012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 IOWA is a web development framework for Ruby. IOWA started life around more than 5 years ago as an experiment by Avi Bryant. He was exploring many of the ideas that he would later revisit when he wrote the Smalltalk web development framework, Seaside. Around 5 years ago I was just beginning to learn Ruby. I loved what I saw with the language, coming from Perl, so I was starting to look for a reason to actually do something with the language. Soon after, I was given a contract job to develop a web site for the Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce -- a variation on a job search web site aimed at companies and college students looking for interns and internships. I wanted to use Ruby for the job, so I started looking around at what was available for that task. Coming from Perl, where there were multiple frameworks, and where I had implemented my own framework at a previous company, the state of the art for Ruby was pretty barren. There was CGI.rb, but that road didn't thrill me. There was Cerise, but it didn't capture my imagination, either. Then I came across Avi's little experiment, IOWA. It was a breath of fresh air. Clean, simple, and powerful. I immediately saw potential in it. It was unusable, though. IOWA 0.14 just didn't have the necessary feature set or deployment infrastructure to really be usable for a production site. I was hooked, though, so I started hacking. The job site came together pretty well -- better than I had ever experienced with a Perl solution, and it served to convince me of the merit of the IOWA approach. I haven't looked back since, and in total have developed somewhere around 100 different dynamic web sites and web applications with it, developing on it as necessary in order to support my real-world needs.