rpath = File.realpath(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../include/class_erbhandler.rb") require rpath erbhandler = Knjappserver::ERBHandler.new dbargs = { :type => "mysql", :subtype => "mysql2", :host => "localhost", :user => "username", :pass => "password", :db => "database_name", :return_keys => "symbols", :encoding => "utf8", :threadsafe => true } begin options = { :verbose => false, :debug => false, :autorestart => false } OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: knjappserver.rb [options]" opts.on("-n", "--notice", "Run verbosely.") do |v| print "Running verbosely.\n" options[:verbose] = true end opts.on("-r", "--autorestart", "Autorestart the server when a file is changed. This is handy if using the appserver as a development server.") do |autorestart| options[:autorestart] = autorestart end opts.on("-d", "--debug", "Run in debugging mode.") do |debug| print "Entering debugging mode.\n" options[:debug] = true end end.parse! rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption => e print "#{e.message}\n" exit end $knjappserver[:knjappserver] = Knjappserver.new( :debug => options[:debug], :autorestart => options[:autorestart], :verbose => options[:verbose], :title => "Site name", :port => 13081, :host => "", :default_page => "index.rhtml", :doc_root => "[path to rhtml files]", :hostname => false, :default_filetype => "text/html", :error_report_emails => ["admin_email"], :error_report_from => "robot_email", :locales_root => "[path to locale files]", :max_requests_working => 5, :filetypes => { :jpeg => "image/jpeg", :jpg => "image/jpeg", :gif => "image/gif", :png => "image/png", :html => "text/html", :htm => "text/html", :rhtml => "text/html", :css => "text/css", :xml => "text/xml", :js => "text/javascript" }, :handlers => [ :file_ext => "rhtml", :callback => erbhandler.method(:erb_handler) ], :db => Knj::Db.new( :type => "mysql", :subtype => "mysql2", :host => "localhost", :user => "knjappserver", :pass => "password", :db => "knjappserver", :return_keys => "symbols", :encoding => "utf8", :threadsafe => true ), :smtp_args => { "smtp_host" => "smtp.server.com", "smtp_port" => 465, "smtp_user" => "robot@server.com", "smtp_passwd" => "password", "ssl" => true }, :httpsession_db_args => dbargs ) if $knjappserver[:knjappserver].config[:autorestart] #Also check config-file for changes. $knjappserver[:knjappserver].mod_event.args[:paths] << rpath end if ARGV[0] == "update_db" print "Running DB update script.\n" $knjappserver[:knjappserver].update_db exit end Dir.chdir($knjappserver[:knjappserver].config[:doc_root]) $knjappserver[:knjappserver].start