$:.unshift "../lib" require "juggernaut" require "test/unit" require "shoulda" require "mocha" class TestServer < Test::Unit::TestCase CONFIG = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "files", "juggernaut.yml") DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { :host => "", :port => 5001, :debug => false, :cleanup_timer => 2, :timeout => 10, :store_messages => false } OPTIONS = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge(YAML::load(ERB.new(IO.read(CONFIG)).result)) class DirectClient attr_reader :channels def broadcast_to_channels(channels, body) self.transmit :command => :broadcast, :type => :to_channels, :channels => channels, :body => body self end def broadcast_to_clients(clients, body) self.transmit :command => :broadcast, :type => :to_clients, :client_ids => clients, :body => body end def close @socket.close if @socket end def initialize(options) @options = options @socket = nil @client_id = options[:client_id] @session_id = options[:session_id] || rand(1_000_000).to_s(16) @channels = [ ] @socket = TCPSocket.new(@options[:host], @options[:port]) end def inspect {:channels => @channels, :client_id => @client_id, :session_id => @session_id}.inspect end def request_crossdomain_file @socket.print "<policy-file-request/>\0" self end def query_remove_channels_from_all_clients(channels) self.transmit :command => :query, :type => :remove_channels_from_all_clients, :channels => channels self end def query_remove_channels_from_client(channels, clients) self.transmit :command => :query, :type => :remove_channels_from_client, :client_ids => clients, :channels => channels self end def query_show_channels_for_client(client_id) self.transmit :command => :query, :type => :show_channels_for_client, :client_id => client_id self end def query_show_client(client_id) self.transmit :command => :query, :type => :show_client, :client_id => client_id self end def query_show_clients(client_ids = []) self.transmit :command => :query, :type => :show_clients, :client_ids => client_ids self end def query_show_clients_for_channels(channels) self.transmit :command => :query, :type => :show_clients_for_channels, :channels => channels self end def receive(as_json = true) return nil unless @socket begin # response = @socket.read.to_s # response = @socket.readline("\0").to_s response = "" begin response << @socket.read_nonblock(1024) rescue Errno::EAGAIN end response.chomp!("\0") Juggernaut.logger.info "DirectClient read: " + response.inspect as_json ? JSON.parse(response) : response rescue => e Juggernaut.logger.error "DirectClient #{e.class}: #{e.message}" raise end end def subscribe(channels) channels.each do |channel| @channels << channel.to_s unless @channels.include?(channel.to_s) end self.transmit :command => :subscribe, :channels => channels self end def send_raw(raw, wait_response = false) @socket.print(raw + "\0") @socket.flush if wait_response self.receive else nil end end def transmit(hash, wait_response = false) hash[:client_id] ||= @client_id hash[:session_id] ||= @session_id self.send_raw(hash.to_json, wait_response) end end # Assert that the DirectClient has an awaiting message with +body+. def assert_body(body, subscriber) assert_response subscriber do |result| assert_respond_to result, :[] assert_equal body, result["body"] end end # Assert that the DirectClient has no awaiting message. def assert_no_body(subscriber) assert_response subscriber do |result| assert_equal false, result end end def assert_no_response(subscriber) assert_not_nil subscriber assert_raise(EOFError) { subscriber.receive } ensure subscriber.close end def assert_raw_response(subscriber, response = nil) assert_not_nil subscriber result = nil assert_nothing_raised { result = subscriber.receive(false) } assert_not_nil result if block_given? yield result else assert_equal response, result end ensure subscriber.close end def assert_response(subscriber, response = nil) assert_not_nil subscriber result = nil assert_nothing_raised { result = subscriber.receive } assert_not_nil result if block_given? yield result else assert_equal response, result end ensure subscriber.close end def assert_server_disconnected(subscriber) assert_not_nil subscriber assert_raise(Errno::ECONNRESET, EOFError) { subscriber.receive } end # Convenience