# ********** Copyright Viacom, Inc. Apache 2.0 ********** require_relative "test_helper.rb" class LinkerTest < Minitest::Test def test_linker_link connection = Minitest::Mock.new faraday = Minitest::Mock.new response = Minitest::Mock.new device_config = { ip: "111.222.333", user: "user", password: "password", logger: Logger.new("/dev/null") } path = "/launch/dev?a=A&b=B%3AC&d=a%5Cb" options = 'a:A, b:B:C, d:a\b' connection.expect(:post, response, [path]) faraday.expect(:headers, {}) faraday.expect(:request, nil, [:digest, device_config[:user], device_config[:password]]) faraday.expect(:request, nil, [:multipart]) faraday.expect(:request, nil, [:url_encoded]) faraday.expect(:adapter, nil, [Faraday.default_adapter]) response.expect(:success?, true) linker = RokuBuilder::Linker.new(**device_config) success = nil Faraday.stub(:new, connection, faraday) do success = linker.launch(options: options) end assert success connection.verify faraday.verify response.verify end def test_linker_link_nothing logger = Minitest::Mock.new connection = Minitest::Mock.new faraday = Minitest::Mock.new response = Minitest::Mock.new device_config = { ip: "111.222.333", user: "user", password: "password", logger: logger } path = "/launch/dev" options = '' logger.expect(:warn, nil, ["No options sent to launched app"]) connection.expect(:post, response, [path]) faraday.expect(:headers, {}) faraday.expect(:request, nil, [:digest, device_config[:user], device_config[:password]]) faraday.expect(:request, nil, [:multipart]) faraday.expect(:request, nil, [:url_encoded]) faraday.expect(:adapter, nil, [Faraday.default_adapter]) response.expect(:success?, true) linker = RokuBuilder::Linker.new(**device_config) success = nil Faraday.stub(:new, connection, faraday) do success = linker.launch(options: options) end assert success logger.verify connection.verify faraday.verify response.verify end def test_linker_list connection = Minitest::Mock.new faraday = Minitest::Mock.new response = Minitest::Mock.new device_config = { ip: "111.222.333", user: "user", password: "password", logger: Logger.new("/dev/null") } path = "/query/apps" body = "\n\n\t Movie Store and TV Store\n\t Roku Home News\n\t Nick\n\t Nick\n\t \n" connection.expect(:get, response, [path]) faraday.expect(:headers, {}) faraday.expect(:request, nil, [:digest, device_config[:user], device_config[:password]]) faraday.expect(:request, nil, [:multipart]) faraday.expect(:request, nil, [:url_encoded]) faraday.expect(:adapter, nil, [Faraday.default_adapter]) response.expect(:success?, true) response.expect(:body, body) linker = RokuBuilder::Linker.new(**device_config) print_count = 0 did_print = Proc.new { |msg| print_count+=1 } Faraday.stub(:new, connection, faraday) do linker.stub(:printf, did_print) do linker.list end end assert_equal 6, print_count end end