require 'emojidex' require 'phantom_svg' require_relative 'preprocessor' # WARNING: The following code works, but it's basically just thrown together cowboy code. # This code may be cleaned in the future... maybe... module Emojidex # Converter utility for emojidex class Converter attr_accessor :sizes, :destination, :last_run_time def initialize(override = {}) @sizes = override[:sizes] || Emojidex::Defaults.sizes @destination = File.expand_path(override[:destination] || ENV['EMOJI_CACHE'] || './') @noisy = override[:noisy] || false @max_threads = override[:max_threads] || @sizes.length @skip_components = override[:skip_components] || false puts "Converting to #{@sizes.length} sizes with #{@max_threads}, outputting to #{@destination}." if @noisy end def rasterize(emoji, source_dir) _create_output_paths start_time = @queue = [] @processed_count = 0 @emoji_in_processing = [] @source_dir = source_dir info_print = do if @noisy puts "Processing..." full_total = emoji.length * @sizes.length while @processed_count < full_total print "\r[#{@processed_count} / #{full_total}](" + "#{((@processed_count.to_f / (full_total).to_f) * 100.0).to_i}%)" + " ⚙ \"#{@emoji_in_processing.first}\"... TC:{#{@emoji_in_processing.length}}" + "⌚ #{( - start_time).to_i}s\033[K" sleep 3 end end end emoji.each do |moji| @sizes.each do |key, val| @queue << {moji: moji, size_code: key, size: val} end end process_queue info_print.join run_time = - start_time puts "Total Converstion Time: #{run_time}" if @noisy @last_run_time = run_time end def process_queue processing_threads = [] queue_lock = @max_threads.times do processing_threads << do while (@queue.length > 0) item = nil queue_lock.synchronize do item = @queue.pop if @queue.length > 0 end process_item(item) if item != nil end end end processing_threads.each { |th| th.join } GC.start end def process_components(moji, size_code, size, out_dir) moji.customizations.each do |combo| for i in 0..(combo.components.length - 1) combo.components[i].each do |component| Dir.mkdir("#{out_dir}/#{combo.base}") unless Dir.exist? "#{out_dir}/#{combo.base}" Dir.mkdir("#{out_dir}/#{combo.base}/#{i}") unless Dir.exist? "#{out_dir}/#{combo.base}/#{i}" next if File.exist? "#{out_dir}/#{combo.base}/#{i}/#{component}.png" phantom_svg ="#{@source_dir}/#{combo.base}/#{i}/#{component}.svg") phantom_svg.width = phantom_svg.height = size.to_i phantom_svg.save_apng("#{out_dir}/#{combo.base}/#{i}/#{component}.png") phantom_svg.reset phantom_svg = nil end end end end def process_item(item) moji = item[:moji] size_code = item[:size_code] size = item[:size] processing_id = "#{moji.code}@#{size_code}" @emoji_in_processing << processing_id out_dir = "#{@destination}/#{size_code}" phantom_svg ="#{@source_dir}/#{moji.code}.svg") # Set size. phantom_svg.width = phantom_svg.height = size.to_i # Render PNGs #puts "Converting: #{out_dir}/#{moji.code}.png" if @noisy phantom_svg.save_apng("#{out_dir}/#{moji.code}.png") phantom_svg.reset phantom_svg = nil moji.paths[:png][size_code] = "#{out_dir}/#{moji.code}.png" process_components(moji, size_code, size, out_dir) @emoji_in_processing.delete(processing_id) @processed_count += 1 end def rasterize_collection(collection) rasterize(collection.emoji.values, collection.source_path) collection.generate_checksums puts "Rasterization completed. Writing index." if @noisy collection.write_index @destination puts "Re-opening collection at #{@destination} to generate meta data" if @noisy converted_collection = @destination) converted_collection.raster_source_path = @destination converted_collection.generate_paths puts "Generating checksums..." if @noisy converted_collection.generate_checksums puts "Checksums generated. Writing index to emoji.json..." if @noisy converted_collection.write_index @destination converted_collection end def preprocess(path) preprocessor = preprocessor.compile_svg_animations(path) end private def _create_output_paths print "⚙ Clearing output paths[" if @noisy @sizes.each do |key, _val| out_dir = "#{@destination}/#{key}" print "*" if @noisy FileUtils.rm_rf(out_dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(out_dir) end print "] Done.\n" if @noisy end end end