# frozen_string_literal: true # typed: true # This is where we define the shortcuts, so we can't use them here # rubocop:disable PrisonGuard/UseOpusTypesShortcut # _____ # |_ _| _ _ __ ___ ___ # | || | | | '_ \ / _ \/ __| # | || |_| | |_) | __/\__ \ # |_| \__, | .__/ \___||___/ # |___/|_| # # Docs at https://sorbet.org/docs/sigs # # Types that you can pass to `sig`: # # - a Ruby class # # - [, , ...] -- to specify a "tuple"; a fixed-size array with known types for each member # # - {key: , key2: , ...} -- to speicfy a "shape"; a fixed-size hash # with known keys and type values # # - Any of the `T.foo` methods below module T # T.any(, , ...) -- matches any of the types listed def self.any(type_a, type_b, *types) type_a = T::Utils.coerce(type_a) type_b = T::Utils.coerce(type_b) types = types.map {|t| T::Utils.coerce(t)} if !types.empty? T::Types::Union::Private::Pool.union_of_types(type_a, type_b, types) end # Shorthand for T.any(type, NilClass) def self.nilable(type) T::Types::Union::Private::Pool.union_of_types(T::Utils.coerce(type), T::Utils::Nilable::NIL_TYPE) end # Matches any object. In the static checker, T.untyped allows any # method calls or operations. def self.untyped T::Types::Untyped::Private::INSTANCE end # Indicates a function never returns (e.g. "Kernel#raise") def self.noreturn T::Types::NoReturn::Private::INSTANCE end # T.all(, , ...) -- matches an object that has all of the types listed def self.all(type_a, type_b, *types) T::Types::Intersection.new([type_a, type_b] + types) end # Matches any of the listed values def self.enum(values) T::Types::Enum.new(values) end # Creates a proc type def self.proc T::Private::Methods.start_proc end # Matches `self`: def self.self_type T::Types::SelfType::Private::INSTANCE end # Matches the instance type in a singleton-class context def self.attached_class T::Types::AttachedClassType::Private::INSTANCE end # Matches any class that subclasses or includes the provided class # or module def self.class_of(klass) T::Types::ClassOf.new(klass) end ## END OF THE METHODS TO PASS TO `sig`. # Constructs a type alias. Used to create a short name for a larger type. In Ruby this returns a # wrapper that contains a proc that is evaluated to get the underlying type. This syntax however # is needed for support by the static checker. Example usage: # # NilableString = T.type_alias {T.nilable(String)} # # sig {params(arg: NilableString, default: String).returns(String)} # def or_else(arg, default) # arg || default # end # # The name of the type alias is not preserved; Error messages will # be printed with reference to the underlying type. # # TODO Remove `type` parameter. This was left in to make life easier while migrating. def self.type_alias(type=nil, &blk) if blk T::Private::Types::TypeAlias.new(blk) else T::Utils.coerce(type) end end # References a type parameter which was previously defined with # `type_parameters`. # # This is used for generic methods. Example usage: # # sig # .type_parameters(:U) # .params( # blk: T.proc.params(arg0: Elem).returns(T.type_parameter(:U)), # ) # .returns(T::Array[T.type_parameter(:U)]) # def map(&blk); end def self.type_parameter(name) T::Types::TypeParameter.new(name) end # Tells the typechecker that `value` is of type `type`. Use this to get additional checking after # an expression that the typechecker is unable to analyze. If `checked` is true, raises an # exception at runtime if the value doesn't match the type. # # Compared to `T.let`, `T.cast` is _trusted_ by static system. def self.cast(value, type, checked: true) return value unless checked Private::Casts.cast(value, type, cast_method: "T.cast") end # Tells the typechecker to declare a variable of type `type`. Use # like: # # seconds = T.let(0.0, Float) # # Compared to `T.cast`, `T.let` is _checked_ by static system. # # If `checked` is true, raises an exception at runtime if the value # doesn't match the type. def self.let(value, type, checked: true) return value unless checked Private::Casts.cast(value, type, cast_method: "T.let") end # Tells the typechecker to ensure that `value` is of type `type` (if not, the typechecker will # fail). Use this for debugging typechecking errors, or to ensure that type information is # statically known and being checked appropriately. If `checked` is true, raises an exception at # runtime if the value doesn't match the type. def self.assert_type!(value, type, checked: true) return value unless checked Private::Casts.cast(value, type, cast_method: "T.assert_type!") end # For the static type checker, strips all type information from a value # and returns the same value, but statically-typed as `T.untyped`. # Can be used to tell the static checker to "trust you" by discarding type information # you know to be incorrect. Use with care! # (This has no effect at runtime.) # # We can't actually write this sig because we ourselves are inside # the `T::` module and doing this would create a bootstrapping # cycle. However, we also don't actually need to do so; An untyped # identity method works just as well here. # # sig {params(value: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped)} def self.unsafe(value) value end # A convenience method to `raise` when the argument is `nil` and return it # otherwise. # # Intended to be used as: # # needs_foo(T.must(maybe_gives_foo)) # # Equivalent to: # # foo = maybe_gives_foo # raise "nil" if foo.nil? # needs_foo(foo) # # Intended to be used to promise sorbet that a given nilable value happens # to contain a non-nil value at this point. # # sig {params(arg: T.nilable(A)).returns(A)} def self.must(arg) return arg if arg return arg if arg == false begin raise TypeError.new("Passed `nil` into T.must") rescue TypeError => e # raise into rescue to ensure e.backtrace is populated T::Configuration.inline_type_error_handler(e) end end # A way to ask Sorbet to show what type it thinks an expression has. # This can be useful for debugging and checking assumptions. # In the runtime, merely returns the value passed in. def self.reveal_type(value) value end # A way to ask Sorbet to prove that a certain branch of control flow never # happens. Commonly used to assert that a case or if statement exhausts all # possible cases. def self.absurd(value) msg = "Control flow reached T.absurd." case value when Kernel msg += " Got value: #{value}" end begin raise TypeError.new(msg) rescue TypeError => e # raise into rescue to ensure e.backtrace is populated T::Configuration.inline_type_error_handler(e) end end ### Generic classes ### module Array def self.[](type) if type.is_a?(T::Types::Untyped) T::Types::TypedArray::Untyped.new else T::Types::TypedArray.new(type) end end end module Hash def self.[](keys, values) if keys.is_a?(T::Types::Untyped) && values.is_a?(T::Types::Untyped) T::Types::TypedHash::Untyped.new else T::Types::TypedHash.new(keys: keys, values: values) end end end module Enumerable def self.[](type) if type.is_a?(T::Types::Untyped) T::Types::TypedEnumerable::Untyped.new else T::Types::TypedEnumerable.new(type) end end end module Enumerator def self.[](type) if type.is_a?(T::Types::Untyped) T::Types::TypedEnumerator::Untyped.new else T::Types::TypedEnumerator.new(type) end end end module Range def self.[](type) T::Types::TypedRange.new(type) end end module Set def self.[](type) if type.is_a?(T::Types::Untyped) T::Types::TypedSet::Untyped.new else T::Types::TypedSet.new(type) end end end end # rubocop:enable PrisonGuard/UseOpusTypesShortcut