//= require jquery //= require jquery.mousewheel (function($) { $.fn.will_pickdate = function(opts) { return this.each(function(index) { if(!$.data(this, 'will_pickdate')) { new will_pickdate(this, index, opts); } }); }; function will_pickdate(element, index, options) { var init_clone_val; this.element = $(element); this.options = $.extend({ pickerClass: 'wpd', days: ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'], months: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'], dayShort: 2, monthShort: 3, startDay: 0, // Sunday (0) through Saturday (6) - be aware that this may affect your layout, since the days on // the right might have a different margin timePicker: true, timePickerOnly: false, yearPicker: true, militaryTime: false, yearsPerPage: 20, format: 'F d, Y @ h:ia', allowEmpty: false, inputOutputFormat: 'S', // default to unix timestamp animationDuration: 400, useFadeInOut: !$.browser.msie, // dont animate fade-in/fade-out for IE startView: 'month', // allowed values: {time, month, year, decades} positionOffset: { x: 0, y: 0 }, minDate: null, // { date: '[date-string]', format: '[date-string-interpretation-format]' } maxDate: null, // same as minDate debug: false, toggleElements: null, initializeDate: null, // and some event hooks: onShow: $.noop, // triggered when will_pickdate pops up onClose: $.noop, // triggered after will_pickdate is closed (destroyed) onSelect: $.noop // triggered when a date is selected }, options); if(!this.options.initializeDate) { this.options.initializeDate = new Date(); } if(this.options.toggleElements != null && this.options.toggleElements.jquery) { this.toggler = this.options.toggleElements.eq(index); document.keydown($.proxy(function(event) { if(event.which == 9) this.close(null, true); }, this)); } this.formatMinMaxDates(); $(document).mousedown($.proxy(this.close, this)); if (this.options.timePickerOnly) { this.options.timePicker = true; this.options.startView = 'time'; } if(init_clone_val = this.element.val()) { init_clone_val = this.format(new Date(this.unformat(init_clone_val, this.options.inputOutputFormat)), this.options.format); } else if(!this.options.allowEmpty) { init_clone_val = this.format(this.options.initializeDate, this.options.format); this.element.val(this.format(this.options.initializeDate, this.options.inputOutputFormat)); } else { init_clone_val = ''; } this.display = this.element.css('display'); this.clone = this.element .css('display', this.options.debug ? this.display : 'none') .data('will_pickdate', true) .clone(true) .data('will_pickdate', true) .removeAttr('name') .attr('id', this.element.attr('id') + '_display') .css('display', this.display) .val(init_clone_val); this.element.before(this.clone); // hook original datetime input for change events, in hope of making it easy for developers to // do something in lines of: // $('#event_starts_at').change(function(e){ $('#event_ends_at').val(this.value).change() }) // in order to control through outside behaviours the value and display value of the calendar widget this.element.change($.proxy(function(e) { this.clone.val( this.format( new Date( this.unformat( this.element.val(), this.options.inputOutputFormat) ), this.options.format)); }, this)); if(this.toggler) { this.toggler.css('cursor', 'pointer').click($.proxy(function(event) { this.onFocus(this.element, this.clone); }, this)); this.clone.blur($.proxy(function() { this.element.val(this.clone.val()); }, this)); } else { this.clone.bind({ 'keydown': $.proxy(function(e) { if(this.options.allowEmpty && (e.which == 46 || e.which == 8)) { // delete or backspace this.element.val(''); $(e.target).val(''); this.close(null, true); } else if(e.which == 9 || e.which == 27) { // tab or esc this.close(null, true); } else { e.preventDefault(); } }, this), 