require 'diesel/utils/inflections' module Diesel module Swagger class Node include Diesel::Utils::Inflections class << self def inherited(base) base.instance_variable_set(:@attribute_names, attribute_names.dup) base.instance_variable_set(:@list_names, list_names.dup) base.instance_variable_set(:@hash_names, hash_names.dup) end def attribute_names @attribute_names || [] end def list_names @list_names || [] end def hash_names @hash_names || [] end def attribute(name, options = {}) name = name.to_sym (@attribute_names ||= []) << name attr_accessor name if options[:type] == :boolean define_method("#{name}?".to_sym) do !!send(name) end elsif options[:symbolize] define_method("#{name}=".to_sym) do |value| instance_variable_set("@#{name}".to_sym, value.nil? ? nil : value.to_sym) end end (@validates_children ||= []) << name if options[:validate] end def list(name, options = {}) attr_accessor name (@list_names ||= []) << name (@validates_children ||= []) << name if options[:validate] end def hash(name, options = {}) attr_accessor name (@hash_names ||= []) << name (@validates_children ||= []) << name if options[:validate] end def collect_errors(node, all_errors = []) if @validates_children @validates_children.each do |name| if attr_val = node.send(name) if @hash_names && @hash_names.include?(name) attr_val.each_pair { |k,v| v.collect_errors(all_errors) } elsif @list_names && @list_names.include?(name) attr_val.each { |v| v.collect_errors(all_errors) } else unless attr_val.respond_to? :collect_errors raise "Expecting #{name} to be a node" end attr_val.collect_errors(all_errors) end end end end all_errors end end attr_reader :errors def initialize @errors = [] end def extensions @extensions ||= {} end def validate end def valid? validate @errors.any? end def collect_errors(all_errors = []) validate; all_errors.concat(errors) self.class.collect_errors(self, all_errors) end def serializable_hash h = {} if self.class.attribute_names self.class.attribute_names.each do |nm| if v = __send__(nm) h[camelize(nm, false)] = value_or_serializable_hash(v) end end end if self.class.list_names self.class.list_names.each do |nm| if arr = __send__(nm) result = do |v| value_or_serializable_hash(v) end h[camelize(nm, false)] = result if result.any? end end end if self.class.hash_names self.class.hash_names.each do |nm| if value_hash = __send__(nm) result = value_hash.reduce({}) do |m,(k,v)| m[k] = value_or_serializable_hash(v); m end h[camelize(nm, false)] = result if result.any? end end end h end def to_json MultiJson.dump(serializable_hash) end alias :to_s :to_json private def value_or_serializable_hash(v) v.respond_to?(:serializable_hash) ? v.serializable_hash : v end end end end