# Borrowed from our friends at font-awesome-rails
# https://github.com/bokmann/font-awesome-rails
module IconHelper
# Creates an icon tag given an icon name and possible icon
# modifiers.
# Examples
# fa_icon "camera-retro"
# # =>
# fa_icon "camera-retro", text: "Take a photo"
# # => Take a photo
# fa_icon "chevron-right", text: "Get started", right: true
# # => Get started
# fa_icon "camera-retro 2x"
# # =>
# fa_icon ["camera-retro", "4x"]
# # =>
# fa_icon "spinner spin lg"
# # =>
# fa_icon "quote-left 4x", class: "pull-left"
# # =>
# fa_icon "user", data: { id: 123 }
# # =>
# content_tag(:li, fa_icon("check li", text: "Bulleted list item"))
# # => Bulleted list item
def fa_icon(names = "flag", options = {})
classes = ["fa"]
classes.concat Private.icon_names(names)
classes.concat Array(options.delete(:class))
text = options.delete(:text)
right_icon = options.delete(:right)
icon = content_tag(:i, nil, options.merge(:class => classes))
Private.icon_join(icon, text, right_icon)
# Creates an stack set of icon tags given a base icon name, a main icon
# name, and possible icon modifiers.
# Examples
# fa_stacked_icon "twitter", base: "square-o"
# # =>
# # =>
# # =>
# # =>
# fa_stacked_icon "terminal inverse", base: "square", class: "pull-right", text: "Hi!"
# # =>
# # =>
# # =>
# # => Hi!
# fa_stacked_icon "camera", base: "ban-circle", reverse: true
# # =>
# # =>
# # =>
# # =>
def fa_stacked_icon(names = "flag", options = {})
classes = Private.icon_names("stack").concat(Array(options.delete(:class)))
base_names = Private.array_value(options.delete(:base) || "square-o").push("stack-2x")
names = Private.array_value(names).push("stack-1x")
base = fa_icon(base_names, options.delete(:base_options) || {})
icon = fa_icon(names, options.delete(:icon_options) || {})
icons = [base, icon]
icons.reverse! if options.delete(:reverse)
text = options.delete(:text)
right_icon = options.delete(:right)
stacked_icon = content_tag(:span, safe_join(icons), options.merge(:class => classes))
Private.icon_join(stacked_icon, text, right_icon)
module Private
extend ActionView::Helpers::OutputSafetyHelper
def self.icon_join(icon, text, reverse_order = false)
return icon if text.blank?
elements = [icon, ERB::Util.html_escape(text)]
elements.reverse! if reverse_order
safe_join(elements, " ")
def self.icon_names(names = [])
array_value(names).map { |n| "fa-#{n}" }
def self.array_value(value = [])
value.is_a?(Array) ? value : value.to_s.split(/\s+/)