'focus': $.proxy(function(e) { this.onFocus(this.element, this.clone); }, this) }); } } will_pickdate.prototype = { onFocus: function(original, visual_input) { var init_visual_date; if(init_visual_date = original.val()) { init_visual_date = this.unformat(init_visual_date, this.options.inputOutputFormat).valueOf(); } else { init_visual_date = this.options.initializeDate; if(this.options.maxDate && init_visual_date.valueOf() > this.options.maxDate.valueOf()) { init_visual_date = new Date(this.options.maxDate.valueOf()); } if(this.options.minDate && init_visual_date.valueOf() < this.options.minDate.valueOf()) { init_visual_date = new Date(this.options.minDate.valueOf()); } } this.input = original, this.visual = visual_input; this.show(init_visual_date); }, dateToObject: function(d) { return { year: d.getFullYear(), month: d.getMonth(), day: d.getDate(), hours: d.getHours(), minutes: d.getMinutes(), seconds: d.getSeconds() } }, dateFromObject: function(values) { var d = this.options.initializeDate, v; d.setDate(1); $.each(['year', 'month', 'day', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds'], $.proxy(function(index, value) { v = values[value]; if(!(v || v === 0)) return; switch(value) { case 'day': d.setDate(v); break; case 'month': d.setMonth(v); break; case 'year': d.setFullYear(v); break; case 'hours': d.setHours(v); break; case 'minutes': d.setMinutes(v); break; case 'seconds': d.setSeconds(v); break; } }, this)); return d; }, // Calculate position for picker. Returns object for use with css. pickerPosition: function() { // base position is top left corner of visual input plus offset specified by user options var position = { left: this.visual.offset().left + this.options.positionOffset.x, top: this.visual.offset().top + this.options.positionOffset.y }, docHeight = $(window).height(), scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(), pickerHeight = this.picker.outerHeight(), lowerDifference = Math.abs(docHeight - position.top + this.visual.outerHeight()), upperDifference = position.top + scrollTop, displayBelow = lowerDifference > pickerHeight, displayAbove = upperDifference > pickerHeight; if (!displayAbove && !displayBelow) { // display at midpoint of available screen realestate position.top = docHeight / 2 - pickerHeight / 2; if (docHeight + scrollTop < pickerHeight) { console.warn("will_pickdate: Not enough room to display date picker.") } } else if (displayBelow) { // display below takes priority over display above position.top += this.visual.outerHeight(); } else { // display at offset above visual element position.top -= pickerHeight; } return position; }, show: function(timestamp) { this.formatMinMaxDates(); if(timestamp) { this.working_date = new Date(timestamp); } else { this.working_date = this.options.initializeDate; } this.today = this.options.initializeDate; this.choice = this.dateToObject(this.working_date); this.mode = (this.options.startView == 'time' && !this.options.timePicker) ? 'month' : this.options.startView; this.render(); this.picker.css(this.pickerPosition()); if($.isFunction(this.options.onShow)) this.options.onShow(); }, render: function(use_fx) { if(!this.picker) { this.constructPicker(); } else { var o = this.oldContents; this.oldContents = this.newContents; this.newContents = o; this.newContents.empty(); } var startDate = new Date(this.working_date.getTime()); this.limit = { right: false, left: false }; switch(this.mode) { case 'decades': this.renderDecades(); break; case 'year': this.renderYear(); break; case 'time': this.renderTime(); this.limit = { right: true, left: true }; break; default: this.renderMonth(); } this.picker.find('.previous').toggleClass('disabled',this.limit.left); this.picker.find('.next').toggleClass('disabled',this.limit.right); this.picker.find('.title').css('cursor', this.allowZoomOut() ? 