locales['foreman_openscap'] = locales['foreman_openscap'] || {}; locales['foreman_openscap']['zh_CN'] = { "domain": "foreman_openscap", "locale_data": { "foreman_openscap": { "": { "Project-Id-Version": "Foreman", "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": "", "PO-Revision-Date": "2016-04-14 07:48+0000", "Last-Translator": "FIRST AUTHOR , 2016", "Language-Team": "Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/foreman/foreman/language/zh_CN/)", "MIME-Version": "1.0", "Content-Type": "text/plain; charset=UTF-8", "Content-Transfer-Encoding": "8bit", "Language": "zh_CN", "Plural-Forms": "nplurals=1; plural=0;", "lang": "zh_CN", "domain": "foreman_openscap", "plural_forms": "nplurals=1; plural=0;" }, " for policy %s": [ " 对策略 %s" ], " through %s": [ " 通过 %s" ], "%s - The following compliance reports are about to be changed": [ "%s - 以下合规报告将被改变" ], "%s compliance report by policy": [ "根据策略的 %s 合规报告" ], "%s content": [ "" ], "%s does not exist, skipping.": [ "" ], "%s is a directory, expecting file.": [ "" ], "%s latest report": [ "%s 最新报告" ], "%s reports over time": [ "一直以來的 %s 报告" ], "%s spool errors detected, inspect the appropriate file directly on proxy": [ "发现了 %s 个 spool 错误,在代理上直接检查相关的文件" ], "%{type} was selected to deploy policy to clients, but %{type} is not available. Are you missing a plugin?": [ "已选择 %{type} 将策略部署到客户端,但是%{type} 不可用。您是否缺少插件?" ], "Foreman OpenSCAP summary": [ "Foreman OpenSCAP 摘要" ], "A reboot is required after applying remediation.": [ "" ], "A reboot might be required after applying remediation.": [ "" ], "A summary of reports for OpenSCAP policies": [ "OpenSCAP 策略报告摘要" ], "Actions": [ "操作" ], "All messages": [ "所有信息" ], "Ansible role": [ "Ansible 角色" ], "Ansible variables": [ "Ansible 变量" ], "Apply policy to host groups": [ "应用策略到主机组" ], "Apply policy to hosts": [ "对主机应用策略" ], "Are you sure you want to delete %s?": [ "" ], "Assign Compliance Policy": [ "分配合规政策" ], "Back": [ "返回" ], "By default, remediation is applied to the current host. Optionally, remediate any additional hosts that fail the rule.": [ "" ], "Can't find scap-security-guide RPM, are you sure it is installed on your server?": [ "" ], "Cancel": [ "取消" ], "Cannot generate HTML guide, no valid OpenSCAP proxy server found.": [ "无法生成 HTML 指南,找不到有效的 OpenSCAP 代理服务器。" ], "Cannot generate HTML guide, scap content is missing.": [ "无法生成 HTML 指南,scap 内容丢失。" ], "Change OpenSCAP Proxy": [ "改变 OpenSCAP 代理" ], "Changed": [ "已改变" ], "Changed file does not include existing SCAP content profiles": [ "更改的文件不含现有的 SCAP 内容配置文件" ], "Changed?": [ "已改变?" ], "Choose Tailoring File": [ "选择 Tailoring 文件" ], "Choose day in month": [ "选择月中的一天" ], "Choose existing SCAP Content": [ "选择现有的SCAP内容" ], "Choose period": [ "选择期间" ], "Choose weekday": [ "选择星期几" ], "Close": [ "" ], "Compliance": [ "合规" ], "Compliance Policies": [ "合规性策略" ], "Compliance Reports": [ "合规报告" ], "Compliance Reports Breakdown": [ "合规报告故障" ], "Compliance policy summary": [ "合规策略概述" ], "Compliance policy: %s": [ "合规策略:%s" ], "Compliant": [ "合规" ], "Compliant hosts": [ "合规主机" ], "Compliant with the policy": [ "与策略合规" ], "Confirm": [ "" ], "Content": [ "" ], "Copy to clipboard": [ "" ], "Could not find host identified by: %s": [ "无法找到由 %s 标识的主机" ], "Could not validate %s. Please make sure you have appropriate proxy version to use this functionality": [ "无法验证 %s。