module Plaidio # This is used when a customer needs to be defined by the plaid access token. # Abstracting as a class makes it easier since we wont have to redefine the access_token over and over. class Customer BASE_URL = '' # This initializes our instance variables, and sets up a new Customer class. def initialize Plaidio::Configure::KEYS.each do |key| instance_variable_set(:"@#{key}", Plaidio.instance_variable_get(:"@#{key}")) end end def mfa_step(access_token,code) @mfa = code post("/connect/step", access_token, mfa: @mfa) return parse_response(@response,1) end def get_transactions(access_token) get('/connect', access_token) return parse_response(@response,2) end def delete_account(access_token) delete('/connect', access_token) return parse_response(@response,3) end protected def parse_response(response,method) case method when 1 case response.code when 200 @parsed_response = @parsed_response[:code] = response.code response = JSON.parse(response) @parsed_response[:access_token] = response["access_token"] @parsed_response[:accounts] = response["accounts"] @parsed_response[:transactions] = response["transactions"] return @parsed_response else @parsed_response = @parsed_response[:code] = response.code @parsed_response[:message] = response return @parsed_response end when 2 case response.code when 200 @parsed_response = @parsed_response[:code] = response.code response = JSON.parse(response) @parsed_response[:transactions] = response["transactions"] return @parsed_response else @parsed_response = @parsed_response[:code] = response.code @parsed_response[:message] = response return @parsed_response end when 3 case response.code when 200 @parsed_response = @parsed_response[:code] = response.code response = JSON.parse(response) @parsed_response[:message] = response return @parsed_response else @parsed_response = @parsed_response[:code] = response.code @parsed_response[:message] = response return @parsed_response end end end private def get(path,access_token,options={}) url = BASE_URL + path @response = RestClient.get(url,:params => {:client_id => self.instance_variable_get(:'@customer_id'), :secret => self.instance_variable_get(:'@secret'), :access_token => access_token}) return @response end def post(path,access_token,options={}) url = BASE_URL + path @response = url, :client_id => self.instance_variable_get(:'@customer_id') ,:secret => self.instance_variable_get(:'@secret'), :access_token => access_token, :mfa => @mfa return @response end def delete(path,access_token,options={}) url = BASE_URL + path @response = RestClient.delete(url,:params => {:client_id => self.instance_variable_get(:'@customer_id'), :secret => self.instance_variable_get(:'@secret'), :access_token => access_token}) return @response end end end