package j2me.lang; import j2me.math.HugeInt; import j2me.lang.ArrayMe; public class Convert { public static final byte[] intToByteArray(int i) { if (i == Integer.MIN_VALUE) //return (byte[])MIN_INT_BYTE_ARRAY.clone(); return ArrayMe.clone(MIN_INT_BYTE_ARRAY); int size = (i < 0) ? arraySize(-i) + 1 : arraySize(i); byte[] buf = new byte[size]; getCharBytes(i, size, buf); return buf; } public static final byte[] intToByteArray(int i, int radix, boolean upper) { if (radix < Character.MIN_RADIX || radix > Character.MAX_RADIX) radix = 10; if (radix == 10) return intToByteArray(i); // much faster for base 10 byte buf[] = new byte[33]; byte[] digits = upper ? UCDIGITS : DIGITS; boolean negative = (i < 0); int charPos = 32; if (!negative) { i = -i; } while (i <= -radix) { buf[charPos--] = digits[-(i % radix)]; i = i / radix; } buf[charPos] = digits[-i]; if (negative) { buf[--charPos] = '-'; } int len = 33 - charPos; byte[] out = new byte[len]; System.arraycopy(buf,charPos,out,0,len); return out; } public static final byte[] longToByteArray(long i) { if (i == Long.MIN_VALUE) //return (byte[])MIN_LONG_BYTE_ARRAY.clone(); return ArrayMe.clone(MIN_LONG_BYTE_ARRAY); // int version is slightly faster, use if possible if (i <= Integer.MAX_VALUE && i >= Integer.MIN_VALUE) return intToByteArray((int)i); int size = (i < 0) ? arraySize(-i) + 1 : arraySize(i); byte[] buf = new byte[size]; getCharBytes(i, size, buf); return buf; } public static final byte[] longToByteArray(long i, int radix, boolean upper) { if (radix < Character.MIN_RADIX || radix > Character.MAX_RADIX) radix = 10; if (radix == 10) return longToByteArray(i); // much faster for base 10 byte[] buf = new byte[65]; byte[] digits = upper ? UCDIGITS : DIGITS; int charPos = 64; boolean negative = (i < 0); if (!negative) { i = -i; } while (i <= -radix) { buf[charPos--] = digits[(int)(-(i % radix))]; i = i / radix; } buf[charPos] = digits[(int)(-i)]; if (negative) { buf[--charPos] = '-'; } int len = 65 - charPos; byte[] out = new byte[len]; System.arraycopy(buf,charPos,out,0,len); return out; } public static final byte[] intToCharBytes(int i) { if (i == Integer.MIN_VALUE) //return (byte[])MIN_INT_BYTE_ARRAY.clone(); return ArrayMe.clone(MIN_INT_BYTE_ARRAY); int size = (i < 0) ? arraySize(-i) + 1 : arraySize(i); byte[] buf = new byte[size]; getCharBytes(i, size, buf); return buf; } public static final byte[] longToCharBytes(long i) { if (i == Long.MIN_VALUE) //return (byte[])MIN_LONG_BYTE_ARRAY.clone(); return ArrayMe.clone(MIN_LONG_BYTE_ARRAY); int size = (i < 0) ? arraySize(-i) + 1 : arraySize(i); byte[] buf = new byte[size]; getCharBytes(i, size, buf); return buf; } public static final char[] longToChars(long i) { if (i == Long.MIN_VALUE) //return (char[])MIN_LONG_CHAR_ARRAY.clone(); return ArrayMe.clone(MIN_LONG_CHAR_ARRAY); int size = (i < 0) ? arraySize(-i) + 1 : arraySize(i); char[] buf = new char[size]; getChars(i, size, buf); return buf; } public static final void getCharBytes(int i, int index, byte[] buf) { int q, r; int charPos = index; byte sign = 0; if (i < 0) { sign = '-'; i = -i; } // Generate two digits per iteration while (i >= 65536) { q = i / 100; // really: r = i - (q * 100); r = i - ((q << 6) + (q << 5) + (q << 2)); i = q; buf [--charPos] = DIGIT_ONES[r]; buf [--charPos] =DIGIT_TENS[r]; } // Fall thru to fast mode for smaller numbers // assert(i <= 65536, i); for (;;) { q = (i * 52429) >>> (16+3); r = i - ((q << 3) + (q << 1)); // r = i-(q*10) ... buf [--charPos] = DIGITS[r]; i = q; if (i == 0) break; } if (sign != 0) { buf [--charPos] = sign; } } public static final void getCharBytes(long i, int index, byte[] buf) { long q; int r; int charPos = index; byte sign = 0; if (i < 0) { sign = '-'; i = -i; } // Get 2 digits/iteration using longs until quotient fits into an int while (i > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { q = i / 100; // really: r = i - (q * 100); r = (int)(i - ((q << 6) + (q << 5) + (q << 2))); i = q; buf[--charPos] = DIGIT_ONES[r]; buf[--charPos] =DIGIT_TENS[r]; } // Get 2 digits/iteration using ints int q2; int i2 = (int)i; while (i2 >= 65536) { q2 = i2 / 100; // really: r = i2 - (q * 100); r = i2 - ((q2 << 6) + (q2 << 5) + (q2 << 2)); i2 = q2; buf[--charPos] = DIGIT_ONES[r]; buf[--charPos] =DIGIT_TENS[r]; } // Fall thru to fast mode for smaller numbers // assert(i2 <= 65536, i2); for (;;) { q2 = (i2 * 52429) >>> (16+3); r = i2 - ((q2 << 3) + (q2 << 1)); // r = i2-(q2*10) ... buf[--charPos] = DIGITS[r]; i2 = q2; if (i2 == 0) break; } if (sign != 0) { buf[--charPos] = sign; } } public static final void getChars(long i, int index, char[] buf) { long q; int r; int charPos = index; char sign = 0; if (i < 0) { sign = '-'; i = -i; } // Get 2 digits/iteration using longs until quotient fits into an int while (i > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { q = i / 100; // really: r = i - (q * 100); r = (int)(i - ((q << 6) + (q << 5) + (q << 2))); i = q; buf[--charPos] = CDIGIT_ONES[r]; buf[--charPos] = CDIGIT_TENS[r]; } // Get 2 digits/iteration using ints int q2; int i2 = (int)i; while (i2 >= 65536) { q2 = i2 / 100; // really: r = i2 - (q * 100); r = i2 - ((q2 << 6) + (q2 << 5) + (q2 << 2)); i2 = q2; buf[--charPos] = CDIGIT_ONES[r]; buf[--charPos] = CDIGIT_TENS[r]; } // Fall thru to fast mode for smaller numbers // assert(i2 <= 65536, i2); for (;;) { q2 = (i2 * 52429) >>> (16+3); r = i2 - ((q2 << 3) + (q2 << 1)); // r = i2-(q2*10) ... buf[--charPos] = CDIGITS[r]; i2 = q2; if (i2 == 0) break; } if (sign != 0) { buf[--charPos] = sign; } } public static final int arraySize(long x) { long p = 10; for (int i=1; i<19; i++) { if (x < p) return i; p = 10*p; } return 19; } public static final int arraySize(int x) { for (int i=0; ; i++) if (x <= SIZE_TABLE[i]) return