请确保您具备合适的代理服务器版本,以便使用此功能" ], "Could not validate %{file_type}. Error %{error}": [ "无法验证%{file_type} 。错误 %{error}" ], "Create SCAP content": [ "建立 SCAP 內容" ], "Create a Policy": [ "创建策略" ], "Create a Tailoring file": [ "创建定制文件" ], "Created at": [ "" ], "Dashboard": [ "仪表板" ], "DataStream Tailoring file": [ "数据流 Tailoring 文件" ], "Date": [ "日期" ], "Default XCCDF profile": [ "默认的 XCCDF 配置集" ], "Delete": [ "刪除" ], "Delete a Policy": [ "删除一个策略" ], "Delete an ARF Report": [ "删除 ARF 报告" ], "Delete compliance policy %s with all of its reports?": [ "是否删除所有报告中的合规策略 %s?" ], "Delete compliance report for %s?": [ "为 %s 刪除合规报告?" ], "Delete reports": [ "删除报告" ], "Delete scap content %s?": [ "删除 scap 内容 %s?" ], "Delete tailoring file %s?": [ "删除 tailoring 文件 %s?" ], "Deleted policy": [ "删除策略" ], "Deletes a Tailoring file": [ "删除定制文件" ], "Deletes an SCAP content": [ "刪除 SCAP 內容" ], "Deployment Options": [ "部署选项" ], "Description": [ "描述" ], "Details for Compliance Policy %s": [ "合规政策 %s 详情" ], "Directory to upload when using \\\"directory\\\" upload type": [ "当使用 “directory” 上载类型时要上传的目录" ], "Do not implement any of the recommended remedial actions or scripts without first testing them in a non-production environment.": [ "" ], "Documentation": [ "文档" ], "Done": [ "" ], "Download": [ "下載" ], "Download ARF report in HTML": [ "下载 HTML 格式的 ARF 报告" ], "Download HTML": [ "下载 HTML" ], "Download XML in bzip": [ "下载 XML,格式为 bzip" ], "Download a Tailoring file as XML": [ "将一个 Tailoring 文件下载为 XML" ], "Download an SCAP content as XML": [ "将 SCAP 内容下载为 XML" ], "Download bzipped ARF report": [ "下载压缩 ARF 报告" ], "Edit %s": [ "编辑 %s" ], "Effective Profile": [ "有效配置文件" ], "Error!": [ "错误!" ], "Every puppet run ensures the foreman_scap_client is configured according to the policy.": [ "" ], "Expected an array of files to upload, got: %s.": [ "" ], "Failed": [ "失败" ], "Failed and Othered": [ "失败和其他" ], "Failed only": [ "只有失敗" ], "Failed saving %s:": [ "" ], "Failed to delete %s compliance reports": [ "刪除 %s 合规报告失败" ], "Failed to delete ARF Report for host %{host_name} reported at %{reported_at}": [ "无法删除主机 %{host_name} 在 %{reported_at} 报告的 ARF 报告" ], "Failed to downloaded ARF report as bzip: %s": [ "无法将 ARF 报告下载为 bzip:%s" ], "Failed to downloaded ARF report in HTML: %s": [ "无法以 HTML 格式下载 ARF 报告:%s" ], "Failed to fetch spool status from proxy": [ "从代理获取 spool 状态失败" ], "Failed to save when overriding parameters for %{config_tool}, cause: %{errors}": [ "覆盖%{config_tool} 的参数时无法保存,原因是:%{errors}" ], "Failed to upload Arf Report, OpenSCAP proxy name or url not found in params when uploading for %s and host is missing openscap_proxy": [ "上传 Arf Report 失败,在为 %s 上传时没有在参数中找到 OpenSCAP 代理名或 url,主机缺少 openscap_proxy" ], "Failed|F": [ "Failed|F" ], "File Upload": [ "上传文件" ], "File name": [ "" ], "File paths to upload when using \\\"files\\\" upload type": [ "当使用 “files” 上传类型时要上传的文件路径" ], "Full Report": [ "完整报告" ], "General": [ "常规" ], "Host": [ "主机" ], "Host Breakdown Chart": [ "主机分解图" ], "Host Groups": [ "主机组" ], "Host compliance details": [ "主机合规性详细信息" ], "Host details": [ "主机详情" ], "Host does not exist anymore": [ "主机已不存在" ], "Host is assigned to policy": [ "主机已分配给策略" ], "Host is deleted": [ "主机被删除" ], "Host is not assigned to policy but reports were found. You may want to delete the reports or assign the policy again.": [ "主机未分配给策略,但是找到了报告。