#!/usr/bin/env ruby # coding: utf-8 require 'fileutils' require 'uri' require 'rest_client' require 'json' require 'open-uri' module Cuesmash class Setup class << self # # Run the command line programs to setup appium. Based on steps from http://appium.io/slate/en/tutorial/ios.html?ruby#install-ruby # def setup install_cucumber create_features_dir create_env_rb install_appium_console install_brew install_node create_travis_yml create_scripts_dir create_build_sh create_gemfile create_cuesmash_yml end # TODO: the git checkouts needs to check to see if the dirs have already been # checked out. # TODO: (JM) turns out that appium needs to have `brew install ant` run before it will work for android private # # Honestly all of these should be self evident as to what they do. If you still can't figure it ou # come find me and I'll beat you with a ruby hammer. # def install_cucumber command_runner(command: 'gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri cucumber') end # TODO: check if these exist already def create_features_dir command_runner(command: 'mkdir -p features/{support,step_definitions}') end # TODO: check if this file exists already. If so ask if you want to overwrite it. def create_env_rb download_gist(gist_id: '9fa5e495758463ee5340', final_file: 'features/support/env.rb') end # TODO: this is failing. def install_appium_console command_runner(command: 'gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri appium_console') end def install_brew brew_path = `which brew` if brew_path == 0 command_runner(command: "ruby -e \"$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/go/install)\"") else Logger.info 'Brew already installed.' end end def install_node command_runner(command: 'brew update; brew upgrade node; brew install node') end def create_travis_yml download_gist(gist_id: '74cc418331bd81651746', final_file: '.travis.yml') end def create_scripts_dir puts 'creating scripts dir' command_runner(command: 'mkdir -p scripts') end def create_build_sh download_gist(gist_id: '8df9762a103c694f5773', final_file: 'scripts/build.sh') end def create_gemfile download_gist(gist_id: 'a5a689b072f0b69ec231', final_file: 'Gemfile') end def create_cuesmash_yml download_gist(gist_id: '788fd566f970703e772b', final_file: '.cuesmash.yml') end # # Run the command line # # @param command [String] The command line statement to run # def command_runner(command:) status = nil Logger.info "Starting: #{command}" Open3.popen3 command do |_stdin, out, err, wait_thr| [out, err].each do |stream| Thread.new do until (line = stream.gets).nil? Logger.info line end # until end # Thread.new end # each wait_thr.join status = wait_thr.value.exitstatus end # Open3 if status != 0 Logger.info "Command failed: #{command}" exit status else Logger.info "Finished: #{command}" end end # command_runner # # Download gists files without git. # @param gist_id: [String] the gist id # @param final_file: [String] where the final file gets saved in relationship to the directory where the script is run. # def download_gist(gist_id:, final_file:) base_url = URI('https://api.github.com/gists/') json = JSON.parse(RestClient.get(URI.join(base_url, gist_id).to_s)) file_name = json['files'].keys[0] raw_url = json['files'][file_name]['raw_url'] open(final_file, 'wb') do |file| file << open(raw_url).read end end # download_gist end # class << self end # Class Setup end # Module Cuesmash