method to create a new DirectClient instance with overridable options. # If a block is passed, control is yielded, passing the new client in. This method # returns the value returned from that block, or the new client if no block was given. def new_client(options = { }) c = DirectClient.new(OPTIONS.merge(options)) if block_given? yield(c) else c end end # Shortcut to run tests that require setting up, starting, then shutting down EventMachine. # So ugly, but EventMachine doesn't have test examples on code that require back-and-forth # communication over a long-running connection. def with_server(options = { }, &block) # We should not have any clients before we start Juggernaut::Client.reset! # Save the current options. This is an obvious hack. old_options, Juggernaut.options = Juggernaut.options, OPTIONS.merge(options) Juggernaut.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG # Initialize an array to keep track of connections made to the server in this instance. @connections = [ ] EM.run do # Start the server, and save each connection made so we can refer to it later. EM.start_server(Juggernaut.options[:host], Juggernaut.options[:port], Juggernaut::Server) { |c| @connections << c } # Guard against never-ending tests by shutting off at 2 seconds. EM.add_timer(2) do Juggernaut::Client.send_logouts_to_all_clients EM.stop end # Deferred: evaluate the block and then run the shutdown proc. By using instance_eval, # our block gets access to assert_* methods and the +@connections+ variable above. EM.defer proc { instance_eval(&block) }, proc { # There's probably a better way of doing this, but without this line, different # clients may create a race condition in tests, causing some of them to sometimes # fail. This isn't foolproof either, should any client take more than 200 ms. EM.add_timer(0.2) do Juggernaut::Client.send_logouts_to_all_clients EM.stop end } end ensure # Restore old options. Juggernaut.options = old_options if old_options end context "Server" do should "accept a connection" do with_server do self.new_client do |c| c.transmit :command => :subscribe, :channels => [ ] end assert_equal 1, @connections.select { |c| c.alive? }.size assert_equal true, @connections.first.alive? end assert_equal false, @connections.first.alive? end should "register channels correctly" do with_server do self.new_client { |c| c.transmit :command => :subscribe, :channels => ["master", "slave"] } end assert @connections.first.has_channel?("master") assert_equal false, @connections.first.has_channel?("non_existant") assert @connections.first.has_channels?(["non_existant", "master", "slave"]) assert_equal false, @connections.first.has_channels?(["non_existant", "invalid"]) end context "channel-wide broadcast" do body = "This is a channel-wide broadcast test!" should "be received by client in the same channel" do subscriber = nil with_server do subscriber = self.new_client(:client_id => "broadcast_channel") { |c| c.subscribe %w(master) } self.new_client { |c| c.broadcast_to_channels %w(master), body } end assert_not_nil subscriber result = subscriber.receive subscriber.close assert_respond_to result, :[] assert_equal body, result["body"] end should "not be received by client not in a channel" do subscriber = nil with_server do subscriber = self.new_client(:client_id => "broadcast_channel") { |c| c.subscribe %w() } self.new_client { |c| c.broadcast_to_channels %w(master), body } end assert_no_response subscriber end should "not be received by client in a different channel" do subscriber = nil with_server do subscriber = self.new_client(:client_id => "broadcast_test") { |c| c.subscribe %w(slave) } self.new_client { |c| c.broadcast_to_channels %w(broadcast_channel), body } end assert_no_response subscriber end end # For some reason, these refuse to pass: context "broadcast with no specific channel" do body = "This is a broadcast test!" should "be received by client not in any channels" do subscriber = nil with_server do subscriber = self.new_client(:client_id => "broadcast_all") { |c| c.subscribe %w() } self.new_client { |c| c.broadcast_to_channels %w(), body } end assert_body body, subscriber end should "be received by client in a channel" do subscriber = nil with_server do subscriber = self.new_client(:client_id => "broadcast_all") { |c| c.subscribe %w(master) } self.new_client { |c| c.broadcast_to_channels %w(), body } end assert_body body, subscriber end end context "broadcast to a client" do body = "This is a client-specific broadcast test!" should "be received by the target client" do subscriber = nil with_server do subscriber = self.new_client(:client_id => "broadcast_client") { |c| c.subscribe %w() } self.new_client { |c| c.broadcast_to_clients %w(broadcast_client), body } end assert_body body, subscriber end should "not be received by other clients" do subscriber = nil with_server do subscriber = self.new_client(:client_id => "broadcast_faker") { |c| c.subscribe %w() } self.new_client { |c| c.broadcast_to_clients %w(broadcast_client), body } end assert_no_response subscriber end should "be saved until the client reconnects" do subscriber = nil with_server :store_messages => true do self.new_client(:client_id => "broadcast_client") { |c| c.subscribe %w() }.close self.new_client { |c| c.broadcast_to_clients %w(broadcast_client), body } subscriber = self.new_client(:client_id => "broadcast_client") { |c| c.subscribe %w() } end assert_body body, subscriber end should "only be sent to new client connection" do old_subscriber = nil new_subscriber = nil with_server :store_messages => true, :timeout => 30 do old_subscriber = self.new_client(:client_id => "broadcast_client", :session_id => "1") { |c| c.subscribe %w() } self.new_client { |c| c.broadcast_to_clients %w(broadcast_client), body } @connections.first.client.expects(:send_message_to_connection).times(2) new_subscriber = self.new_client(:client_id => "broadcast_client", :session_id => "2") { |c| c.subscribe %w() } end end end context "querying client list" do should "return all clients" do subscriber = nil with_server do self.new_client(:client_id => "alex") { |c| c.subscribe %w() } self.new_client(:client_id => "bob") { |c| c.subscribe %w() } subscriber = self.new_client(:client_id => "cindy") { |c| c.subscribe %w(); c.query_show_clients } end assert_not_nil subscriber result = subscriber.receive assert_not_nil result assert_equal 3, result.size assert_same_elements %w(alex bob cindy), result.collect { |r| r["client_id"] } end should "not include disconnected clients" do subscriber = nil with_server(:timeout => 0) do self.new_client(:client_id => "sandra") { |c| c.subscribe %w() } self.new_client(:client_id => "tom") { |c| c.subscribe %w() }.close subscriber = self.new_client(:client_id => "vivian") { |c| c.subscribe %w(); c.query_show_clients } end assert_not_nil subscriber result = subscriber.receive assert_not_nil result assert_equal 2, result.size assert_same_elements %w(sandra vivian), result.collect { |r| r["client_id"] } end should "only return requested clients" do subscriber = nil with_server do self.new_client(:client_id => "dixie") { |c| c.subscribe %w() } self.new_client(:client_id => "eamon") { |c| c.subscribe %w() } self.new_client(:client_id => "fanny") { |c| c.subscribe %w() } subscriber = self.new_client(:client_id => "zelda") { |c| c.subscribe %w(); c.query_show_clients %w(dixie fanny) } end assert_not_nil subscriber result = subscriber.receive assert_not_nil result assert_equal 2, result.size assert_same_elements %w(dixie fanny), result.collect { |r| r["client_id"] } end should "never return non-existant clients even when requested" do subscriber = nil with_server do self.new_client(:client_id => "dixie") { |c| c.subscribe %w() } self.new_client(:client_id => "eamon") { |c| c.subscribe %w() } self.new_client(:client_id => "fanny") { |c| c.subscribe %w() } subscriber = self.new_client(:client_id => "zelda") { |c| c.subscribe %w(); c.query_show_clients %w(ginny homer) } end assert_not_nil subscriber result = subscriber.receive assert_not_nil result assert_equal 0, result.size end should "return correct number of active connections" do subscriber = nil with_server do 5.times { self.new_client(:client_id => "homer") { |c| c.subscribe %w() } } subscriber = self.new_client(:client_id => "zelda") { |c| c.subscribe %w(); c.query_show_clients %w(homer) } end assert_not_nil subscriber result = subscriber.receive assert_not_nil result assert_equal 1, result.size assert_equal 5, result.first["num_connections"] end should "be equivalent when querying one