruby require './helpers' RSpec.configure do |c| c.include Helpers end RSpec.describe "an example group" do it "has access to the helper methods defined in the module" do expect(help).to be(:available) end end """ When I run `rspec include_module_spec.rb` Then the examples should all pass Scenario: Extend a module in all example groups Given a file named "extend_module_spec.rb" with: """ruby require './helpers' RSpec.configure do |c| c.extend Helpers end RSpec.describe "an example group" do puts "Help is #{help}" it "does not have access to the helper methods defined in the module" do expect { help }.to raise_error(NameError) end end """ When I run `rspec extend_module_spec.rb` Then the examples should all pass And the output should contain "Help is available" Scenario: Include a module in only some example groups Given a file named "include_module_in_some_groups_spec.rb" with: """ruby require './helpers' RSpec.configure do |c| c.include Helpers, :foo => :bar end RSpec.describe "an example group with matching metadata", :foo => :bar do it "has access to the helper methods defined in the module" do expect(help).to be(:available) end end RSpec.describe "an example group without matching metadata" do it "does not have access to the helper methods defined in the module" do expect { help }.to raise_error(NameError) end it "does have access when the example has matching metadata", :foo => :bar do expect(help).to be(:available) end end """ When I run `rspec include_module_in_some_groups_spec.rb` Then the examples should all pass Scenario: Extend a module in only some example groups Given a file named "extend_module_in_only_some_groups_spec.rb" with: """ruby require './helpers' RSpec.configure do |c| c.extend Helpers, :foo => :bar end RSpec.describe "an example group with matching metadata", :foo => :bar do puts "In a matching group, help is #{help}" it "does not have access to the helper methods defined in the module" do expect { help }.to raise_error(NameError) end end RSpec.describe "an example group without matching metadata" do puts "In a non-matching group, help is #{help rescue 'not available'}" it "does not have access to the helper methods defined in the module" do expect { help }.to raise_error(NameError) end end """ When I run `rspec extend_module_in_only_some_groups_spec.rb` Then the examples should all pass And the output should contain "In a matching group, help is available" And the output should contain "In a non-matching group, help is not available" Scenario: Use symbols as metadata Given a file named "symbols_as_metadata_spec.rb" with: """ruby require './helpers' RSpec.configure do |c| c.include Helpers, :include_helpers c.extend Helpers, :extend_helpers end RSpec.describe "an example group with matching include metadata", :include_helpers do puts "In a group not matching the extend filter, help is #{help rescue 'not available'}" it "has access to the helper methods defined in the module" do expect(help).to be(:available) end end RSpec.describe "an example group with matching extend metadata", :extend_helpers do puts "In a group matching the extend filter, help is #{help}" it "does not have access to the helper methods defined in the module" do expect { help }.to raise_error(NameError) end end """ When I run `rspec symbols_as_metadata_spec.rb` Then the examples should all pass And the output should contain "In a group not matching the extend filter, help is not available" And the output should contain "In a group matching the extend filter, help is available"