require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__) require 'rational' describe :rational_div_rat, :shared => true do it "performs integer division and returns the result" do Rational(2, 3).div(Rational(2, 3)).should == 1 Rational(-2, 9).div(Rational(-9, 2)).should == 0 end it "raises a ZeroDivisionError when the argument has a numerator of 0" do lambda { Rational(3, 4).div(Rational(0, 3)) }.should raise_error(ZeroDivisionError) end # 1.8 doesn't accept Floats for Rational() arguments ruby_version_is "1.9" do it "raises a ZeroDivisionError when the argument has a numerator of 0.0" do lambda { Rational(3, 4).div(Rational(0.0, 3)) }.should raise_error(ZeroDivisionError) end end end describe :rational_div_float, :shared => true do # The version guard is necessary because 1.8 can't cope with Floats passed # to Rational(), so we need to simplify the examples accordingly. ruby_version_is "1.9" do it "performs integer division and returns the result" do Rational(2, 3).div(30.333).should == 0 Rational(2, 9).div(Rational(-8.6)).should == -1 Rational(3.12).div(0.5).should == 6 end end ruby_version_is ""..."1.9" do it "performs integer division and returns the result" do Rational(2, 3).div(30.333).should == 0 Rational(7, 12).div(0.5).should == 1 end end ruby_version_is ""..."1.9" do it "raises a FloatDomainError when the argument is 0.0" do lambda { Rational(3, 4).div(0.0) }.should raise_error(FloatDomainError) end end ruby_version_is "1.9" do it "raises a ZeroDivisionError when the argument is 0.0" do lambda { Rational(3, 4).div(0.0) }.should raise_error(ZeroDivisionError) end end end describe :rational_div_int, :shared => true do it "performs integer division and returns the result" do Rational(2, 1).div(1).should == 2 Rational(25, 5).div(-50).should == -1 end it "raises a ZeroDivisionError when the argument is 0" do lambda { Rational(3, 4).div(0) }.should raise_error(ZeroDivisionError) end end describe :rational_div, :shared => true do it "returns an Integer" do Rational(229, 21).div(82).should be_kind_of(Integer) end it "raises an ArgumentError if passed more than one argument" do lambda { Rational(3, 4).div(2,3) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end # See ruby_version_is "1.8.8" do it "raises a TypeError if passed a non-numeric argument" do lambda { Rational(3, 4).div([]) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end end end