require 'calabash-cucumber/launch/simulator_launcher' require 'calabash-cucumber/utils/simulator_accessibility' require 'sim_launcher' require 'calabash-cucumber/device' require 'calabash-cucumber/actions/instruments_actions' require 'calabash-cucumber/actions/playback_actions' require 'run_loop' require 'cfpropertylist' require 'calabash-cucumber/version' require 'calabash-cucumber/utils/logging' class Calabash::Cucumber::Launcher include Calabash::Cucumber::Logging include Calabash::Cucumber::SimulatorAccessibility KNOWN_PRIVACY_SETTINGS = {:photos => 'kTCCServicePhotos', :calendar => 'kTCCServiceCalendar', :address_book => 'kTCCServiceAddressBook'} @@launcher = nil SERVER_VERSION_NOT_AVAILABLE = '0.0.0' @@server_version = nil attr_accessor :run_loop attr_accessor :device attr_accessor :actions attr_accessor :launch_args attr_accessor :simulator_launcher class StartError < RuntimeError attr_accessor :error def initialize(err) self.error= err end def to_s "#{super.to_s}: #{error}" end end class CalabashLauncherTimeoutErr < Timeout::Error end def initialize @simulator_launcher = @@launcher = self end def actions attach if @actions.nil? @actions end def self.attach l = launcher return l if l && l.attach end def attach(max_retry=1, timeout=10) if calabash_no_launch? self.actions= return end pids_str = `ps x -o pid,command | grep -v grep | grep "instruments" | awk '{printf "%s,", $1}'` pids = pids_str.split(',').map { |pid| pid.to_i } pid = pids.first rl = {} if pid rl[:pid] = pid self.actions= else self.actions= end self.run_loop= rl ensure_connectivity(max_retry, timeout) major = self.device.ios_major_version if major.to_i >= 7 && self.actions.is_a?(Calabash::Cucumber::PlaybackActions) puts "\n\n WARNING \n\n" puts 'Warning Trying to connect to simulator that was not launched by Calabash/instruments.' puts 'To fix this you must let Calabash or instruments launch the app' puts 'Continuing... query et al will work.' puts "\n\n WARNING \n\n" puts "Please read:" end self end def self.instruments? l = launcher_if_used return false unless l l.instruments? end def self.launcher @@launcher ||= end def self.launcher_if_used @@launcher end def ios_major_version # pinging the app will set self.device ping_app if self.device.nil? # guard against Runtime errors return nil if device.nil? or device.ios_version.nil? device.ios_major_version end def ios_version return nil if device.nil? device.ios_version end def reset_app_jail(sdk=nil, path=nil) sdk ||= sdk_version || self.simulator_launcher.sdk_detector.latest_sdk_version path ||= self.simulator_launcher.app_bundle_or_raise(app_path) app = File.basename(path) directories_for_sdk_prefix(sdk).each do |dir| bundle = `find "#{dir}/Applications" -type d -depth 2 -name "#{app}" | head -n 1` next if bundle.empty? # Assuming we're already clean if debug_logging? puts "Reset app state for #{bundle}" end sandbox = File.dirname(bundle) ['Library', 'Documents', 'tmp'].each do |dir| FileUtils.rm_rf(File.join(sandbox, dir)) end end end def directories_for_sdk_prefix(sdk) Dir["#{ENV['HOME']}/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/#{sdk}*"] end # Call as update_privacy_settings('', {:photos => {:allow => true}}) def update_privacy_settings(bundle_id, opts={}) if debug_logging? puts "Update privacy settings #{bundle_id}, #{opts}" end unless File.exist?(`which sqlite3`.strip) raise 'Error: Unable to find sqlite3. The binary sqlite3 must be installed and on path.' end opts.each do |setting_name, setting_options| setting_name = KNOWN_PRIVACY_SETTINGS[setting_name] || setting_name allow = setting_options[:allow] == false ? false : true sdk = setting_options[:sdk] || self.simulator_launcher.sdk_detector.latest_sdk_version dirs = directories_for_sdk_prefix(sdk) if debug_logging? puts "About to update privacy setting #{setting_name} for #{bundle_id}, allow: #{allow} in sdk #{sdk}, #{dirs}" end dirs.each do |dir| if debug_logging? puts "Setting access for #{bundle_id} for permission #{setting_name} to allow: #{allow}" end path_to_tcc_db = tcc_database_for_sdk_dir(dir) unless File.exist?(path_to_tcc_db) puts "Warning: No TCC.db in location #{path_to_tcc_db}" next end allowed_as_i = allow ? 