您可能要删除报告或再次分配策略。" ], "Hostgroups": [ "主机组" ], "Hostname": [ "主机名" ], "Hosts Breakdown": [ "主机分解" ], "Hosts failing this rule": [ "主机在这个规则上失败" ], "Hosts no longer assigned: %s": [ "不再分配的主机:%s" ], "Hosts othering this rule": [ "主机除了这个规则" ], "Hosts passing this rule": [ "主机通过了这个规则" ], "How the policy should be deployed": [ "应如何部署策略" ], "ID of OpenSCAP Proxy": [ "OpenSCAP 代理服务器的 ID" ], "In Foreman, a compliance policy checklist is defined via %s.": [ "在 Foreman 中,合规策略检查清单通过 %s 定义。" ], "In Foreman, scap_contents represent the SCAP security guides on your hosts, and create SCAP profiles for you to assign to hosts / host groups\\n via %s": [ "在 Foreman 中,scap_contents 代表主机上的 SCAP 安全指南,并创建 SCAP 配置文件,供您通过\\n %s 分配到主机/主机组" ], "In Foreman, tailoring_files represent the custom modifications to default XCCDF profiles and they can be applied to hosts\\n via %s": [ "在 Foreman 中,tailoring_files 代表对默认 XCCDF 配置文件的自定义更改,它们可通过\\n %s 应用于主机" ], "Incompliant": [ "不合规" ], "Incompliant hosts": [ "不合规主机" ], "Inconclusive": [ "非決定性" ], "Inconclusive results": [ "非決定性的结果" ], "It may sometimes be required to adjust the security policy to your specific needs. ": [ "有些可能需要根据您的具体需求调整安全策略。" ], "Job details": [ "" ], "Latest Compliance Reports": [ "最新合规报告" ], "Latest reports for policy: %s": [ "最新的政策报告:%s" ], "List ARF reports": [ "列出 ARF 报告" ], "List Policies": [ "列出策略" ], "List SCAP content profiles": [ "列出 SCAP 内容配置集" ], "List SCAP contents": [ "列出 SCAP 內容" ], "List Tailoring files": [ "列出 Tailoring 文件" ], "Loading...": [ "载入中..." ], "Locations": [ "位置" ], "Manual": [ "" ], "Message": [ "信息" ], "Method": [ "" ], "More details": [ "更多细节" ], "Name": [ "名称" ], "Never audited": [ "从未审核" ], "New Compliance Policy": [ "新的合规政策" ], "New Policy": [ "新建策略" ], "New SCAP Content": [ "新建 SCAP 内容" ], "New Tailoring File": [ "新建定制文件" ], "Next": [ "下一个" ], "No": [ "否" ], "No ARF reports for this policy": [ "此政策沒有 ARF 報告" ], "No OpenSCAP Proxy selected.": [ "没有选择 OpenSCAP 代理。" ], "No OpenSCAP proxy found for %{class} with id %{id}": [ "没有找到 id 为 %%{id} 的 %%{class} 的 OpenSCAP 代理服务器" ], "No Tailoring file assigned for policy with id %s": [ "没有为 id %s 的策略分配定制文件" ], "No available proxy to validate. Returned with error: %s": [ "没有可用的代理进行验证。返回错误: %s" ], "No compliance policy selected.": [ "未选择合规政策。" ], "No compliance reports selected": [ "未选择合规报告" ], "No compliance reports were found.": [ "没有找到合规报告。" ], "No hosts selected": [ "未选择主机" ], "No hosts were found with that id, name or query filter": [ "" ], "No proxy found for %{name} or %{url}": [ "找不到 %{name} 或 %{url} 的代理服务器" ], "No proxy found!": [ "找不到代理服务器!" ], "No proxy with OpenSCAP feature is running.": [ "目前没有具备 OpenSCAP 功能的代理服务器在运行。" ], "No proxy with OpenSCAP feature was found.": [ "未找到具备 OpenSCAP 功能的代理服务器。" ], "No report for this policy": [ "没有此策略的报告" ], "No reports available": [ "无可用报告" ], "No such directory: %s. Please check the path you have provided.": [ "" ], "No valid policy ID provided": [ "未提供有效的策略 ID" ], "None": [ "没有" ], "None found": [ "未找到" ], "None provided": [ "" ], "None!": [ "无!" ], "Not audited": [ "未审计" ], "Not compliant with the policy": [ "与策略不合规" ], "Nothing to show": [ "没有可显示的信息" ], "Number of Events": [ "事件数量" ], "Number of a day in month, note that not all months have same count of days": [ "月份中的日子,請注意並不是所有月份都有同樣的天數" ], "OS": [ "" ], "Once SCAP content is present, you can create a policy, assign select host groups and schedule to run.": [ "存在 SCAP 内容时,您可以创建策略、分配选定主机组,并调度运行时间。" ], "OpenSCAP Proxy": [ "OpenSCAP 代理" ], "OpenSCAP Proxy to use for fetching SCAP content and uploading ARF reports. Leave blank and override appropriate parameters when using proxy load balancer.": [ "用来获取 SCAP 内容以及上传 ARF 报告的 OpenSCAP 代理。