require "audioinfo" class AudioInfo::Album IMAGE_EXTENSIONS = %w{jpg jpeg gif png} # a regexp to match the "multicd" suffix of a "multicd" string # example: "toto (disc 1)" will match ' (disc 1)' MULTICD_REGEXP = /\s*(\(|\[)?\s*(disc|cd):?-?\s*(\d+).*(\)|\])?\s*$/i attr_reader :files, :discnum, :multicd, :basename, :infos, :path # return the list of images in the album directory, with "folder.*" in first def self.images(path) path = path.dup.force_encoding("binary") arr = Dir.glob( File.join(path, "*.{#{IMAGE_EXTENSIONS.join(",")}}"), File::FNM_CASEFOLD).collect do |f| File.expand_path(f) end # move "folder.*" image on top of the array if folder = arr.detect { |f| f =~ /folder\.[^.]+$/ } arr.delete(folder) arr.unshift(folder) end arr end # strip the "multicd" string from the given +name+ def self.basename(name) name.sub(MULTICD_REGEXP, '') end # return the number of the disc in the box or 0 def self.discnum(name) if name =~ MULTICD_REGEXP $3.to_i else 0 end end # open the Album with +path+. +fast_lookup+ will only check # first and last file of the directory def initialize(path, fast_lookup = false) @path = path @multicd = false @basename = @path exts = AudioInfo::SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS.collect do |ext| ext.gsub(/[a-z]/) { |c| "[#{c.downcase}#{c.upcase}]" } end.join(",") # need to escape the glob path glob_escaped_path = @path.gsub(/([{}?*\[\]])/) { |s| '\\' << s } glob_val = File.join(glob_escaped_path, "*.{#{exts}}") file_names = Dir.glob(glob_val).sort if fast_lookup file_names = [file_names.first, file_names.last] end @files = file_names.collect do |f| end @infos = {} @infos["album"] = @files.collect { |i| i.album }.uniq @infos["album"] = @infos["album"].first if @infos["album"].size == 1 artists = @files.collect { |i| i.artist }.uniq @infos["artist"] = artists.size > 1 ? "various" : artists.first @discnum = self.class.discnum(@infos["album"]) if not @multicd = true @basename = self.class.basename(@infos["album"]) end end # is the album empty? def empty? @files.empty? end # are all the files of the album MusicBrainz tagged ? def mb_tagged? return false if @files.empty? mb = true @files.each do |f| mb &&= f.mb_tagged? end mb end # return an array of images with "folder.*" in first def images self.class.images(@path) end # title of the album def title # count the occurences of the title and take the one who has most hash_counted = self.files.collect { |f| f.album }.inject( { |hash, album| hash[album] += 1; hash } if hash_counted.empty? nil else hash_counted.sort_by { |k, v| v }.last[0] end end # mbid (MusicBrainz ID) of the album def mbid return nil unless mb_tagged? @files.collect { |f| f.musicbrainz_infos["albumid"] }.uniq.first end # is the album multi-artist? def va? @files.collect { |f| f.artist }.uniq.size > 1 end # pretty print def to_s out = out.puts(@path) out.print "'#{title}'" unless va? out.print " by '#{@files.first.artist}' " end out.puts @files.sort_by { |f| f.tracknum }.each do |f| out.printf("%02d %s %3d %s", f.tracknum, f.extension, f.bitrate, f.title) if va? out.print(" "+f.artist) end out.puts end out.string end def inspect @infos.inspect end end