1 : 0 if privacy_setting(dir, bundle_id,setting_name).nil? sql = %Q['INSERT INTO access (service, client, client_type, allowed, prompt_count) VALUES ("#{setting_name}","#{bundle_id}",0,#{allowed_as_i},1);'] else sql = %Q['UPDATE access SET allowed=#{allowed_as_i} where client="#{bundle_id}" AND service="#{setting_name}";'] end if debug_logging? puts "Executing sql #{sql} on #{path_to_tcc_db}" end unless system(%Q[sqlite3 "#{path_to_tcc_db}" #{sql}]) && privacy_setting(dir,bundle_id,setting_name) == allowed_as_i puts "Warning: Error executing sql: #{sql} against #{path_to_tcc_db} (Setting is #{privacy_setting(dir,bundle_id,setting_name)}). Continuing..." next end end end end def tcc_database_for_sdk_dir(dir) File.join(dir,'Library', 'TCC', 'TCC.db') end def privacy_setting(sdk_dir, bundle_id, setting_name) setting_name = KNOWN_PRIVACY_SETTINGS[setting_name] || setting_name path_to_tcc_db = tcc_database_for_sdk_dir(sdk_dir) sql = %Q['SELECT allowed FROM access WHERE client="#{bundle_id}" and service="#{setting_name}";'] output = `sqlite3 "#{path_to_tcc_db}" #{sql}`.strip (output == '0' || output == '1') ? output.to_i : nil end def default_launch_args # APP_BUNDLE_PATH # BUNDLE_ID # APP (unifies APP_BUNDLE_PATH, BUNDLE_ID) # DEVICE_TARGET # SDK_VERSION # RESET_BETWEEN_SCENARIOS # DEVICE # NO_LAUNCH # NO_STOP args = { :launch_method => default_launch_method, :reset => reset_between_scenarios?, :bundle_id => ENV['BUNDLE_ID'], :device => device_env, :no_stop => calabash_no_stop?, :no_launch => calabash_no_launch?, :sdk_version => sdk_version, # do not advertise this to users! # for example, don't include documentation about this # this is used to instrument internal testing :launch_retries => 5 } device_tgt = ENV['DEVICE_TARGET'] if run_with_instruments?(args) if simulator_target? args[:device_target] = device_tgt args[:udid] = nil else if detect_connected_device? && (device_tgt.nil? || device_tgt.downcase == 'device') device_tgt = RunLoop::Core.detect_connected_device end if device_tgt args[:device_target] = args[:udid] = device_tgt end end end if args[:device_target].nil? args[:device_target] = 'simulator' end args end def detect_connected_device? if ENV['DETECT_CONNECTED_DEVICE'] == '1' return true end if ENV['BUNDLE_ID'].nil? && ENV['DETECT_CONNECTED_DEVICE'].nil? return false end if ENV['BUNDLE_ID'] && ENV['DETECT_CONNECTED_DEVICE'].nil? return true end if ENV['DETECT_CONNECTED_DEVICE'] return ENV['DETECT_CONNECTED_DEVICE'] != '0' end return false end def default_launch_method sdk = sdk_version major = nil if sdk && !sdk.strip.empty? major = sdk.split('.')[0] begin major = major.to_i rescue calabash_warn("SDK_VERSION invalid #{sdk_version} - ignoring...") end end return :instruments if major && major >= 7 # Only instruments supported for iOS7+ return :sim_launcher if major # and then we have <= 6 if RunLoop::Core.above_or_eql_version?('5.1', RunLoop::Core.xcode_version) return use_sim_launcher_env? ? :sim_launcher : :instruments end available = self.simulator_launcher.sdk_detector.available_sdk_versions.reject { |v| v.start_with?('7') } if available.include?(sdk_version) :sim_launcher else :instruments end end def relaunch(args={}) RunLoop.stop(run_loop) if run_loop args = default_launch_args.merge(args) args[:app] = args[:app] || args[:bundle_id] || app_path || detect_app_bundle_from_args(args) if args[:app] if[:app]) args[:app] = File.expand_path(args[:app]) else # args[:app] is not a directory so must be a bundle id if simulator_target?(args) ## bundle id set, but simulator target args[:app] = app_path || detect_app_bundle_from_args(args) end end end unless args[:app] if simulator_target?(args) device_xamarin_build_dir = 'iPhoneSimulator' else device_xamarin_build_dir = 'iPhone' end args[:app] = self.simulator_launcher.app_bundle_or_raise(app_path, device_xamarin_build_dir) end args[:bundle_id] ||= detect_bundle_id_from_app_bundle(args) args[:device] ||= detect_device_from_args(args) reset_app_jail if args[:reset] if args[:privacy_settings] if simulator_target?(args) update_privacy_settings(args[:bundle_id], args[:privacy_settings]) else #Not supported on device puts 'Warning: :privacy_settings not supported on device' end end if simulator_target?