'pointer' : 'default'); this.working_date = startDate; if(this.options.useFadeInOut) { this.picker.fadeIn(this.options.animationDuration); } if(use_fx) this.fx(use_fx); }, fx: function(effects) { if(effects == 'right') { this.oldContents.css('left',0).show(); this.newContents.css('left',this.bodyWidth).show(); this.slider.css('left',0).animate({'left':-this.bodyWidth}); } else if(effects == 'left') { this.oldContents.css('left',this.bodyWidth).show(); this.newContents.css('left',0).show(); this.slider.css('left',-this.bodyWidth).animate({'left':0}); } else if(effects == 'fade') { this.slider.css('left',0); this.oldContents.css('left',0).fadeOut(this.options.animationDuration>>1); this.newContents.css('left',0).hide().fadeIn(this.options.animationDuration); } }, constructPicker: function() { $(document.body).append(this.picker = $('
')); if(this.options.useFadeInOut) { this.picker.hide(); } var h, title_cont, b; this.picker.append(h = $('
')); h.append(title_cont = $('
').click($.proxy(this.zoomOut, this))); h.append($('').click($.proxy(this.previous, this))); h.append($('').click($.proxy(this.next, this))); h.append($('
').click($.proxy(this.close, this))); title_cont.append($('')); this.picker.append(b = $('
')); this.bodyHeight = b.outerHeight(); this.bodyWidth = b.outerWidth(); b.append(this.slider = $('
')); this.slider.append(this.oldContents = $('
')); this.slider.append(this.newContents = $('
')); }, renderDecades: function() { while(this.working_date.getFullYear() % this.options.yearsPerPage > 0) { this.working_date.setFullYear(this.working_date.getFullYear() - 1); } this.renderTitle(this.working_date.getFullYear() + '-' + (this.working_date.getFullYear() + this.options.yearsPerPage - 1)); var i, y, e, available = false, container; this.newContents.append(container = $('
')); if(this.options.minDate && this.working_date.getFullYear() <= this.options.minDate.getFullYear()) { this.limit.left = true; } for(i = 0; i < this.options.yearsPerPage; i++) { y = this.working_date.getFullYear(); container.append(e = $('
' + y + '')); if(this.limited('year')) { e.addClass('unavailable'); if(available) { this.limit.right = true; } else { this.limit.left = true } } else { available = true; e.click({year: y}, $.proxy(function(event) { this.working_date.setFullYear(event.data.year); this.mode = 'year'; this.render('fade'); }, this)); } this.working_date.setFullYear(this.working_date.getFullYear() + 1); } if(!available || (this.options.maxDate && this.working_date.getFullYear() >= this.options.maxDate.getFullYear())) { this.limit.right = true; } }, renderYear: function() { var month = this.today.getMonth(), this_year = this.working_date.getFullYear() == this.today.getFullYear(), selected_year = this.working_date.getFullYear() == this.choice.year, available = false, container, i,e; this.renderTitle(this.working_date.getFullYear()); this.working_date.setMonth(0); this.newContents.append(container = $('
')); for(i = 0; i<= 11; i++) { container.append(e = $('
' + (this.options.monthShort ? this.options.months[i].substring(0, this.options.monthShort) : this.options.months[i]) + '
')); if(this.limited('month')) { e.addClass('unavailable'); if(available) { this.limit.right = true; } else { this.limit.left = true; } } else { available = true; e.click({month:i}, $.proxy(function(event) { this.working_date.setDate(1); this.working_date.setMonth(event.data.month); this.mode = 'month'; this.render('fade'); }, this)); } this.working_date.setMonth(i); } if(!available) this.limit.right = true; }, hourShifter: function(event, d, dx, dy) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); var i = $(event.target), v = parseInt(i.val(), 10); i.focus(); if(this.options.militaryTime) { if(dy > 0) { v = (v < 23) ? v + 1 : 0; } else if(dy < 0) { v = (v > 0) ? v - 1 : 23; } } else { var ampm = this.picker.find('.ampm'); if(dy > 0) { if(v == 11) { v = 12; ampm.val(ampm.val() == 'AM' ? 