如果为空,则在使用代理负责均衡器时覆盖相应的参数。" ], "Openscap Proxy": [ "Openscap 代理" ], "Organizations": [ "机构" ], "Original file name of the XML file": [ "XML 文件的原文件名称" ], "Other": [ "其他" ], "Other hosts failing this rule": [ "" ], "Othered": [ "其它" ], "Othered|O": [ "Othered|O" ], "Passed": [ "通过" ], "Passed|P": [ "Passed|P" ], "Permission denied": [ "" ], "Please Confirm": [ "请确认" ], "Please make sure you understand them by reading our": [ "请通过阅读我们的手册确保您了解它们" ], "Please specify import type, received: %{received}, expected one of: %{expected}": [ "请指定导入类型,已收到:%%{received},预期为%%{expected} 中的一个" ], "Policies": [ "策略" ], "Policies with hosts:": [ "策略带有主机:" ], "Policy": [ "策略" ], "Policy %s": [ "策略 %s" ], "Policy Attributes": [ "策略属性" ], "Policy SCAP content ID": [ "策略 SCAP 内容 ID" ], "Policy SCAP content profile ID": [ "策略 SCAP 内容配置文件 ID" ], "Policy assigned": [ "分配的策略" ], "Policy description": [ "政策描述" ], "Policy is missing": [ "策略缺失" ], "Policy name": [ "政策名称" ], "Policy schedule cron line (only if period == \\\"custom\\\")": [ "策略调度 cron 行(只在时段为 \\\"custom\\\" 时适用)" ], "Policy schedule day of month (only if period == \\\"monthly\\\")": [ "每月的策略调度日(只在时段为 \\\"monthly\\\" 时适用)" ], "Policy schedule period (weekly, monthly, custom)": [ "策略调度时段(周、月、自定义)" ], "Policy schedule weekday (only if period == \\\"weekly\\\")": [ "策略调度工作日(只在时段为 \\\"weekly\\\" 时适用)" ], "Policy with id %s not found.": [ "没有找到带有 id %s 的策略。" ], "Profile": [ "" ], "Proxy failed to send a report from spool to Foreman. This indicates a corrupted report format. Report has been moved to directory for storing corrupted files on proxy for later inspection.": [ "代理服务器未能从 spool 发送报告至 Foreman。这表示报告格式损坏。报告已被移动至目录,以便将破坏文件存储到代理服务器上供以后检查。" ], "Puppet class": [ "Puppet 类别" ], "Rationale": [ "理由" ], "Reboot the system(s)": [ "" ], "Red Hat %s default content": [ "" ], "References": [ "参考" ], "Remediate %s rule": [ "" ], "Remediation": [ "" ], "Remediation might render the system non-functional.": [ "" ], "Remote job": [ "" ], "Report Metrics": [ "报告指标" ], "Report Status": [ "报告状态" ], "Reported At": [ "报告于" ], "Reported at %s": [ "报告于 %s" ], "Reports": [ "报表" ], "Request the following permissions from administrator: %s.": [ "" ], "Request timed out. Please try increasing Settings -> proxy_request_timeout": [ "请求超时。请尝试增加 Settings -> proxy_request_timeout" ], "Required %{msg_name} %{class} was not found, please ensure it is imported first.": [ "没有找到所需的%{msg_name}%{class},请确认它已被导入。" ], "Requires %s Puppet class. This will assign the class to the hosts or selected hostgroups.": [ "" ], "Requires Ansible plugin, %s Ansible role and variables. This will assign the role to the hosts or selected hostgroups.": [ "" ], "Resource": [ "资源" ], "Result": [ "结果" ], "Review hosts": [ "" ], "Review remediation": [ "" ], "Review the remediation snippet and apply it to