module Pod class Deintegrator include Config::Mixin FRAMEWORK_NAMES = /^(libPods.*\.a)|(Pods.*\.framework)$/i XCCONFIG_NAMES = /^Pods.*\.xcconfig$/i def deintegrate_project(project) UI.section("Deintegrating #{UI.path project.path}") do project.native_targets.each do |target| deintegrate_target(target) end end delete_pods_file_references(project) remove_sandbox UI.puts UI.puts('Project has been deintegrated. No traces of CocoaPods left in project.'.green) UI.puts('Note: The workspace referencing the Pods project still remains.') end def deintegrate_target(target) UI.section("Deintegrating target `#{}`") do deintegrate_shell_script_phase(target, 'Copy Pods Resources') deintegrate_shell_script_phase(target, 'Check Pods Manifest.lock') deintegrate_shell_script_phase(target, 'Embed Pods Frameworks') deintegrate_user_shell_script_phases(target) deintegrate_pods_libraries(target) deintegrate_configuration_file_references(target) end end def remove_sandbox pods_directory = config.sandbox.root if pods_directory.exist? UI.puts("Removing #{UI.path pods_directory} directory.") pods_directory.rmtree end end def deintegrate_pods_libraries(target) # `frameworks_build_phases` returns but does not automatically create this build phase # when we are deinitegrating. Its a bit of a weird API but thats what Xcodeproj gives # us. frameworks_build_phase = target.frameworks_build_phases return if frameworks_build_phase.nil? pods_build_files = do |build_file| build_file.display_name =~ FRAMEWORK_NAMES end unless pods_build_files.empty? UI.section('Removing Pod libraries from build phase:') do pods_build_files.each do |build_file| UI.puts("- #{build_file.display_name}") if build_file.file_ref.build_files.count == 1 build_file.file_ref.remove_from_project end frameworks_build_phase.remove_build_file(build_file) end end end end def deintegrate_user_shell_script_phases(target) user_script_phases = do |phase| next unless'[CP-User] ') end unless user_script_phases.empty? user_script_phases.each do |phase| target.build_phases.delete(phase) end UI.puts("Deleted #{user_script_phases.count} user build phases.") end end def deintegrate_shell_script_phase(target, phase_name) phases = do |phase| && =~ /#{Regexp.escape(phase_name)}\z$/ end unless phases.empty? phases.each do |phase| target.build_phases.delete(phase) end UI.puts("Deleted #{phases.count} '#{phase_name}' build phases.") end end def delete_empty_group(project, group_name) groups = do |group| == group_name && group.children.empty? end unless groups.empty? groups.each(&:remove_from_project) UI.puts "Deleted #{groups.count} empty `#{group_name}` groups from project." end end def deintegrate_configuration_file_references(target) config_files = do |config| config_file = config.base_configuration_reference config_file if config_file && =~ XCCONFIG_NAMES end.compact unless config_files.empty? UI.section('Deleting configuration file references') do config_files.each do |file_reference| UI.puts("- #{}") file_reference.remove_from_project end end end end def delete_pods_file_references(project) # The following implementation goes for files and empty groups so it # should catch cases where a user has changed the structure manually. groups = project.main_group.recursive_children_groups groups << project.main_group pod_files = groups.flat_map do |group| do |obj| =~ XCCONFIG_NAMES || obj.path =~ /^(libPods.*\.a)|(Pods_.*\.framework)$/i end end unless pod_files.empty? UI.section('Deleting Pod file references from project') do pod_files.each do |file_reference| UI.puts("- #{ || file_reference.path}") file_reference.remove_from_project end end end # Delete empty `Pods` group if exists delete_empty_group(project, 'Pods') delete_empty_group(project, 'Frameworks') end end end