module Rfm # # Top level config hash accepts any defined config parameters, # or group-name keys pointing to config subsets. # The subsets can be any grouping of defined config parameters, as a hash. # See CONFIG_KEYS for defined config parameters. # module Config require 'yaml' CONFIG_KEYS = %w( file_name file_path parser host port account_name password database layout ignore_bad_data ssl root_cert root_cert_name root_cert_path warn_on_redirect raise_on_401 timeout log_actions log_responses log_parser use parent grammar field_mapping capture_strings_with logger ) CONFIG_DONT_STORE = %w(strings using parents symbols objects) #capture_strings_with) extend self @config = {} # Set @config with args & options hash. # Args should be symbols representing configuration groups, # with optional config hash as last arg, to be merged on top. # Returns @config. # # == Sets @config with :use => :group1, :layout => 'my_layout' # config :group1, :layout => 'my_layout # # Factory.server, Factory.database, Factory.layout, and Base.config can take # a string as the first argument, refering to the relevent server/database/layout name. # # == Pass a string as the first argument, to be used in the immediate context # config 'my_layout' # in the model, to set model configuration # Factory.layout 'my_layout', :my_group # to get a layout from settings in :my_group # def config(*args, &block) @config ||= {} return @config if args.empty? config_write(*args, &block) @config end # Sets @config just as above config method, but clears @config first. def config_clear(*args) @config = {} return @config if args.empty? config_write(*args) @config end # Reads compiled config, including filters and ad-hoc configuration params passed in. # If first n parameters are strings, they will be appended to config[:strings]. # If next n parameters are symbols, they will be used to filter the result. These # filters will override all stored config[:use] settings. # The final optional hash should be ad-hoc config settings. # # == Gets top level settings, merged with group settings, merged with local and ad-hoc settings. # get_config :my_server_group, :layout => 'my_layout' # This gets top level settings, # # == Gets top level settings, merged with local and ad-hoc settings. # get_config :layout => 'my_layout # def get_config(*arguments) #puts caller_locations(1,1)[0] args = arguments.clone @config ||= {} options = config_extract_options!(*args) strings = options[:strings].rfm_force_array || [] symbols = options[:symbols].rfm_force_array.concat(options[:hash][:use].rfm_force_array) || [] objects = options[:objects].rfm_force_array || [] rslt = config_merge_with_parent(symbols).merge(options[:hash]) #using = rslt[:using].rfm_force_array sanitize_config(rslt, CONFIG_DONT_STORE, false) rslt[:using].delete "" rslt[:parents].delete "" rslt.merge(:strings=>strings, :objects=>objects) end def state(*args) return @_state if args.empty? && !@state.nil? && (RUBY_VERSION[0,1].to_i > 1 ? (caller_locations(1,1) == @_last_state_caller) : false) @_state = get_config(*args) (@_last_state_caller = caller_locations(1,1)) if RUBY_VERSION[0,1].to_i > 1 @_state end def log Rfm.log end protected # Get or load a config file as the top-level config (above RFM_CONFIG constant). # Default file name is rfm.yml. # Default paths are '' and 'config/'. # File name & paths can be set in RFM_CONFIG and Rfm.config. # Change file name with :file_name => 'something.else' # Change file paths with :file_path => ['array/of/', 'file/paths/'] def get_config_file @@config_file_data ||= ( config_file_name = @config[:file_name] || (RFM_CONFIG[:file_name] rescue nil) || 'rfm.yml' config_file_paths = [''] | [(@config[:file_path] || (RFM_CONFIG[:file_path] rescue nil) || %w( config/ ))].flatten config_file_paths.collect do |path| (YAML.load_file(File.join(path, config_file_name)) rescue {}) end.inject({}){|h,a| h.merge(a)} ) || {} end # Get the top-level configuration from yml file and RFM_CONFIG def get_config_base get_config_file.merge((defined?(RFM_CONFIG) and RFM_CONFIG.is_a?(Hash)) ? RFM_CONFIG : {}) end # Get the parent configuration object according to @config[:parent] def get_config_parent @config ||= {} parent = case when @config[:parent].is_a?(String); eval(@config[:parent]) when !@config[:parent].nil? && @config[:parent].is_a?(Rfm::Config); @config[:parent] else eval('Rfm::Config') end end # Merge args into @config, as :use=>[arg1, arg2, ...] # Then merge optional config hash into @config. # Pass in a block to use with parsed config in args. def config_write(*args) #(opt, args) options = config_extract_options!(*args) options[:symbols].each{|a| @config.merge!(:use=>a.to_sym){|h,v1,v2| [v1].flatten << v2 }} @config.merge!(options[:hash]).reject! {|k,v| CONFIG_DONT_STORE.include? k.to_s} #options[:hash][:capture_strings_with].rfm_force_array.each do |label| @config[:capture_strings_with].rfm_force_array.each do |label| string = options[:strings].delete_at(0) (@config[label] = string) if string && !string.empty? end parent = (options[:objects].delete_at(0) || options[:hash][:parent]) (@config[:parent] = parent) if parent yield(options) if block_given? end # Get composite config from all levels, processing :use parameters at each level def config_merge_with_parent(filters=nil) @config ||= {} # Get upstream compilation upstream = if (self != Rfm::Config) #puts [self, @config[:parent], get_config_parent].join(', ') get_config_parent.config_merge_with_parent else get_config_base end.clone upstream[:using] ||= [] upstream[:parents] ||= ['file', 'RFM_CONFIG'] filters = (@config[:use].rfm_force_array | filters.rfm_force_array).compact rslt = config_filter(upstream, filters).merge(config_filter(@config, filters)) rslt[:using].concat((@config[:use].rfm_force_array | filters).compact.flatten) #.join rslt[:parents] << @config[:parent].to_s rslt.delete :parent rslt || {} # rescue # puts "Config#config_merge_with_parent for '#{self.class}' falied with #{$1}" end # Returns a configuration hash overwritten by :use filters in the hash # that match passed-in filter names or any filter names contained within the hash's :use key. def config_filter(conf, filters=nil) conf = conf.clone filters = (conf[:use].rfm_force_array | filters.rfm_force_array).compact filters.each{|f| next unless conf[f]; conf.merge!(conf[f] || {})} if (!filters.nil? && !filters.empty?) conf.delete(:use) conf end # Extract arguments into strings, symbols, objects, hash. def config_extract_options!(*args) strings, symbols, objects = [], [], [] options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} args.each do |a| case when a.is_a?(String); strings << a when a.is_a?(Symbol); symbols << a else objects << a end end {:strings=>strings, :symbols=>symbols, :objects=>objects, :hash=>options} end # Remove un-registered keys from a configuration hash. # Keep should be a list of strings representing keys to keep. def sanitize_config(conf={}, keep=[], dupe=false) (conf = conf.clone) if dupe conf.reject!{|k,v| (!CONFIG_KEYS.include?(k.to_s) or [{},[],''].include?(v)) and !keep.include? k.to_s } conf end end # module Config end # module Rfm