i+1; } // the following group of conversions to binary/octal/hex // is mostly for use by the new sprintf code public static final byte[] intToBinaryBytes(int i) { return intToUnsignedBytes(i, 1, false); } public static final byte[] intToOctalBytes(int i) { return intToUnsignedBytes(i, 3, false); } public static final byte[] intToHexBytes(int i) { return intToUnsignedBytes(i, 4, false); } public static final byte[] intToHexBytes(int i, boolean upper) { return intToUnsignedBytes(i, 4, upper); } public static final byte[] longToBinaryBytes(long i) { return longToUnsignedBytes(i, 1, false); } public static final byte[] longToOctalBytes(long i) { return longToUnsignedBytes(i, 3, false); } public static final byte[] longToHexBytes(long i) { return longToUnsignedBytes(i, 4, false); } public static final byte[] longToHexBytes(long i, boolean upper) { return longToUnsignedBytes(i, 4, upper); } public static final byte[] intToRawUnsignedBytes(int i, int shift) { byte[] buf = new byte[32]; int charPos = 32; int radix = 1 << shift; int mask = radix - 1; do { buf[--charPos] = DIGITS[i & mask]; i >>>= shift; } while (i != 0); return buf; } public static final byte[] intToUnsignedBytes(int i, int shift, boolean upper) { byte[] buf = new byte[32]; int charPos = 32; int radix = 1 << shift; int mask = radix - 1; byte[] digits = upper ? UCDIGITS : DIGITS; do { buf[--charPos] = digits[i & mask]; i >>>= shift; } while (i != 0); int length = 32 - charPos; byte[] result = new byte[length]; System.arraycopy(buf,charPos,result,0,length); return result; } public static final byte[] longToRawUnsignedBytes(long i, int shift) { byte[] buf = new byte[64]; int charPos = 64; int radix = 1 << shift; long mask = radix - 1; do { buf[--charPos] = DIGITS[(int)(i & mask)]; i >>>= shift; } while (i != 0); return buf; } public static final byte[] longToUnsignedBytes(long i, int shift, boolean upper) { byte[] buf = new byte[64]; int charPos = 64; int radix = 1 << shift; long mask = radix - 1; byte[] digits = upper ? UCDIGITS : DIGITS; do { buf[--charPos] = digits[(int)(i & mask)]; i >>>= shift; } while (i != 0); int length = 64 - charPos; byte[] result = new byte[length]; System.arraycopy(buf,charPos,result,0,length); return result; } public static final long byteArrayToLong(byte[] bytes, int begin, int buflen, int base, boolean strict) { final int SCOMPLETE = 0; final int SBEGIN = 1; final int SSIGN = 2; final int SZERO = 3; final int SPOST_SIGN = 4; final int SDIGITS = 5; final int SDIGIT = 6; final int SDIGIT_STRICT = 7; final int SDIGIT_USC = 8; final int SEOD_STRICT = 13; final int SEOF = 14; final int SERR_NOT_STRICT = 17; final int SERR_TOO_BIG = 18; final int FLAG_NEGATIVE = 1 << 0; final int FLAG_DIGIT = 1 << 1; final int FLAG_UNDERSCORE = 1 << 2; final int FLAG_WHITESPACE = 1 << 3; if (bytes == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("null bytes"); } if (buflen < 0 || buflen > bytes.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid buflen specified"); } int radix = base == 0 ? 10 : base; if (radix < Character.MIN_RADIX || radix > Character.MAX_RADIX) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal radix " + radix); } if (buflen == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("InvalidInteger");//InvalidIntegerException(); } int i = begin; buflen += begin; byte ival; int flags = 0; long limit = -Long.MAX_VALUE; long result = 0; long multmin = 0; int digit; int state = SBEGIN; while (state != SCOMPLETE) { states: switch(state) { case SBEGIN: if (strict) { for (; i < buflen && isWhitespace(bytes[i]); i++) ; } else { for (; i < buflen && (isWhitespace(ival = bytes[i]) || ival == '_'); i++) ; } state = i < buflen ? SSIGN : SEOF; break; case SSIGN: switch(bytes[i]) { case '-': flags |= FLAG_NEGATIVE; limit = Long.MIN_VALUE; case '+': if (++i >= buflen) { state = SEOF; } else if (bytes[i] == '0') { state = SZERO; } else { state = SPOST_SIGN; } break states; case '0': state = SZERO; break states; default: state = SDIGITS; break states; } case SZERO: if (++i >= buflen) { state = SCOMPLETE; break; } switch (bytes[i]) { case 'x': case 'X': if (base == 0 || base == 16) { radix = 16; state = ++i >= buflen ? SEOF : SPOST_SIGN; } else { state = SDIGITS; } break states; case 'b': case 'B': if (base == 0 || base == 2) { radix = 2; state = ++i >= buflen ? SEOF : SPOST_SIGN; } else { state = SDIGITS; } break states; case 'd': case 'D': if (base == 0 || base == 10) { radix = 10; state = ++i >= buflen ? SEOF : SPOST_SIGN; } else { state = SDIGITS; } break states; case 'o': case 'O': case '_': if (base == 0 || base == 8) { radix = 8; state = ++i >= buflen ? SEOF : SPOST_SIGN; } else { state = SDIGITS; } break states; default: if (base == 0 || base == 8) { radix = 8; } flags |= FLAG_DIGIT; state = SDIGITS; break states; } case SPOST_SIGN: if (strict) { int ibefore = i; for (; i < buflen && isWhitespace(bytes[i]); i++) ; if (ibefore != i) { // set this to enforce no-underscore rule (though I think // it's an MRI bug) flags |= FLAG_WHITESPACE; } } else { for ( ; i < buflen && (isWhitespace(ival = bytes[i]) || ival == '_'); i++) { if (ival == '_') { if ((flags & FLAG_WHITESPACE) != 0) { throw new RuntimeException("InvalidInteger");//InvalidIntegerException(); } flags |= FLAG_UNDERSCORE; } else { if ((flags & FLAG_UNDERSCORE) != 0) { throw new RuntimeException("InvalidInteger");//InvalidIntegerException(); } flags |= FLAG_WHITESPACE; } } } state = i < buflen ? SDIGITS : SEOF; break; case SDIGITS: digit = Character.digit((char) bytes[i],radix); if (digit < 0) { state = strict ? SEOD_STRICT : SEOF; break; } result = -digit; if (++i >= buflen) { state = SCOMPLETE; break; } multmin = limit / radix; flags = (flags | FLAG_DIGIT) & ~FLAG_UNDERSCORE; state = strict ? SDIGIT_STRICT : SDIGIT; break; case SDIGIT: while ((digit = Character.digit((char) bytes[i],radix)) >= 0) { if (result < multmin || ((result *= radix) < limit + digit)) { state = SERR_TOO_BIG; break states; } result -= digit; if (++i >= buflen) { state = SCOMPLETE; break states; } } state = bytes[i++] == '_' ? SDIGIT_USC : SEOF; break; case SDIGIT_USC: for ( ; i < buflen && bytes[i] == '_'; i++) ; state = i < buflen ? SDIGIT : SEOF; break; case SDIGIT_STRICT: while ((digit = Character.digit((char) bytes[i],radix)) >= 0) { if (result < multmin || ((result *= radix) < limit + digit)) { state = SERR_TOO_BIG; break states; } result -= digit; if (++i >= buflen) { state = SCOMPLETE; break states; } flags &= ~FLAG_UNDERSCORE; } if (bytes[i] == '_') { if ((flags & (FLAG_UNDERSCORE | FLAG_WHITESPACE)) != 0) { state = SERR_NOT_STRICT; break; } flags |= FLAG_UNDERSCORE; state = ++i >= buflen ? SEOD_STRICT : SDIGIT_STRICT; } else { state = SEOD_STRICT; } break; case SEOD_STRICT: if ((flags & FLAG_UNDERSCORE)!= 0) { state = SERR_NOT_STRICT; break; } for ( ; i < buflen && isWhitespace(bytes[i]); i++ ); state = i < buflen ? SERR_NOT_STRICT : SCOMPLETE; break; case SEOF: if ((flags & FLAG_DIGIT) == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("no digits supplied"); } state = SCOMPLETE; break; case SERR_TOO_BIG: throw new RuntimeException("can't convert to long"); case SERR_NOT_STRICT: throw new RuntimeException("does not meet strict criteria"); } // switch } //while if ((flags & FLAG_NEGATIVE) == 0) { return -result; } else { return result; } } public static final HugeInt byteArrayToBigInteger(byte[] bytes, int begin, int buflen, int base, boolean strict) { final int SCOMPLETE = 0; final int SBEGIN = 1; final int SSIGN = 2; final int SZERO = 3; final int SPOST_SIGN = 4; final int SDIGITS = 5; final int SDIGIT = 6; final int SDIGIT_STRICT = 7; final int SDIGIT_USC = 8; final int SEOD_STRICT = 13; final int SEOF = 14; final int SERR_NOT_STRICT = 17; final int FLAG_NEGATIVE = 1 << 0; final int FLAG_DIGIT = 1 << 1; final int FLAG_UNDERSCORE = 1 << 2; final int FLAG_WHITESPACE = 1 << 3; if (bytes == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("null bytes"); } if (buflen < 0 || buflen > bytes.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid buflen specified"); } int radix = base == 0 ? 10 : base; if (radix < Character.MIN_RADIX || radix > Character.MAX_RADIX) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal radix " + radix); } if (buflen == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("InvalidInteger");//InvalidIntegerException(); } int i = begin; buflen += begin; byte ival; int flags = 0; int digit; int offset = 0; char[] chars = null; int state = SBEGIN; while (state != SCOMPLETE) { states: switch(state) { case SBEGIN: if (strict) { for (; i < buflen && isWhitespace(bytes[i]); i++) ; } else { for (; i < buflen && (isWhitespace(ival = bytes[i]) || ival == '_'); i++) ; } state = i < buflen ? SSIGN : SEOF; break; case SSIGN: switch(bytes[i]) { case '-': flags |= FLAG_NEGATIVE; case '+': if (++i >= buflen) { state = SEOF; } else if (bytes[i] == '0') { state = SZERO; } else { state = SPOST_SIGN; } break states; case '0': state = SZERO; break states; default: state = SDIGITS; break states; } case SZERO: if (++i >= buflen) { state = SCOMPLETE; break; } switch (bytes[i]) { case 'x': case 'X': if (base == 0 || base == 16) { radix = 16; state = ++i >= buflen ? SEOF : SPOST_SIGN; } else { state = SDIGITS; } break states; case 'b': case 'B': if (base == 0 || base == 2) { radix = 2; state = ++i >= buflen ? SEOF : SPOST_SIGN; } else { state = SDIGITS; } break states; default: if (base == 0 || base == 8) { radix = 8; } flags |= FLAG_DIGIT; state = SDIGITS; break states; } case SPOST_SIGN: if (strict) { int ibefore = i; for (; i < buflen && isWhitespace(bytes[i]); i++) ; if (ibefore != i) { // set this to enforce no-underscore rule (though I think // it's an MRI bug) flags |= FLAG_WHITESPACE; } } else { for ( ; i < buflen && (isWhitespace(ival = bytes[i]) || ival == '_'); i++) { if (ival == '_') { if ((flags & FLAG_WHITESPACE) != 0) { throw new RuntimeException("InvalidInteger");//InvalidIntegerException(); } flags |= FLAG_UNDERSCORE; } else { if ((flags & FLAG_UNDERSCORE) != 0) { throw new RuntimeException("InvalidInteger");//InvalidIntegerException(); } flags |= FLAG_WHITESPACE; } } } state = i < buflen ? SDIGITS : SEOF; break; case SDIGITS: digit = Character.digit((char) bytes[i],radix); if (digit < 0) { state = strict ? SEOD_STRICT : SEOF; break; } if ((flags & FLAG_NEGATIVE) == 0) { chars = new char[buflen - i]; chars[0] = (char)bytes[i]; offset = 1; } else { chars = new char[buflen - i + 1]; chars[0] = '-'; chars[1] = (char)bytes[i]; offset = 2; } if (++i >= buflen) { state = SCOMPLETE; break; } flags = (flags | FLAG_DIGIT) & ~FLAG_UNDERSCORE; state = strict ? SDIGIT_STRICT : SDIGIT; break; case SDIGIT: while ((digit = Character.digit((char) bytes[i],radix)) >= 0) { chars[offset++] = (char)bytes[i]; if (++i >= buflen) { state = SCOMPLETE; break states; } } state = bytes[i++] == '_' ? SDIGIT_USC : SEOF; break; case SDIGIT_USC: for ( ; i < buflen && bytes[i] == '_'; i++) ; state = i < buflen ? SDIGIT : SEOF; break; case SDIGIT_STRICT: while ((digit = Character.digit((char)bytes[i],radix)) >= 0) { chars[offset++] = (char)bytes[i]; if (++i >= buflen) { state = SCOMPLETE; break states; } flags &= ~FLAG_UNDERSCORE; } if (bytes[i] == '_') { if ((flags & (FLAG_UNDERSCORE | FLAG_WHITESPACE)) != 0) { state = SERR_NOT_STRICT; break; } flags |= FLAG_UNDERSCORE; state = ++i >= buflen ? SEOD_STRICT : SDIGIT_STRICT; } else { state = SEOD_STRICT; } break; case SEOD_STRICT: if ((flags & FLAG_UNDERSCORE)!