'PM' : 'AM'); } else if(v < 12) { v++; } else { v = 1; } } else if (dy < 0) { if(v == 12) { v = 11; ampm.val(ampm.val() == 'AM' ? 'PM' : 'AM'); } else if(v > 1) { v--; } else { v = 12; } } } i.val(this.leadZero(v)); }, minuteShifter: function(event, d, dx, dy) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); var i = $(event.target), v = parseInt(i.val(), 10); i.focus(); if(dy > 0) { v = (v < 59) ? v + 1 : 0; } else if(dy < 0) { v = (v > 0) ? v - 1 : 59; } i.val(this.leadZero(v)); }, ampmShifter: function(event, d, dx, dy) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); var i = $(event.target); i.focus(); if(dy > 0 || dy < 0) { i.val(i.val() == "AM" ? "PM" : "AM"); } }, keyWrapper: function(f, event) { dy = 0; if(event.which == 38) { //up arrow dy = 1; } else if (event.which == 40) { //down arrow dy = -1; } else if (48 <= event.which && event.which <= 57) { event.target.value = (event.target.value + String.fromCharCode(event.which)).substr(1,2) } else if (event.which == 9 ) { //allow tab to skip to next return; } $.proxy(f, this)(event, null, null, dy); }, renderTime: function() { var container; this.newContents.append(container = $('
')); if(this.options.timePickerOnly) { this.renderTitle('Select a time'); } else { this.renderTitle(this.format(this.working_date, 'j M, Y')); } container.append($('') .on('keydown', $.proxy(this.keyWrapper, this, this.hourShifter)) .mousewheel($.proxy(this.hourShifter, this))); container.append($('') .on('keydown', $.proxy(this.keyWrapper, this, this.minuteShifter)) .mousewheel($.proxy(this.minuteShifter, this))); container.append($('
')); if(!this.options.militaryTime) { container.append($('') .on('keydown', $.proxy(this.keyWrapper, this, this.ampmShifter)) .mousewheel($.proxy(this.ampmShifter))); } container.append($('').click($.proxy(function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); var parsedHours = parseInt(this.picker.find('.hour').val(), 10); if(!this.options.militaryTime){ parsedHours = parsedHours === 12 ? 0 : parsedHours; } this.select($.extend(this.dateToObject(this.working_date), { hours: parsedHours + (!this.options.militaryTime && this.picker.find('.ampm').val() == "PM" ? 12 : 0), minutes: parseInt(this.picker.find('.minutes').val(), 10) })); }, this))); }, renderMonth: function() { var month = this.working_date.getMonth(), container = $('
'), titles = $('
'), available = false, t = this.today.toDateString(), currentChoice = this.dateFromObject(this.choice).toDateString(), d, i, classes, e, weekContainer; this.renderTitle(this.options.months[month] + ' ' + this.working_date.getFullYear()); this.working_date.setDate(1); while(this.working_date.getDay() != this.options.startDay) { this.working_date.setDate(this.working_date.getDate() - 1); } this.newContents.append(container.append(titles)); for(d = this.options.startDay; d < (this.options.startDay + 7); d++) { titles.append($('
' + this.options.days[(d % 7)].substring(0,this.options.dayShort) + '
')); } for(i=0;i<42;i++) { classes = ['day', 'day' + this.working_date.getDay()]; if(this.working_date.toDateString() == t) classes.push('today'); if(this.working_date.toDateString() == currentChoice) classes.push('selected'); if(this.working_date.getMonth() != month) classes.push('otherMonth'); if(i%7 == 0) { container.append(weekContainer = $('
')); } weekContainer.append(e = $('
' + this.working_date.getDate() + '