(args) enable_accessibility_on_simulators end if run_with_instruments?(args) self.run_loop = new_run_loop(args) self.actions= else # run with sim launcher self.actions= # why not just pass args - AFAICT args[:app] == app_path? self.simulator_launcher.relaunch(app_path, sdk_version(), args) end self.launch_args = args ensure_connectivity check_server_gem_compatibility end def detect_device_from_args(args) if args[:app] &&[:app]) # Derive bundle id from bundle_dir plist_as_hash = info_plist_from_bundle_path(args[:app]) if plist_as_hash device_family = plist_as_hash['UIDeviceFamily'] if device_family first_device = device_family.first if first_device == 2 return 'ipad' else return 'iphone' end end end else args[:app] end end # todo this method should be migrated to the Simulator Launcher def detect_app_bundle_from_args(args) if simulator_target?(args) device_xamarin_build_dir = 'iPhoneSimulator' else device_xamarin_build_dir = 'iPhone' end # is this really only applicable to the Xamarin IDE? self.simulator_launcher.detect_app_bundle(nil, device_xamarin_build_dir) end def detect_bundle_id_from_app_bundle(args) if args[:app] &&[:app]) # Derive bundle id from bundle_dir plist_as_hash = info_plist_from_bundle_path(args[:app]) if plist_as_hash plist_as_hash['CFBundleIdentifier'] end else args[:app] end end def info_plist_from_bundle_path(bundle_path) plist_path = File.join(bundle_path, 'Info.plist') info_plist_as_hash(plist_path) if File.exist?(plist_path) end def new_run_loop(args) # for stability, quit the simulator if Xcode version is > 5.1 and the # target device is the simulator target_is_sim = simulator_target?(args) xcode_gte_51 = RunLoop::Core.above_or_eql_version?('5.1', RunLoop::Core.xcode_version) if target_is_sim and xcode_gte_51 self.simulator_launcher.stop end last_err = nil num_retries = args[:launch_retries] || 5 num_retries.times do begin return rescue RunLoop::TimeoutError => e last_err = e if full_console_logging? puts 'retrying run loop...' end self.simulator_launcher.stop end end self.simulator_launcher.stop puts "Unable to start. Make sure you've set APP_BUNDLE_PATH to a build supported by this simulator version" raise end def ensure_connectivity(max_retry=10, timeout=30) begin max_retry_count = (ENV['MAX_CONNECT_RETRY'] || max_retry).to_i timeout = (ENV['CONNECT_TIMEOUT'] || timeout).to_i retry_count = 0 connected = false if full_console_logging? puts 'Waiting for App to be ready' end until connected do raise "MAX_RETRIES" if retry_count == max_retry_count retry_count += 1 begin Timeout::timeout(timeout, CalabashLauncherTimeoutErr) do until connected begin connected = (ping_app == '200') break if connected rescue Exception => e #p e #retry ensure sleep 1 unless connected end end end rescue CalabashLauncherTimeoutErr => e puts "Timed out...Retry.." end end rescue RuntimeError => e p e msg = "Unable to make connection to Calabash Server at #{ENV['DEVICE_ENDPOINT']|| "http://localhost:37265/"}\n" msg << "Make sure you don't have a firewall blocking traffic to #{ENV['DEVICE_ENDPOINT']|| "http://localhost:37265/"}.\n" raise msg end end def ping_app url = URI.parse(ENV['DEVICE_ENDPOINT']|| "http://localhost:37265/") http =, url.port) res = http.start do |sess| sess.request['CALABASH_VERSION_PATH'] || "version") end status = res.code begin http.finish if http and http.started? rescue Exception => e end if status == '200' version_body = JSON.parse(res.body) self.device =, version_body) end status end def stop RunLoop.stop(run_loop) if run_loop && run_loop[:pid] end def calabash_notify(world) if world.respond_to?(:on_launch) world.on_launch end end def info_plist_as_hash(plist_path) unless File.exist?(plist_path) raise "Unable to find Info.plist: #{plist_path}" end parsedplist = => plist_path) CFPropertyList.native_types(parsedplist.value) end def detect_bundle_id begin bundle_path = self.simulator_launcher.app_bundle_or_raise(app_path) plist_path = File.join(bundle_path, 'Info.plist') info_plist_as_hash(plist_path)['CFBundleIdentifier'] rescue => e raise "Unable to automatically find bundle id. Please set BUNDLE_ID environment variable. #{e}" end end def calabash_no_stop? calabash_no_launch? or ENV['NO_STOP']=="1" end def calabash_no_launch? ENV['NO_LAUNCH']=='1' end def device_target? (ENV['DEVICE_TARGET'] != nil) && (not simulator_target?) end def simulator_target?