module Ironfan class Dsl < Builder include Gorillib::Resolution def self.default_cookbook_reqs @default_cookbook_reqs ||= [] end def self.cookbook_req name, constraint default_cookbook_reqs << new_req(name, constraint) end def join_req req1, req2 # order requirements by operation: =, >=, ~> req1, req2 = (req1.constraint < req2.constraint) ? [req1, req2] : [req2, req1] cn1, cn2 = [req1.constraint, req2.constraint] vers1, vers2 = [cn1.split.last, cn2.split.last] vers1_c, vers2_c = [vers1.split('.'), vers2.split('.')] op1, op2 = [req1, req2].map{|x| x.constraint.split.first} if op1 == '=' and op2 == '=' join_eq_eq(req1, req2) elsif op1 == '>=' and op2 == '>=' join_geq_geq(req1, req2) elsif op1 == '~>' and op2 == '~>' join_agt_agt(req1, req2) elsif op1 == '=' and op2 == '>=' join_eq_gte(req1, req2) elsif op1 == '=' and op2 == '~>' join_eq_agt(req1, req2) elsif op1 == '>=' and op2 == '~>' join_gte_agt(req1, req2) end end def cookbook_req name, constraint (@cookbook_reqs ||= []) << self.class.new_req(name, constraint) end def children() [] end def cookbook_reqs Hash[{|x| [, x.constraint]}] end def _cookbook_reqs [ *shallow_cookbook_reqs, *child_cookbook_reqs ].group_by(&:name) do |group| group.inject{|result, req| join_req(result, req)} end end private #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def join_eq_eq(req1, req2) (vers(req1) == vers(req2)) ? req1 : bad_reqs(req1, req2) end def join_geq_geq(req1, req2) (vers(req1) >= vers(req2)) ? req1 : req2 end def join_agt_agt(req1, req2) if vers_a(req1).size == vers_a(req2).size and vers_a_head(req1).zip(vers_a_head(req2)).all?{|v1,v2| v1 == v2} (req1.constraint > req2.constraint) ? req1 : req2 else bad_reqs(req1, req2) end end def join_eq_gte(req1, req2) vers(req1) >= vers(req2) ? req1 : bad_reqs(req1, req2) end def join_eq_agt(req1, req2) if match_v_head(req1, req2) and vers_a(req1)[vers_a(req2).size - 1] >= vers_a(req2).last req1 else bad_reqs(req1, req2) end end def join_gte_agt(req1, req2) if match_v_head(req1, req2) and vers(req1) <= vers(req2) req2 else bad_reqs(req1, req2) end end def match_v_head(req1, req2) vers_a_head(req1, vers_a(req2).size).zip(vers_a_head(req2)).all?{|v1,v2| v1 == v2} end def op(req) req.constraint.split.first end def vers(req) req.constraint.split.last end def vers_a(req) vers(req).split('.') end def vers_a_head(req, last = 0) vers_a(req)[0...last-1] end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def bad_reqs(req1, req2) raise"#{}: cannot reconcile #{req1.constraint} with #{req2.constraint}") end def child_cookbook_reqs end def self.new_req(name, constraint) raise"Please don't use >= constraints. They're too vague!") if constraint.start_with?('>=') and not (@@testing ||= false) name, constraint: constraint) end def shallow_cookbook_reqs @cookbook_reqs || self.class.default_cookbook_reqs end end end