')); if(this.limited('date')) { e.addClass('unavailable'); if(available) { this.limit.right = true; } else if(this.working_date.getMonth() == month) { this.limit.left = true; } } else { available = true; e.click({day: this.working_date.getDate(), month: this.working_date.getMonth(), year: this.working_date.getFullYear()}, $.proxy(function(event) { if(this.options.timePicker) { this.working_date.setDate(event.data.day); this.working_date.setMonth(event.data.month); this.mode = 'time'; this.render('fade'); } else { this.select(event.data); } }, this)); } this.working_date.setDate(this.working_date.getDate() + 1); } if(!available) this.limit.right = true; }, renderTitle: function(text){ if(this.allowZoomOut()){ this.picker.find('.title').removeClass('disabled'); }else{ this.picker.find('.title').addClass('disabled'); } this.picker.find('.titleText').text(text); }, limited: function(type) { var cs = !!this.options.minDate, ce = !!this.options.maxDate; if(!(cs || ce)) return false; switch(type) { case 'year': return (cs && this.working_date.getFullYear() < this.options.minDate.getFullYear()) || (ce && this.working_date.getFullYear() > this.options.maxDate.getFullYear()); case 'month': var ms = parseInt('' + this.working_date.getFullYear() + this.leadZero(this.working_date.getMonth()), 10); return cs && ms < parseInt('' + this.options.minDate.getFullYear() + this.leadZero(this.options.minDate.getMonth()), 10) || ce && ms > parseInt('' + this.options.maxDate.getFullYear() + this.leadZero(this.options.maxDate.getMonth()), 10); case 'date': return (cs && this.working_date < this.options.minDate) || (ce && this.working_date > this.options.maxDate); } }, allowZoomOut: function() { if (this.mode == 'time' && this.options.timePickerOnly) return false; if (this.mode == 'decades') return false; return !(this.mode == 'year' && !this.options.yearPicker); }, zoomOut: function() { if(!this.allowZoomOut()) return; switch(this.mode) { case 'year': this.mode = 'decades'; break; case 'time': this.mode = 'month'; break; default: this.mode = 'year'; } this.render('fade'); }, previous: function() { switch(this.mode) { case 'decades': this.working_date.setFullYear(this.working_date.getFullYear() - this.options.yearsPerPage); break; case 'year': this.working_date.setFullYear(this.working_date.getFullYear() - 1); break; case 'month': this.working_date.setMonth(this.working_date.getMonth() - 1); } if(this.mode != 'time'){ this.render('left'); } }, next: function() { switch(this.mode) { case 'decades': this.working_date.setFullYear(this.working_date.getFullYear() + this.options.yearsPerPage); break; case 'year': this.working_date.setFullYear(this.working_date.getFullYear() + 1); break; case 'month': this.working_date.setMonth(this.working_date.getMonth() + 1); } if (this.mode !='time'){ this.render('right'); } }, close: function(e, force) { if(!this.picker || this.closing) return; if(force || (e && e.target != this.picker && this.picker.has(e.target).size() == 0 && e.target != this.visual)) { this.element.blur(); if(this.options.useFadeInOut) { this.closing = true; this.picker.fadeOut(this.options.animationDuration >> 1, $.proxy(this.destroy, this)); } else { this.destroy(); } } }, destroy: function() { this.picker.remove(); this.picker = null; this.closing = false; if($.isFunction(this.options.onClose)) this.options.onClose(); }, select: function(values) { this.working_date = this.dateFromObject($.extend(this.choice, values)); this.input.val(this.format(this.working_date, this.options.inputOutputFormat)).change(); this.visual.val(this.format(this.working_date, this.options.format)); if($.isFunction(this.options.onSelect)) this.options.onSelect(this.working_date); this.close(null, true); }, formatMinMaxDates: function() { if (this.options.minDate && this.options.minDate.format) { this.options.minDate = this.unformat(this.options.minDate.date, this.options.minDate.format); } if (this.options.maxDate && this.options.maxDate.format) { this.options.maxDate = this.unformat(this.options.maxDate.date, this.options.maxDate.format); this.options.maxDate.setHours(23); this.options.maxDate.setMinutes(59); this.options.maxDate.setSeconds(59); } }, leadZero: