# frozen_string_literal: true module Libvirt class Connection def initialize(uri) @uri = uri @conn_ptr = ::FFI::Pointer.new(0) @cb_data = {} ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(self, proc { |obj_id| STDOUT.puts("finalized Libvirt::Connection #{obj_id.to_s(16)}") }) end def open @conn_ptr = FFI::Connection.virConnectOpen(@uri) raise Error, "Couldn't connect to #{@uri.inspect}" if @conn_ptr.null? true end def opened? !@conn_ptr.null? end def to_ptr @conn_ptr end def version check_open! version_ptr = ::FFI::MemoryPointer.new(:ulong) result = FFI::Connection.virConnectGetVersion(@conn_ptr, version_ptr) raise Error, "Couldn't retrieve connection version" if result < 0 version_number = version_ptr.get_ulong(0) Libvirt::Util::parse_version(version_number) end def set_keep_alive(interval, count) result = FFI::Connection.virConnectSetKeepAlive(@conn_ptr, interval, count) raise Error, "Couldn't set connection keep_alive" if result < 0 result == 0 end def to_s "#<#{self.class}:0x#{object_id.to_s(16)} @uri=#{@uri.inspect} @conn_ptr=0x#{@conn_ptr.address.to_s(16)}>" end def inspect to_s end def list_all_domains_qty(flags = 0) result = FFI::Domain.virConnectListAllDomains(@conn_ptr, nil, flags) raise Error, "Couldn't retrieve domains qty with flags #{flags.to_s(16)}" if result < 0 result end def list_all_domains(flags = 0) size = list_all_domains_qty(flags) domains_ptr = ::FFI::MemoryPointer.new(:pointer, size) result = FFI::Domain.virConnectListAllDomains(@conn_ptr, domains_ptr, flags) raise Error, "Couldn't retrieve domains list with flags #{flags.to_s(16)}" if result < 0 ptr = domains_ptr.read_pointer ptr.get_array_of_pointer(0, size).map { |dom_ptr| Libvirt::Domain.new(dom_ptr, self) } end # @yield conn, dom def register_domain_event_callback(event_id, domain = nil, opaque = nil, &block) if event_id == Libvirt::DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_LIFECYCLE cb = FFI::Domain::domain_event_id_lifecycle_callback(&block) else raise Error, "not supported event_id #{event_id.inspect}" end result = FFI::Domain.virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny( @conn_ptr, domain&.to_ptr, event_id, cb, opaque&.to_ptr, nil # free_opaque ) raise Error, "Couldn't register domain event callback" if result < 0 @cb_data[result] = { event_id: event_id, cb: cb, opaque: opaque } result end def deregister_domain_event_callback(callback_id) @cb_data.delete(callback_id) result = FFI::Domain.virConnectDomainEventDeregisterAny(@conn_ptr, callback_id) raise Error, "Couldn't deregister domain event callback" if result < 0 true end def version version_ptr = ::FFI::MemoryPointer.new(:ulong) result = FFI::Connection.virConnectGetVersion(@conn_ptr, version_ptr) raise Error, "Couldn't get connection version" if result < 0 version_number = version_ptr.get_ulong(0) # version_number = FFI::Connection.virConnectGetVersion(@conn_ptr) Libvirt::Util.parse_version(version_number) end def lib_version version_ptr = ::FFI::MemoryPointer.new(:ulong) result = FFI::Connection.virConnectGetLibVersion(@conn_ptr, version_ptr) raise Error, "Couldn't get connection lib version" if result < 0 version_number = version_ptr.get_ulong(0) # version_number = FFI::Connection.virConnectGetLibVersion(@conn_ptr) Libvirt::Util.parse_version(version_number) end def hostname FFI::Connection.virConnectGetHostname(@conn_ptr) end # @param type [String,NilClass] def max_vcpus(type = nil) FFI::Connection.virConnectGetMaxVcpus(@conn_ptr, type) end def capabilities FFI::Connection.virConnectGetCapabilities(@conn_ptr) end def node_info node_info_ptr = ::FFI::MemoryPointer.new(FFI::NodeInfo::Struct.by_value) result = FFI::NodeInfo.virNodeGetInfo(@conn_ptr, node_info_ptr) raise Error, "Couldn't get connection node info" if result < 0 NodeInfo.new(node_info_ptr) end private def check_open! raise Error, "Connection to #{@uri.inspect} is not open" if @conn_ptr.null? end end end