the host manually.": [ "" ], "Review the remediation snippet that will be applied to selected host(s).": [ "" ], "Rule Results": [ "规则结果" ], "Run": [ "" ], "Run OpenSCAP remediation with Ansible": [ "" ], "Run OpenSCAP remediation with Shell": [ "" ], "Run OpenSCAP scan": [ "运行 OpenSCAP 扫描" ], "SCAP Content": [ "SCAP 內容" ], "SCAP Contents": [ "SCAP 內容" ], "SCAP DataStream file": [ "SCAP 数据流文件" ], "SCAP content": [ "SCAP 內容" ], "SCAP content name": [ "SCAP 内容名称" ], "SCAP contents": [ "SCAP 內容" ], "SCAP policies summary": [ "SCAP 策略摘要" ], "Schedule": [ "调度" ], "Select Action": [ "选择操作" ], "Select Compliance Policy": [ "选择合规政策" ], "Select OpenSCAP Proxy": [ "选择 OpenSCAP 代理" ], "Select all items in this page": [ "选择这个页中的所有项" ], "Select remediation method": [ "" ], "Select snippet": [ "" ], "Severity": [ "严重性" ], "Show Guide": [ "显示指南" ], "Show a Policy": [ "显示策略" ], "Show a Tailoring file": [ "显示定制文件" ], "Show a policy's SCAP content": [ "显示政策的 SCAP 內容" ], "Show a policy's Tailoring file": [ "显示策略的 Tailoring 文件" ], "Show an ARF report": [ "显示 ARF 报告" ], "Show an SCAP content": [ "显示 SCAP 內容" ], "Show config information for foreman_scap_client": [ "显示 foreman_scap_client 的配置信息" ], "Show log messages:": [ "显示日志信息:" ], "Smart Class Parameters": [ "智能类参数" ], "Snippet": [ "" ], "Something went wrong while selecting compliance reports - %s": [ "在选择合规报告时出错 - %s" ], "Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s": [ "选择主机时出错 - %s" ], "Spool errors": [ "Spool 错误" ], "Status chart": [ "状态图" ], "Status table": [ "状态表" ], "Submit": [ "提交" ], "Successfully copied to clipboard!": [ "" ], "Successfully deleted %s compliance reports": [ "刪除 %s 合规报告成功" ], "Successfully deleted ARF report.": [ "成功删除了 ARF 报告。" ], "Summary from %{time} ago to now": [ "从 %{time} 到现在的摘要" ], "Summary report for OpenScap from Foreman": [ "来自于 Foreman 的 OpenScap 概述报告" ], "Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}": [ "來自 Foreman 服务器的摘要报告,于 %{foreman_url}" ], "Tailoring File": [ "定制文件" ], "Tailoring Files": [ "Tailoring 文件" ], "Tailoring file ID": [ "定制文件 ID" ], "Tailoring file name": [ "定制文件名称" ], "Tailoring file profile ID": [ "定制文件配置文件 ID" ], "The %s proxy does not have Openscap feature enabled. Either set correct OpenSCAP Proxy or unset it.": [ "" ], "The Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP), combines a number of open standards that are used to enumerate software flaws and\\n configuration issues related to security. ": [ "安全内容自动化协议(SCAP)是由一系列用来枚举与安全性有关的软件漏洞和\\n 配置问题的开源标准。" ], "The following %{key_name} were missing for %{item_name}: %{key_names}. Make sure they are imported before proceeding.": [ "%{item_name} 缺少以下 %{key_name}:%{key_names}。在继续操作之前,请确保已将其导入。" ], "The identifier of the host": [ "主机 ID" ], "The job has started on selected host(s), you can check the status on the job details page.": [ "" ], "There are significant differences in deployment options.": [ "部署选项之间存在重大差异。" ], "There is no job to remediate with. Please remediate manually.": [ "" ], "There was a following error when deleting %(name)s: %(error)s": [ "" ], "There's no available report for this host": [ "" ], "This leaves the setup of the foreman_scap_client solely on the user. The policy still needs to be defined in order to link incoming ARF reports.": [ "" ], "This profile will be used