= 0) { state = SERR_NOT_STRICT; break; } for ( ; i < buflen && isWhitespace(bytes[i]); i++ ); state = i < buflen ? SERR_NOT_STRICT : SCOMPLETE; break; case SEOF: if ((flags & FLAG_DIGIT) == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("no digits supplied"); } state = SCOMPLETE; break; case SERR_NOT_STRICT: throw new RuntimeException("does not meet strict criteria"); } // switch } //while if (chars == null) { // 0, won't happen if byteArrayToLong called first return BIG_INT_ZERO; } else { return new HugeInt(new String(chars,0,offset),radix); } } public static final double byteArrayToDouble(byte[] bytes, int begin, int buflen, boolean strict) { // Simple cases ( abs(exponent) <= 22 [up to 37 depending on significand length]) // are converted directly, which is considerably faster than creating a Java // String and passing it to Double.parseDouble() (which in turn passes it to // sun.misc.FloatingDecimal); the latter approach involves 5 object allocations // (3 arrays + String + FloatingDecimal) and 3 array copies, two of them one byte/char // at a time (here and in FloatingDecimal). // However, the latter approach is employed for more difficult cases (generally // speaking, those that require rounding). (The code for the difficult cases is // quite involved; see if you're interested.) // states final int SCOMPLETE = 0; final int SBEGIN = 1; // remove leading whitespace (includes _ for lax) final int SSIGN = 2; // get sign, if any // optimistic pass - calculate value as digits are processed final int SOPTDIGIT = 3; // digits - lax rules final int SOPTDECDIGIT = 4; // decimal digits - lax rules final int SOPTEXP = 9; // exponent sign/digits - lax rules final int SOPTDIGIT_STRICT = 6; // digits - strict rules final int SOPTDECDIGIT_STRICT = 7; // decimal digits - strict rules final int SOPTEXP_STRICT = 8; // exponent sign/digits - strict rules final int SOPTCALC = 5; // complete calculation if possible // fallback pass - gather chars into array and pass to Double.parseDouble() final int SDIGIT = 10; // digits - lax rules final int SDECDIGIT = 11; // decimal digits - lax rules final int SEXP = 12; // exponent sign/digits - lax rules final int SDIGIT_STRICT = 13; // digits - strict rules final int SDECDIGIT_STRICT = 14; // decimal digits - strict rules final int SEXP_STRICT = 15; // exponent sign/digits - strict rules final int SERR_NOT_STRICT = 16; // largest abs(exponent) we can (potentially) handle without // calling Double.parseDouble() (aka sun.misc.FloatingDecimal) final int MAX_EXP = MAX_DECIMAL_DIGITS + MAX_SMALL_10; // (37) if (bytes == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("null bytes"); } if (buflen < 0 || buflen > bytes.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid buflen specified"); } // TODO: get rid of this (lax returns 0.0, strict will throw) if (buflen == 0) { throw new NumberFormatException(); } int i = begin; buflen += begin; byte ival = -1; boolean negative = false; // fields used for direct (optimistic) calculation int nDigits = 0; // number of significant digits, updated as parsed int nTrailingZeroes = 0; // zeroes that may go to significand or exponent int decPos = -1; // offset of decimal pt from start (-1 -> no decimal) long significand = 0; // significand, updated as parsed int exponent = 0; // exponent, updated as parsed // fields used for fallback (send to Double.parseDouble()) int startPos = 0; // start of digits (or . if no leading digits) char[] chars = null; int offset = 0; int lastValidOffset = 0; int state = SBEGIN; while (state != SCOMPLETE) { states: switch(state) { case SBEGIN: if (strict) { for (; i < buflen && isWhitespace(bytes[i]); i++) ; } else { for (; i < buflen && (isWhitespace(ival = bytes[i]) || ival == '_'); i++) ; } if ( i >= buflen) { state = strict ? SERR_NOT_STRICT : SCOMPLETE; break; } // drop through for sign case SSIGN: switch(bytes[i]) { case '-': negative = true; case '+': if (++i >= buflen) { // TODO: turn off the negative? will return -0.0 in lax mode state = strict ? SERR_NOT_STRICT : SCOMPLETE; break states; } } // switch startPos = i; // will use this if we have to go back the slow way if (strict) { state = SOPTDIGIT_STRICT; break; } // drop through for non-strict digits case SOPTDIGIT: // first char must be digit or decimal point switch(ival = bytes[i++]) { case '0': // ignore leading zeroes break; // switch case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': significand = (long)((int)ival-(int)'0'); nDigits = 1; break; // switch case '.': state = SOPTDECDIGIT; break states; default: // no digits, go calc (will return +/- 0.0 for lax) state = SOPTCALC; break states; } // switch for ( ; i < buflen ; ) { switch(ival = bytes[i++]) { case '0': // ignore leading zeroes if (nDigits > 0) { // just save a count of zeroes for now; if no digit // ends up following them, they'll be applied to the // exponent rather than the significand (and our max // length for optimistic calc). nTrailingZeroes++; } break; // switch case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': // ok, got a non-zero, have to own up to our horded zeroes if (nTrailingZeroes > 0) { if ((nDigits += nTrailingZeroes) < MAX_DECIMAL_DIGITS) { significand *= LONG_10_POWERS[nTrailingZeroes]; nTrailingZeroes = 0; } // else catch oversize below } if (nDigits++ < MAX_DECIMAL_DIGITS) { significand = significand*10L + (long)((int)ival-(int)'0'); break; // switch } else { // oh, well, it was worth a try. go let // Double/FloatingDecimal handle it state = SDIGIT; break states; } case '.': state = SOPTDECDIGIT; break states; case 'e': case 'E': state = SOPTEXP; break states; case '_': // ignore break; // switch default: // end of parseable data, go to calc state = SOPTCALC; break states; } // switch } // for state = SOPTCALC; break; case SOPTDECDIGIT: decPos = nDigits + nTrailingZeroes; for ( ; i < buflen && bytes[i] == '_'; i++ ) ; // first non_underscore char must be digit if (i < buflen) { switch(ival = bytes[i++]) { case '0': if (nDigits > 0) { nTrailingZeroes++; } else { exponent--; } break; // switch case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': if (nTrailingZeroes > 0) { if ((nDigits += nTrailingZeroes) < MAX_DECIMAL_DIGITS) { significand *= LONG_10_POWERS[nTrailingZeroes]; nTrailingZeroes = 0; } // else catch oversize below } if (nDigits++ < MAX_DECIMAL_DIGITS) { significand = significand*10L + (long)((int)ival-(int)'0'); break; // switch } else { state = SDIGIT; break states; } default: // no dec digits, end of parseable data, go to calc state = SOPTCALC; break states; } // switch } // if for ( ; i < buflen ; ) { switch(ival = bytes[i++]) { case '0': if (nDigits > 0) { nTrailingZeroes++; } else { exponent--; } break; // switch case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': if (nTrailingZeroes > 0) { if ((nDigits += nTrailingZeroes) < MAX_DECIMAL_DIGITS) { significand *= LONG_10_POWERS[nTrailingZeroes]; nTrailingZeroes = 0; } // else catch oversize below } if (nDigits++ < MAX_DECIMAL_DIGITS) { significand = significand*10L + (long)((int)ival-(int)'0'); break; // switch } else { state = SDIGIT; break states; } case 'e': case 'E': state = SOPTEXP; break states; case '_': // ignore break; // switch default: // end of parseable data, go to calc state = SOPTCALC; break states; } // switch } // for // no exponent, so drop through for calculation case SOPTCALC: // calculation for simple (and typical) case, // adapted from sun.misc.FloatingDecimal if (nDigits == 0) { if (i + 1 < buflen) { if ((ival == 'n' || ival == 'N') && (bytes[i] == 'a' || bytes[i] == 'A') && (bytes[i+1] == 'n' || bytes[i+1] == 'N')) { return Double.NaN; } else if ((ival == 'i' || ival == 'I') && (bytes[i] == 'n' || bytes[i] == 'N') && (bytes[i+1] == 'f' || bytes[i+1] == 'F')) { return negative ? Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } } return negative ? -0.0d : 0.0d; } if (decPos < 0) { exponent += nTrailingZeroes; } else { exponent += decPos - nDigits; } double dValue = (double)significand; if (exponent == 0 || dValue == 0.0) { return negative ? -dValue : dValue; } else if ( exponent >= 0 ){ if ( exponent <= MAX_SMALL_10 ){ dValue *= SMALL_10_POWERS[exponent]; return negative ? -dValue : dValue; } int slop = MAX_DECIMAL_DIGITS - nDigits; if ( exponent <= MAX_SMALL_10+slop ){ dValue = (dValue * SMALL_10_POWERS[slop]) * SMALL_10_POWERS[exponent-slop]; return negative ? -dValue : dValue; } } else { // TODO: it's not clear to me why, in FloatingDecimal, the // "slop" calculation performed above for positive exponents // isn't used for negative exponents as well. Will find out... if ( exponent >= -MAX_SMALL_10 ){ dValue = dValue / SMALL_10_POWERS[-exponent]; return negative ? -dValue : dValue; } } // difficult case, send to Double/FloatingDecimal state = SDIGIT; break; case SOPTEXP: { // lax (str.to_f) allows underscores between e/E and sign for ( ; i < buflen && bytes[i] == '_' ; i++ ) ; if (i >= buflen) { state = SOPTCALC; break; } int expSign = 1; int expSpec = 0; switch (bytes[i]) { case '-': expSign = -1; case '+': if (++i >= buflen) { state = SOPTCALC; break states; } } for ( ; i < buflen ; ) { switch(ival = bytes[i++]) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': if ((expSpec = expSpec * 10 + ((int)ival-(int)'0')) >= MAX_EXP) { // too big for us state = SDIGIT; break states; } break; //switch case '_': break; //switch default: exponent += expSign * expSpec; state = SOPTCALC; break states; } } exponent += expSign * expSpec; state = SOPTCALC; break; } // block case SOPTDIGIT_STRICT: // first char must be digit or decimal point switch(ival = bytes[i++]) { case '0': break; // switch case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': significand = (long)((int)ival-(int)'0'); nDigits = 1; break; // switch case '.': state = SOPTDECDIGIT_STRICT; break states; default: // no digits, error state = SERR_NOT_STRICT; break states; } for ( ; i < buflen ; ) { switch(ival = bytes[i++]) { case '0': if (nDigits > 0) { nTrailingZeroes++; } break; // switch case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': if (nTrailingZeroes > 0) { if ((nDigits += nTrailingZeroes) < MAX_DECIMAL_DIGITS) { significand *= LONG_10_POWERS[nTrailingZeroes]; nTrailingZeroes = 0; } // else catch oversize below } if (nDigits++ < MAX_DECIMAL_DIGITS) { significand = significand*10L + (long)((int)ival-(int)'0'); break; // switch } else { state = SDIGIT; break states; } case '.': state = SOPTDECDIGIT_STRICT; break states; case 'e': case 'E': state = SOPTEXP_STRICT; break states; case '_': if (i >= buflen || bytes[i] < '0' || bytes[i] > '9') { state = SERR_NOT_STRICT; break states; } break; // switch default: // only whitespace allowed after value for strict for ( --i; i < buflen && isWhitespace(bytes[i]); i++ ); state = i < buflen ? SERR_NOT_STRICT : SOPTCALC; break states; } // switch } // for // no more data, OK for strict to go calc state = SOPTCALC; break; case SOPTDECDIGIT_STRICT: decPos = nDigits + nTrailingZeroes; // first char must be digit if (i < buflen) { switch(ival = bytes[i++]) { case '0': if (nDigits > 0) { nTrailingZeroes++; } else { exponent--; } break; // switch case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': if (nTrailingZeroes > 0) { if ((nDigits += nTrailingZeroes) < MAX_DECIMAL_DIGITS) { significand *= LONG_10_POWERS[nTrailingZeroes]; nTrailingZeroes = 0; } // else catch oversize below } if (nDigits++ < MAX_DECIMAL_DIGITS) { significand = significand*10L + (long)((int)ival-(int)'0'); break; // switch } else { state = SDIGIT; break states; } default: // no dec digits after '.', error for strict