(launch_args={}) value = ENV['DEVICE_TARGET'] || launch_args[:device_target] return false if value.nil? value.downcase.include?('simulator') end def sdk_version ENV['SDK_VERSION'] end def use_instruments_env? ENV['LAUNCH_VIA'] == 'instruments' end def use_sim_launcher_env? ENV['LAUNCH_VIA'] == 'sim_launcher' end def reset_between_scenarios? ENV['RESET_BETWEEN_SCENARIOS']=="1" end def device_env ENV['DEVICE'] end def app_path ENV['APP_BUNDLE_PATH'] || (defined?(APP_BUNDLE_PATH) && APP_BUNDLE_PATH) || ENV['APP'] end def run_with_instruments?(args) args && args[:launch_method] == :instruments end def active? not run_loop.nil? end def instruments? !!(active? && run_loop[:pid]) end def inspect msg = ["#{self.class}: Launch Method #{launch_args && launch_args[:launch_method]}"] if run_with_instruments?(self.launch_args) && self.run_loop msg << "Log file: #{self.run_loop[:log_file]}" end msg.join("\n") end # extracts server version from the app binary at +app_bundle_path+ by # inspecting the binary's strings table. # # SPECIAL: sets the +@@server_version+ class variable to cache the server # version because the server version will never change during runtime. # # @return [String] the server version # @param [String] app_bundle_path file path (usually) to the application bundle # @raise [RuntimeError] if there is no executable at +app_bundle_path+ # @raise [RuntimeError] if the server version cannot be extracted from any # binary at +app_bundle_path+ def server_version_from_bundle(app_bundle_path) return @@server_version unless @@server_version.nil? exe_paths = [] Dir.foreach(app_bundle_path) do |item| next if item == '.' or item == '..' full_path = File.join(app_bundle_path, item) if File.executable?(full_path) and not exe_paths << full_path end end if exe_paths.empty? calabash_warn "could not find executable in '#{app_bundle_path}'" @@server_version = SERVER_VERSION_NOT_AVAILABLE return @@server_version end server_version = nil exe_paths.each do |path| server_version_string = `strings #{path} | grep -E 'CALABASH VERSION'`.chomp! if server_version_string server_version = server_version_string.split(' ').last break end end unless server_version calabash_warn('could not find server version by inspecting the binary strings table') @@server_version = SERVER_VERSION_NOT_AVAILABLE return @@server_version end @@server_version = server_version end # queries the server for its version. # # SPECIAL: sets the +@@server_version+ class variable to cache the server # version because the server version will never change during runtime. # # @return [String] the server version # @raise [RuntimeError] if the server cannot be reached def server_version_from_server return @@server_version unless @@server_version.nil? ensure_connectivity if self.device == nil @@server_version = self.device.server_version end # checks the server and gem version compatibility and generates a warning if # the server and gem are not compatible. # # WIP: this is a proof-of-concept implementation and requires _strict_ # equality. in the future we should allow minimum framework compatibility. # # @return [nil] nothing to return def check_server_gem_compatibility app_bundle_path = self.launch_args[:app] if server_version = server_version_from_bundle(app_bundle_path) else server_version = server_version_from_server end if server_version == SERVER_VERSION_NOT_AVAILABLE calabash_warn('server version could not be found - skipping compatibility check') return nil end server_version = gem_version = min_server_version = if server_version < min_server_version msgs = [] msgs << 'server version is not compatible with gem version' msgs << 'please update your server and gem' msgs << " gem version: '#{gem_version}'" msgs << "min server version: '#{min_server_version}'" msgs << " server version: '#{server_version}'" calabash_warn("#{msgs.join("\n")}") else if full_console_logging? calabash_info("gem #{gem_version} is compat with '#{server_version}'") end end nil end end