# $Id$ require 'rubygems' require 'rake' require 'fileutils' require 'ostruct' PROJ = OpenStruct.new PROJ.name = nil PROJ.summary = nil PROJ.description = nil PROJ.changes = nil PROJ.authors = nil PROJ.email = nil PROJ.url = nil PROJ.version = ENV['VERSION'] || '0.0.0' PROJ.rubyforge_name = nil PROJ.exclude = %w(tmp$ bak$ ~$ CVS \.svn) # Rspec PROJ.specs = FileList['spec/**/*_spec.rb'] PROJ.spec_opts = [] # Test::Unit PROJ.tests = FileList['test/**/test_*.rb'] PROJ.test_file = 'test/all.rb' PROJ.test_opts = [] # Rcov PROJ.rcov_opts = ['--sort', 'coverage', '-T'] # Rdoc PROJ.rdoc_opts = [] PROJ.rdoc_include = %w(^lib ^bin ^ext txt$) PROJ.rdoc_exclude = %w(extconf\.rb$ ^Manifest\.txt$) PROJ.rdoc_main = 'README.txt' PROJ.rdoc_dir = 'doc' PROJ.rdoc_remote_dir = nil # Extensions PROJ.extensions = FileList['ext/**/extconf.rb'] PROJ.ruby_opts = %w(-w) PROJ.libs = [] %w(lib ext).each {|dir| PROJ.libs << dir if test ?d, dir} # Gem Packaging PROJ.files = if test ?f, 'Manifest.txt' files = File.readlines('Manifest.txt').map {|fn| fn.chomp.strip} files.delete '' files else [] end PROJ.executables = PROJ.files.find_all {|fn| fn =~ %r/^bin/} PROJ.dependencies = [] PROJ.need_tar = true PROJ.need_zip = false # Load the other rake files in the tasks folder Dir.glob('tasks/*.rake').sort.each {|fn| import fn} # Setup some constants WIN32 = %r/win32/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM unless defined? WIN32 DEV_NULL = WIN32 ? 'NUL:' : '/dev/null' def quiet( &block ) io = [STDOUT.dup, STDERR.dup] STDOUT.reopen DEV_NULL STDERR.reopen DEV_NULL block.call ensure STDOUT.reopen io.first STDERR.reopen io.last end DIFF = if WIN32 then 'diff.exe' else if quiet {system "gdiff", __FILE__, __FILE__} then 'gdiff' else 'diff' end end unless defined? DIFF SUDO = if WIN32 then '' else if quiet {system 'which sudo'} then 'sudo' else '' end end RCOV = WIN32 ? 'rcov.cmd' : 'rcov' GEM = WIN32 ? 'gem.cmd' : 'gem' %w(rcov spec rubyforge source_annotation_extractor).each do |lib| begin require lib Object.instance_eval {const_set "HAVE_#{lib.upcase}", true} rescue LoadError Object.instance_eval {const_set "HAVE_#{lib.upcase}", false} end end # Reads a file at +path+ and spits out an array of the +paragraphs+ # specified. # # changes = paragraphs_of('History.txt', 0..1).join("\n\n") # summary, *description = paragraphs_of('README.txt', 3, 3..8) # def paragraphs_of(path, *paragraphs) File.read(path).delete("\r").split(/\n\n+/).values_at(*paragraphs) end # Adds the given gem _name_ to the current project's dependency list. An # optional gem _version_ can be given. If omitted, the newest gem version # will be used. # def depend_on( name, version = nil ) spec = Gem.source_index.find_name(name).last version = spec.version.to_s if version.nil? and !spec.nil? PROJ.dependencies << (version.nil? ? [name] : [name, ">= #{version}"]) end # Adds the given _path_ to the include path if it is not already there # def ensure_in_path( path ) path = File.expand_path(path) $:.unshift(path) if test(?d, path) and not $:.include?(path) end # EOF