to override the one from scap content": [ "这个配置文件将用于覆盖 scap 内容中的配置文件" ], "Title": [ "" ], "To deploy foreman_scap_client, ansible roles run needs to be triggered manually. Manual run is also required after any change to this policy.": [ "" ], "Total": [ "总计" ], "Total hosts with policy: %s": [ "带有策略的主机总数:%s" ], "Total hosts with reports where policy is no longer assigned.": [ "具有不再分配策略的报告的主机总数。" ], "Total of one host": [ "总共一个主机" ], "Type of the upload": [ "上传类型" ], "Unable to get HTML version of requested report from Smart Proxy": [ "无法从智能代理获取所请求报告的 HTML 版本" ], "Unable to get XML version of requested report from Smart Proxy": [ "无法从智能代理获取所请求报告的 XML 版本" ], "Unassign Compliance Policy": [ "取消分配合规政策" ], "Unknown Compliance status": [ "未知的合规状态" ], "Update a Policy": [ "更新策略" ], "Update a Tailoring file": [ "更新定制文件" ], "Update an SCAP content": [ "更新 SCAP 內容" ], "Updated hosts: Assigned with OpenSCAP Proxy: %s": [ "更新的主机:分配了 OpenSCAP 代理:%s" ], "Updated hosts: Assigned with compliance policy: %s": [ "更新的主机:分配了合规策略:%s" ], "Updated hosts: Unassigned from compliance policy '%s'": [ "更新的主机:从合规策略 '%s' 中取消分配" ], "Upload New SCAP Content": [ "上载新的 SCAP 内容" ], "Upload New Tailoring file": [ "上传新定制文件" ], "Upload an ARF report": [ "上传 ARF 報告" ], "Upload new SCAP content file": [ "上载新的 SCAP 内容文件" ], "Upload new Tailoring File": [ "上传新定制文件" ], "Upload scap contents in bulk": [ "批量上传 SCAP 内容" ], "View Report": [ "查看报表" ], "View full report": [ "查看完整报告" ], "View selected hosts": [ "" ], "XCCDF Profile": [ "XCCDF 配置集" ], "XCCDF Profile in Tailoring File": [ "定制文件中的 XCCDF 配置文件" ], "XML containing SCAP content": [ "包含 SCAP 内容的 XML" ], "XML containing tailoring file": [ "包含定制文件的 XML" ], "Yes": [ "是" ], "You are not authorized to view the page. ": [ "" ], "You can remediate by running a remote job or you can display a snippet for manual remediation.": [ "" ], "You can specify custom cron line, e.g. \\\"0 3 * * *\\\", separate each of 5 values by space": [ "您可以设置定制的 cron 行,如 \\\"0 3 * * *\\\",其中的 5 个值由空格分隔" ], "You don't seem to have any ARF report. ARF report is a summary of a single scan occurrence on a particular host for a given Compliance Policy.": [ "您似乎没有 ARF 报告。ARF 报告是针对给定的合规策略对特定主机执行单次扫描的摘要。" ], "cannot assign to %s, all assigned policies must be deployed in the same way, check 'deploy by' for each assigned policy": [ "无法分配给 %s,必须以相同的方式部署所有分配的策略,请为每个分配的策略选择 'deploy by'。" ], "documentation": [ "文档" ], "does not come from selected tailoring file": [ "不是来自所选的定制文件" ], "does not consist of 5 parts separated by space": [ "不是由使用空格分开的 5 个部分组成" ], "does not have the selected SCAP content profile": [ "不具备所选的 SCAP 内容配置文件" ], "invalid type %s": [ "无效类型 %s" ], "is not a valid value": [ "不是有效值" ], "is not included in SCAP_RESULT": [ "未包含在 SCAP_RESULT 中" ], "items selected. Uncheck to Clear": [ "选择的项。取消选中以清除" ], "must be between 1 and 31": [ "数字必须在 1 到 31 之间" ], "must be present when tailoring file present": [ "定制当前的文件时必须存在" ], "must be present when tailoring file profile present": [ "定制当前的文件配置文件时必须存在" ], "must have Openscap feature": [ "必须具备 Openscap 功能" ], "theforeman.foreman_scap_client Ansible Role not found, please import it before running this action again.": [ "没有找到 theforeman.foreman_scap_client Ansible 角色,请先将其导入,然后再运行此操作。" ], "these Compliance reports": [ "这些合规报告" ] } } };