state = SERR_NOT_STRICT; break states; } // switch } else { state = SERR_NOT_STRICT; break; } for ( ; i < buflen ; ) { switch(ival = bytes[i++]) { case '0': if (nDigits > 0) { nTrailingZeroes++; } else { exponent--; } break; // switch case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': if (nTrailingZeroes > 0) { if ((nDigits += nTrailingZeroes) < MAX_DECIMAL_DIGITS) { significand *= LONG_10_POWERS[nTrailingZeroes]; nTrailingZeroes = 0; } // else catch oversize below } if (nDigits++ < MAX_DECIMAL_DIGITS) { significand = significand*10L + (long)((int)ival-(int)'0'); break; // switch } else { state = SDIGIT; break states; } case 'e': case 'E': state = SOPTEXP_STRICT; break states; case '_': if (i >= buflen || bytes[i] < '0' || bytes[i] > '9') { state = SERR_NOT_STRICT; break states; } break; // switch default: // only whitespace allowed after value for strict for ( --i; i < buflen && isWhitespace(bytes[i]); i++); state = i < buflen ? SERR_NOT_STRICT : SOPTCALC; break states; } // switch } // for // no more data, OK for strict to go calc state = SOPTCALC; break; case SOPTEXP_STRICT: { int expSign = 1; int expSpec = 0; if ( i < buflen) { switch (bytes[i]) { case '-': expSign = -1; case '+': if (++i >= buflen) { state = SERR_NOT_STRICT; break states; } } } else { state = SERR_NOT_STRICT; break; } // must be at least one digit for strict if ( i < buflen ) { switch(ival = bytes[i++]) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': expSpec = (int)ival-(int)'0'; break; //switch default: state = SERR_NOT_STRICT; break states; } } else { state = SERR_NOT_STRICT; break; } for ( ; i < buflen ; ) { switch(ival = bytes[i++]) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': if ((expSpec = expSpec * 10 + ((int)ival-(int)'0')) >= MAX_EXP) { // too big for us state = SDIGIT; break states; } break; //switch case '_': if (i >= buflen || bytes[i] < '0' || bytes[i] > '9') { state = SERR_NOT_STRICT; break states; } break; //switch default: exponent += expSign * expSpec; // only whitespace allowed after value for strict for ( --i; i < buflen && isWhitespace(bytes[i]); i++); state = i < buflen ? SERR_NOT_STRICT : SOPTCALC; break states; } // switch } // for exponent += expSign * expSpec; state = SOPTCALC; break; } // block // fallback, copy non-whitespace chars to char buffer and send // to Double.parseDouble() (front for sun.misc.FloatingDecimal) case SDIGIT: i = startPos; if (negative) { chars = new char[buflen - i + 1]; chars[0] = '-'; offset = 1; } else { chars = new char[buflen - i]; } if (strict) { state = SDIGIT_STRICT; break; } // first char must be digit or decimal point if (i < buflen) { switch(ival = bytes[i++]) { case '0': // ignore leading zeroes break; // switch case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': chars[offset++] = (char)ival; lastValidOffset = offset; break; // switch case '.': state = SDECDIGIT; break states; default: state = SCOMPLETE; break states; } // switch } // if for ( ; i < buflen ; ) { switch(ival = bytes[i++]) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': chars[offset++] = (char)ival; lastValidOffset = offset; break; // switch case '.': state = SDECDIGIT; break states; case 'e': case 'E': state = SEXP; break states; case '_': break; // switch default: state = SCOMPLETE; break states; } // switch } // for state = SCOMPLETE; break; case SDECDIGIT: chars[offset++] = '.'; for ( ; i < buflen && bytes[i] == '_'; i++) ; if ( i < buflen) { switch(ival = bytes[i++]) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': chars[offset++] = (char)ival; lastValidOffset = offset; break; // switch default: state = SCOMPLETE; break states; } // switch } // if for ( ; i < buflen ; ) { switch(ival = bytes[i++]) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': chars[offset++] = (char)ival; lastValidOffset = offset; break; // switch case 'e': case 'E': state = SEXP; break states; case '_': break; // switch default: state = SCOMPLETE; break states; } // switch } // for state = SCOMPLETE; break; case SEXP: chars[offset++] = 'E'; for ( ; i < buflen && bytes[i] == '_'; i++) ; if (i >= buflen) { state = SCOMPLETE; break; } switch(bytes[i]) { case '-': case '+': chars[offset++] = (char)bytes[i]; if (++i >= buflen) { state = SCOMPLETE; break states; } } for ( ; i < buflen; ) { switch(ival = bytes[i++]) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': chars[offset++] = (char)ival; lastValidOffset = offset; break; case '_': break; default: state = SCOMPLETE; break states; } } state = SCOMPLETE; break; case SDIGIT_STRICT: // first char must be digit or decimal point if (i < buflen) { switch(ival = bytes[i++]) { case '0': // ignore leading zeroes break; // switch case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': chars[offset++] = (char)ival; lastValidOffset = offset; break; // switch case '.': state = SDECDIGIT_STRICT; break states; default: state = SERR_NOT_STRICT; break states; } // switch } else { state = SERR_NOT_STRICT; break; } for ( ; i < buflen ; ) { switch(ival = bytes[i++]) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': chars[offset++] = (char)ival; lastValidOffset = offset; break; // switch case '.': state = SDECDIGIT_STRICT; break states; case 'e': case 'E': state = SEXP_STRICT; break states; case '_': if (i >= buflen || bytes[i] < '0' || bytes[i] > '9') { state = SERR_NOT_STRICT; break states; } break; //switch default: // only whitespace allowed after value for strict for ( --i; i < buflen && isWhitespace(bytes[i]); i++) ; state = i < buflen ? SERR_NOT_STRICT : SCOMPLETE; break states; } // switch } // for state = SCOMPLETE; break; case SDECDIGIT_STRICT: chars[offset++] = '.'; if ( i < buflen) { switch(ival = bytes[i++]) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': chars[offset++] = (char)ival; lastValidOffset = offset; break; // switch default: state = SERR_NOT_STRICT; break states; } // switch } else { state = SERR_NOT_STRICT; break; } for ( ; i < buflen ; ) { switch(ival = bytes[i++]) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': chars[offset++] = (char)ival; lastValidOffset = offset; break; // switch case 'e': case 'E': state = SEXP_STRICT; break states; case '_': if (i >= buflen || bytes[i] < '0' || bytes[i] > '9') { state = SERR_NOT_STRICT; break states; } break; //switch default: for ( --i; i < buflen && isWhitespace(bytes[i]); i++) ; state = i < buflen ? SERR_NOT_STRICT : SCOMPLETE; break states; } // switch } // for state = SCOMPLETE; break; case SEXP_STRICT: chars[offset++] = 'E'; if ( i < buflen ) { switch (bytes[i]) { case '-': case '+': chars[offset++] = (char)bytes[i]; if (++i >= buflen) { state = SERR_NOT_STRICT; break states; } } } else { state = SERR_NOT_STRICT; break; } // must be at least one digit for strict if ( i < buflen ) { switch(ival = bytes[i++]) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': chars[offset++] = (char)ival; lastValidOffset = offset; break; //switch default: state = SERR_NOT_STRICT; break states; } } else { state = SERR_NOT_STRICT; break; } for ( ; i < buflen ; ) { switch(ival = bytes[i++]) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': chars[offset++] = (char)ival; lastValidOffset = offset; break; case '_': if (i >= buflen || bytes[i] < '0' || bytes[i] > '9') { state = SERR_NOT_STRICT; break states; } break; //switch default: for ( --i; i < buflen && isWhitespace(bytes[i]); i++) ; state = i < buflen ? SERR_NOT_STRICT : SCOMPLETE; break states; } } state = SCOMPLETE; break; case SERR_NOT_STRICT: throw new NumberFormatException("does not meet strict criteria"); } // switch } //while if (chars == null || lastValidOffset == 0) { return 0.0; } else { return Double.parseDouble(new String(chars,0,lastValidOffset)); } } public static final byte[] twosComplementToBinaryBytes(byte[] in) { return twosComplementToUnsignedBytes(in,1,false); } public static final byte[] twosComplementToOctalBytes(byte[] in) { return twosComplementToUnsignedBytes(in,3,false); } public static final byte[] twosComplementToHexBytes(byte[] in, boolean upper) { return twosComplementToUnsignedBytes(in,4,upper); } // shift is power of 2, so 1 = binary, 3 - octal, 4 = hex, anyhing // larger will error. public static final byte[] twosComplementToUnsignedBytes(byte[] in, int shift, boolean upper) { if (shift < 1 || shift > 4) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("shift value must be 1-4"); } int ilen = in.length; int olen = (ilen * 8 + shift - 1 ) / shift; byte[] out = new byte[olen]; int mask = (1 << shift) - 1; byte[] digits = upper ? UCDIGITS : DIGITS; int bitbuf = 0; int bitcnt = 0; for (int i = ilen, o = olen; --o >= 0; ) { if (bitcnt < shift) { bitbuf |= ((int)in[--i] & (int)0xff) << bitcnt; bitcnt += 8; } out[o] = digits[bitbuf & mask]; bitbuf >>= shift; bitcnt -= shift; } return out; } // The following two methods, used in conjunction, provide the // equivalent of String#trim() public static final int skipLeadingWhitespace(byte[] bytes){ int length = bytes.length; int start = 0; for ( ; start < length && isWhitespace(bytes[start]); start++) ; return start; } public static final int skipTrailingWhitespace(byte[] bytes) { int stop = bytes.length - 1; for ( ; stop >= 0 && isWhitespace(bytes[stop]); stop-- ) ; return stop + 1; } private static final boolean isWhitespace(final byte b) { return b == ' ' || (b <= 13 && b >= 9 && b != 11); } public static final byte[] trim (byte[] bytes) { if (bytes.length == 0) return bytes; int start = skipLeadingWhitespace(bytes); if (start >= bytes.length) { return EMPTY_BYTES; } int stop = skipTrailingWhitespace(bytes); int length = stop - start; if (length == bytes.length) return bytes; byte[] trimmed = new byte[length]; System.arraycopy(bytes,0,trimmed,0,length); return trimmed; } public static final byte[] delete(byte[] bytes, int pos, boolean copy) { int buflen = bytes.length; int newlen = buflen - 1; if (pos < 0 || pos > newlen) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal position for delete"); } int src = pos + 1; if (copy) { if (newlen == 0) { return EMPTY_BYTES; } byte[] newbytes = new byte[newlen]; if (pos == 0) { System.arraycopy(bytes,1,newbytes,0,newlen); } else { System.arraycopy(bytes,0,newbytes,0,pos); System.arraycopy(bytes,src,newbytes,pos,newlen-pos); } return newbytes; } else { if (newlen > 0) { System.arraycopy(bytes,src,bytes,pos,buflen-src); bytes[newlen] = 0; } else { bytes[newlen-1] = 0; } return bytes; } } public static final byte[] delete(byte[] bytes, int pos, int length, boolean copy) { if (length < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal length for delete"); } int buflen = bytes.length; if (length == 0 || buflen == 0 ) { return bytes; } int newlen = buflen - length; int newpos = pos + length; if (pos < 0 || newpos > buflen) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal position for delete"); } if (copy) { if (newlen == 0) { return EMPTY_BYTES; } byte[] newbytes = new byte[newlen]; if (pos == 0) { System.arraycopy(bytes,length,newbytes,0,newlen); } else if (pos == newlen) { System.arraycopy(bytes,0,newbytes,0,newlen); } else { System.arraycopy(bytes,0,newbytes,0,pos); System.arraycopy(bytes,newpos,newbytes,pos,buflen-newpos); } return newbytes; } else { if (newlen > 0) { System.arraycopy(bytes,newpos,bytes,pos,buflen-newpos); } fill(bytes,newlen,buflen-newlen,(byte)0); return bytes; } } public static final byte[] insert(byte[] bytes, int pos, byte value, boolean copy) { int buflen = bytes.length; if (pos < 0 || pos > buflen) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal position for insert"); } if (copy) { byte[] newbytes = new byte[buflen+1]; if (pos == 0) { System.arraycopy(bytes,0,newbytes,1,buflen); newbytes[0] = value; } else if (pos == buflen) { System.arraycopy(bytes,0,newbytes,0,buflen); newbytes[buflen] = value; } else { System.arraycopy(bytes,0,newbytes,0,pos); System.arraycopy(bytes,pos,newbytes,pos+1,buflen-pos); newbytes[pos] = value; } return newbytes; } else { if (pos == buflen) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal position for insert with no copy"); } if (pos > buflen - 1) { System.arraycopy(bytes,pos,bytes,pos+1,buflen-pos-1); } bytes[pos] = value; return bytes; } } public static final byte[] insert(byte[] bytes, int pos, byte[] value, boolean copy) { int buflen = bytes.length; if (pos < 0 || pos > buflen) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal position for insert"); } int vlen = value.length; if (copy) { int newlen = buflen + vlen; byte[] newbytes = new byte[newlen]; if (pos == 0) { System.arraycopy(value,0,newbytes,0,vlen); System.arraycopy(bytes,0,newbytes,vlen,buflen); } else if (pos == buflen) { System.arraycopy(bytes,0,newbytes,0,buflen); System.arraycopy(value,0,newbytes,buflen,vlen); } else { System.arraycopy(bytes,0,newbytes,0,pos); System.arraycopy(value,0,newbytes,pos,vlen); System.arraycopy(bytes,pos,newbytes,pos+vlen,buflen-pos); } return newbytes; } else { int displace = pos + vlen; if (displace > buflen) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("inserted array won't fit in target array"); } if (pos == 0) { System.arraycopy(bytes,0,bytes,vlen,buflen-vlen); System.arraycopy(value,0,bytes,0,vlen); } else if (displace == buflen) { System.arraycopy(value,0,bytes,pos,vlen); } else { System.arraycopy(bytes,pos,bytes,displace,buflen-displace); System.arraycopy(value,0,bytes,pos,vlen); } return bytes; } } public static final byte[] append(byte[] bytes, byte value) { int buflen = bytes.length; byte[] newbytes = new byte[buflen + 1]; System.arraycopy(bytes,0,newbytes,0,buflen); bytes[buflen] = value; return bytes; } public static final byte[] fill(byte[] bytes, int pos, int length, byte value) { if (length < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal length for fill"); } int buflen = bytes.length; int stop = pos + length; if (stop > buflen) stop = buflen; for ( ; pos < stop; pos++) { bytes[pos] = value; } return bytes; } public static final byte[] copy(byte[] bytes) { int buflen = bytes.length; if (buflen == 0) return bytes; byte[] newbytes = new byte[buflen]; System.arraycopy(bytes,0,newbytes,0,buflen); return newbytes; } private static final long[] LONG_10_POWERS = { 1L, 10L, 100L, 1000L, 10000L, 100000L, 1000000L, 10000000L, 100000000L, 1000000000L, 10000000000L, 100000000000L, 1000000000000L, 10000000000000L, 100000000000000L, 1000000000000000L, 10000000000000000L, 100000000000000000L }; private static final HugeInt BIG_INT_ZERO = HugeInt.valueOf(0L); private static final byte[] EMPTY_BYTES = {}; private static final byte[] MIN_INT_BYTE_ARRAY = { '-','2','1','4','7','4','8','3','6','4','8' }; private static final byte[] MIN_LONG_BYTE_ARRAY = { '-','9','2','2','3','3','7','2','0','3','6','8','5','4','7','7','5','8','0','8' }; private static final char[] MIN_LONG_CHAR_ARRAY = { '-','9','2','2','3','3','7','2','0','3','6','8','5','4','7','7','5','8','0','8' }; // Tables from java.lang.Integer, converted to byte (used in java.lang.Long as well) private static final int[] SIZE_TABLE = { 9, 99, 999, 9999, 99999, 999999, 9999999, 99999999, 999999999, Integer.MAX_VALUE }; private static final byte[] DIGITS = { '0' , '1' , '2' , '3' , '4' , '5' , '6' , '7' , '8' , '9' , 'a' , 'b' , 'c' , 'd' , 'e' , 'f' , 'g' , 'h' , 'i' , 'j' , 'k' , 'l' , 'm' , 'n' , 'o' , 'p' , 'q' , 'r' , 's' , 't' , 'u' , 'v' , 'w' , 'x' , 'y' , 'z' }; private static final byte[] UCDIGITS = { '0' , '1' , '2' , '3' , '4' , '5' , '6' , '7' , '8' , '9' , 'A' , 'B' , 'C' , 'D' , 'E' , 'F' , 'G' , 'H' , 'I' , 'J' , 'K' , 'L' , 'M' , 'N' , 'O' , 'P' , 'Q' , 'R' , 'S' , 'T' , 'U' , 'V' , 'W' , 'X' , 'Y' , 'Z' }; private static final byte[] DIGIT_TENS = { '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '3', '3', '3', '3', '3', '3', '3', '3', '3', '3', '4', '4', '4', '4', '4', '4', '4', '4', '4', '4', '5', '5', '5', '5', '5', '5', '5', '5', '5', '5', '6', '6', '6', '6', '6', '6', '6', '6', '6', '6', '7', '7', '7', '7', '7', '7', '7', '7', '7', '7', '8', '8', '8', '8', '8', '8', '8', '8', '8', '8', '9', '9', '9', '9', '9', '9', '9', '9', '9', '9', } ; private static final byte[] DIGIT_ONES = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', } ; private static final char[] CDIGITS = { '0' , '1' , '2' , '3' , '4' , '5' , '6' , '7' , '8' , '9' , 'a' , 'b' , 'c' , 'd' , 'e' , 'f' , 'g' , 'h' , 'i' , 'j' , 'k' , 'l' , 'm' , 'n' , 'o' , 'p' , 'q' , 'r' , 's' , 't' , 'u' , 'v' , 'w' , 'x' , 'y' , 'z' }; private static final char [] CDIGIT_TENS = { '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '3', '3', '3', '3', '3', '3', '3', '3', '3', '3', '4', '4', '4', '4', '4', '4', '4', '4', '4', '4', '5', '5', '5', '5', '5', '5', '5', '5', '5', '5', '6', '6', '6', '6', '6', '6', '6', '6', '6', '6', '7', '7', '7', '7', '7', '7', '7', '7', '7', '7', '8', '8', '8', '8', '8', '8', '8', '8', '8', '8', '9', '9', '9', '9', '9', '9', '9', '9', '9', '9', } ; private static final char [] CDIGIT_ONES = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', } ; private static final double[] SMALL_10_POWERS = { 1.0e0, 1.0e1, 1.0e2, 1.0e3, 1.0e4, 1.0e5, 1.0e6, 1.0e7, 1.0e8, 1.0e9, 1.0e10, 1.0e11, 1.0e12, 1.0e13, 1.0e14, 1.0e15, 1.0e16, 1.0e17, 1.0e18, 1.0e19, 1.0e20, 1.0e21, 1.0e22 }; private static final int MAX_SMALL_10 = SMALL_10_POWERS.length - 1; private static final int MAX_DECIMAL_DIGITS = 15; }