client" do s1, s2 = nil with_server do 5.times { self.new_client(:client_id => "homer") { |c| c.subscribe %w() } } s1 = self.new_client(:client_id => "zelda") { |c| c.subscribe %w(); c.query_show_client "homer" } s2 = self.new_client(:client_id => "zelda") { |c| c.subscribe %w(); c.query_show_clients %w(homer) } end assert_not_nil s1 assert_not_nil s2 r1 = s1.receive assert_not_nil r1 r2 = s2.receive assert_not_nil r2 assert_equal 1, r2.size assert_equal r1, r2.first end should "only return clients in specific channels" do subscriber = nil with_server do self.new_client(:client_id => "alexa") { |c| c.subscribe %w(master slave zoo) } self.new_client(:client_id => "bobby") { |c| c.subscribe %w(master slave) } self.new_client(:client_id => "cindy") { |c| c.subscribe %w(master zoo) } self.new_client(:client_id => "dixon") { |c| c.subscribe %w(slave zoo) } self.new_client(:client_id => "eamon") { |c| c.subscribe %w(slave) } self.new_client(:client_id => "flack") { |c| c.subscribe %w(decoy slave) } subscriber = self.new_client(:client_id => "geoff") { |c| c.subscribe %w(zoo); c.query_show_clients_for_channels %w(master zoo) } end assert_response subscriber do |result| assert_equal 5, result.size assert_same_elements %w(alexa bobby cindy dixon geoff), result.collect { |r| r["client_id"] } end end end context "upon processing an invalid command" do should "disconnect immediately" do subscriber = nil with_server do subscriber = self.new_client(:client_id => "pinocchio") { |c| c.transmit :command => :some_undefined_command; c.subscribe %w(); c } end assert_server_disconnected subscriber end end %w(broadcast subscribe query).each do |type| context "upon receiving malformed #{type}" do should "disconnect immediately" do subscriber = nil with_server do subscriber = self.new_client(:client_id => "pinocchio") { |c| c.transmit :command => type, :type => :unknown; c.subscribe %w(); c } end assert_server_disconnected subscriber end end end context "upon receiving invalid JSON" do should "disconnect immediately" do subscriber = nil with_server do subscriber = self.new_client(:client_id => "pinocchio") { |c| c.send_raw "invalid json..."; c } end assert_server_disconnected subscriber end end context "crossdomain file request" do should "return contents of crossdomain file" do subscriber = nil with_server do subscriber = self.new_client(:client_id => "pinocchio") { |c| c.request_crossdomain_file } end assert_raw_response subscriber, <<-EOF <cross-domain-policy> <allow-access-from domain="*" to-ports="#{OPTIONS[:port]}" /> </cross-domain-policy> EOF end end context "querying channel list" do should "return channel list" do subscribe = nil with_server do self.new_client(:client_id => "homer") { |c| c.subscribe %w(groupie master slave1 slave2) } self.new_client(:client_id => "marge") { |c| c.subscribe %w(master slave1 slave2) } subscribe = self.new_client(:client_id => "pinocchio") { |c| c.subscribe %w(master slave1) c.query_show_channels_for_client "marge" } end assert_response subscribe do |result| assert_equal 3, result.size assert_same_elements %w(master slave1 slave2), result end end end context "remove channel request" do should "work on all clients when requested" do with_server do self.new_client(:client_id => "homer") { |c| c.subscribe %w(groupie master slave1 slave2) } self.new_client(:client_id => "marge") { |c| c.subscribe %w(master slave1 slave2) } self.new_client(:client_id => "pinocchio") { |c| c.subscribe %w(master slave1 slave2) c.query_remove_channels_from_all_clients %w(slave1 slave2) } end @connections.each do |connection| assert_does_not_contain connection.channels, /slave/ end end should "work on specific clients when requested" do with_server do self.new_client(:client_id => "homer") { |c| c.subscribe %w(groupie master slave1 slave2) } self.new_client(:client_id => "marge") { |c| c.subscribe %w(master slave1 slave2) } self.new_client(:client_id => "pinocchio") { |c| c.subscribe %w(master slave1 slave2) c.query_remove_channels_from_client %w(slave1 slave2), %w(homer) } end assert_does_not_contain @connections.find { |c| c.instance_eval("@request[:client_id]") == "homer" }.channels, /slave/ assert_contains @connections.find { |c| c.instance_eval("@request[:client_id]") == "marge" }.channels, /slave/ end end end end