# Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Ruby-GNOME2 Project Team # This program is licenced under the same licence as Ruby-GNOME2. # $Id: clipboard.rb,v 1.3 2005/07/28 14:30:38 mutoh Exp $ =begin = Clipboard GtkClipboard is used for clipboard handling. This demo shows how to copy and paste text to and from the clipboard. =end require 'common' module Demo class Clipboard < Demo::BasicWindow def initialize super('Clipboard') vbox = Gtk::Box.new(:vertical) vbox.border_width = 8 add(vbox) label = Gtk::Label.new(%Q["Copy" will copy the text\nin the entry to the clipboard]) vbox.pack_start(label, :expand => false, :fill => false, :padding => 0) hbox = Gtk::Box.new(:horizontal, 0) hbox.border_width = 8 vbox.pack_start(hbox, :expand => false, :fill => false, :padding => 0) # Create the first entry entry = Gtk::Entry.new hbox.pack_start(entry, :expand => true, :fill => true, :padding => 0) # Create the button button = Gtk::Button.new(:stock_id => :copy) hbox.pack_start(button, :expand => false, :fill => false, :padding => 0) button.signal_connect('clicked', entry) do |w, e| clipboard = e.get_clipboard(Gdk::Selection::CLIPBOARD) clipboard.text = e.text end label = Gtk::Label.new(%Q["Paste" will paste the text from the clipboard to the entry]) vbox.pack_start(label, :expand => false, :fill => false, :padding => 0) hbox = Gtk::Box.new(:horizontal, 4) hbox.border_width = 8 vbox.pack_start(hbox, :expand => false, :fill => false, :padding => 0) # Create the second entry entry = Gtk::Entry.new hbox.pack_start(entry, :expand => true, :fill => true, :padding => 0) # Create the button button = Gtk::Button.new(:stock_id => :paste) hbox.pack_start(button, :expand => false, :fill => false, :padding => 0) button.signal_connect('clicked', entry) do |w, e| clipboard = e.get_clipboard(Gdk::Selection::CLIPBOARD) clipboard.request_text do |board, text, data| e.text = text end end end end end