function(v) { return v < 10 ? '0'+v : v; }, format: function(t, format) { var f = '', h = t.getHours(), m = t.getMonth(); for (var i = 0; i < format.length; i++) { switch(format.charAt(i)) { case '\\': i++; f+= format.charAt(i); break; case 'y': f += (100 + t.getYear() + '').substring(1); break; case 'Y': f += t.getFullYear(); break; case 'm': f += this.leadZero(m + 1); break; case 'n': f += (m + 1); break; case 'M': f += this.options.months[m].substring(0,this.options.monthShort); break; case 'F': f += this.options.months[m]; break; case 'd': f += this.leadZero(t.getDate()); break; case 'j': f += t.getDate(); break; case 'D': f += this.options.days[t.getDay()].substring(0,this.options.dayShort); break; case 'l': f += this.options.days[t.getDay()]; break; case 'G': f += h; break; case 'H': f += this.leadZero(h); break; case 'g': f += (h % 12 ? h % 12 : 12); break; case 'h': f += this.leadZero(h % 12 ? h % 12 : 12); break; case 'a': f += (h > 11 ? 'pm' : 'am'); break; case 'A': f += (h > 11 ? 'PM' : 'AM'); break; case 'i': f += this.leadZero(t.getMinutes()); break; case 's': f += this.leadZero(t.getSeconds()); break; case 'U': f += Math.floor(t.valueOf() / 1000); break; case 'S': f += t.toISOString(); break; default: f += format.charAt(i); } } return f; }, unformat: function(t, format) { var d = this.options.initializeDate, a = {}, c,m,v; t = t.toString(); for (var i = 0; i < format.length; i++) { c = format.charAt(i); switch(c) { case '\\': r = null; i++; break; case 'y': r = /^[0-9]{2}/; break; case 'Y': r = /^[0-9]{4}/; break; case 'm': r = /^0[1-9]|1[012]/; break; case 'n': r = /^[1-9]|1[012]/; break; case 'M': r = '^[A-Za-z]{'+this.options.monthShort+'}'; break; case 'F': r = /[A-Za-z]+/; break; case 'd': r = /^0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]/; break; case 'j': r = /^[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]/; break; case 'D': r = '^[A-Za-z]{'+this.options.dayShort+'}'; break; case 'l': r = /^[A-Za-z]+/; break; case 'G': case 'H': case 'g': case 'h': r = /^[0-9]{1,2}/; break; case 'a': r = /^(am|pm)/; break; case 'A': r = /^(AM|PM)/; break; case 'i': case 's': r = /^[012345][0-9]/; break; case 'U': r = /^-?[0-9]+$/; break; case 'S': r = /^([\+-]?\d{4}(?!\d{2}\b))((-?)((0[1-9]|1[0-2])(\3([12]\d|0[1-9]|3[01]))?|W([0-4]\d|5[0-2])(-?[1-7])?|(00[1-9]|0[1-9]\d|[12]\d{2}|3([0-5]\d|6[1-6])))([T\s]((([01]\d|2[0-3])((:?)[0-5]\d)?|24\:?00)([\.,]\d+(?!:))?)?(\17[0-5]\d([\.,]\d+)?)?([zZ]|([\+-])([01]\d|2[0-3]):?([0-5]\d)?)?)?)?$/; break; default: r = null; } if (r) { m = t.match(r); if (m) { a[c] = m[0]; t = t.substring(a[c].length); } else { if (this.options.debug) alert("Fatal Error in will_pickdate\n\nUnexpected format at: '"+t+"' expected format character '"+c+"' (pattern '"+r+"')"); return d; } } else { t = t.substring(1); } } for (c in a) { v = a[c]; switch(c) { case 'y': d.setFullYear(v < 30 ? 2000 + parseInt(v, 10) : 1900 + parseInt(v, 10)); break; // assume between 1930 - 2029 case 'Y': d.setFullYear(v); break; case 'm': case 'n': d.setMonth(v - 1); break; // FALL THROUGH NOTICE! "M" has no break, because "v" now is the full month (eg. 'February'), which will work with the next format "F": case 'M': v = this.options.months.filter(function(index) { return this.substring(0,this.options.monthShort) == v })[0]; case 'F': d.setMonth(options.months.indexOf(v)); break; case 'd': case 'j': d.setDate(v); break; case 'G': case 'H': d.setHours(v); break; case 'g': case 'h': if (a['a'] == 'pm' || a['A'] == 'PM') { d.setHours(v == 12 ? 0 : parseInt(v, 10) + 12); } else { d.setHours(v); } break; case 'i': d.setMinutes(v); break; case 's': d.setSeconds(v); break; case 'U': d = new Date(parseInt(v, 10) * 1000); break; case 'S': d = new Date(v); } } return d; } }; })(jQuery);