= openstack_activeresource OpenStack Ruby and RoR bindings implemented with ActiveResource Supported API: * Glance * Keystone (admin and public) * Nova Tested on Folsom and Essex release. == Installation Command line: ~# gem install openstack_activeresource Or in bundler Gemfile: gem "openstack_activeresource", "~> 0.1.2" == Sample usages === List available tenants (requires the 'admin' role) require 'openstack_activeresource' # Set Keystone Public API endpoint OpenStack::Keystone::Public::Base.site = "https://my.keystone.api.server:5000/v2.0/" # Authentication auth = OpenStack::Keystone::Public::Auth.create :username => "adminuser", :password => "adminpassword", :tenant_id => "admintenant_ID" # Set the auth token for next API requests OpenStack::Base.token = auth.token OpenStack::Keystone::Public::Tenant.all.each { |tenant| printf "Name: %s (id: %s, enabled? %s) - %s\n", tenant.name.center(15), tenant.id.center(20), tenant.enabled.to_s.center(6), tenant.description } === Creating a new tenant and a new user (requires the 'admin' role) require 'openstack_activeresource' # Set Keystone Public and Admin API endpoints OpenStack::Keystone::Public::Base.site = "https://my.keystone.api.server:5000/v2.0/" OpenStack::Keystone::Admin::Base.site = "https://my.keystone.api.server:35357/v2.0/" # Authentication auth = OpenStack::Keystone::Public::Auth.create :username => "adminuser", :password => "adminpassword", :tenant_id => "admintenant_ID" # Set the auth token for next API requests OpenStack::Base.token = auth.token # Create a new tenant new_tenant = OpenStack::Keystone::Admin::Tenant.create :enabled => true, :name => "TestTenant", :description => "My new tenant" # Create a new user in new_tenant new_user = OpenStack::Keystone::Admin::User.create :tenant => new_tenant, :name => "TestUser", :password => "testpassword", :email => "test@user.com", :enabled => true # Assign the "memberRole" in new_tenant to new_user member_role = OpenStack::Keystone::Admin::Role.find_by_name "memberRole" new_tenant.add_role_to_user member_role, new_user === List image index from Nova require 'openstack_activeresource' # Set Keystone Public API endpoint OpenStack::Keystone::Public::Base.site = "https://my.keystone.api.server:5000/v2.0/" # Authentication auth = OpenStack::Keystone::Public::Auth.create :username => "user", :password => "password", :tenant_id => "tenant_id" # Set the auth token for next API requests OpenStack::Base.token = auth.token # Set the Nova Compute API endpoint from the received service catalog OpenStack::Nova::Compute::Base.site = auth.endpoint_for('compute').publicURL OpenStack::Nova::Compute::Image.all.each { |image| printf "Name: %s (%s), minDisk: %3i, minRam: %5i, Status: %s, Progress: %3i\n", image.name.center(40), image.image_type.center(8), image.min_disk || 0, image.min_ram || 0, image.status(7), image.progress } === List virtual servers for a tenant require 'openstack_activeresource' # Set Keystone Public API endpoint OpenStack::Keystone::Public::Base.site = "https://my.keystone.api.server:5000/v2.0/" # Authentication auth = OpenStack::Keystone::Public::Auth.create :username => "user", :password => "password", :tenant_id => "tenant_id" # Set the auth token for next API requests OpenStack::Base.token = auth.token # Set the Nova Compute API endpoint from the received service catalog OpenStack::Nova::Compute::Base.site = auth.endpoint_for('compute').publicURL # Get all the servers servers = OpenStack::Nova::Compute::Server.all # To get only active server: OpenStack::Compute::Server.find :all, :params => {:status => "ACTIVE"} servers.each { |s| printf "Name: %s, Status: %s, Image: %s, Flavor: %s, Created: %s, Updated: %s\n", s.name.center(20), s.status.center(10), s.image.id, s.flavor.id, s.created_at.to_time.localtime, s.updated_at.to_time.localtime } === List available flavors require 'openstack_activeresource' # Set Keystone Public API endpoint OpenStack::Keystone::Public::Base.site = "https://my.keystone.api.server:5000/v2.0/" # Authentication auth = OpenStack::Keystone::Public::Auth.create :username => "user", :password => "password", :tenant_id => "tenant_id" # Set the auth token for next API requests OpenStack::Base.token = auth.token # Set the Nova Compute API endpoint from the received service catalog OpenStack::Nova::Compute::Base.site = auth.endpoint_for('compute').publicURL # Get available flavors flavors = OpenStack::Nova::Compute::Flavor.all flavors.each { |f| printf "Name: %s, Id: %s, Ram: %5i, Disk: %3i (Ephemeral: %3i), vCPU: %2i\n", f.name.center(15), f.id.center(20), f.ram, f.disk, f.ephemeral_disk, f.vcpus } === Create a flavor (requires 'admin' role) require 'openstack_activeresource' # Set Keystone Public API endpoint OpenStack::Keystone::Public::Base.site = "https://my.keystone.api.server:5000/v2.0/" # Authentication auth = OpenStack::Keystone::Public::Auth.create :username => "adminuser", :password => "adminpassword", :tenant_id => "admintenant_ID" # Set the auth token for next API requests OpenStack::Base.token = auth.token # Set the Nova Compute API endpoint from the received service catalog OpenStack::Nova::Compute::Base.site = auth.endpoint_for('compute').publicURL # Create a flavor flavors = OpenStack::Nova::Compute::Flavor.create :name => 'my_new_flavor', :ram => 1024, :disk => 20, :ephemeral_disk => 0 === List available security groups require 'openstack_activeresource' # Set Keystone Public API endpoint OpenStack::Keystone::Public::Base.site = "https://my.keystone.api.server:5000/v2.0/" # Authentication auth = OpenStack::Keystone::Public::Auth.create :username => "user", :password => "password", :tenant_id => "tenant_id" # Set the auth token for next API requests OpenStack::Base.token = auth.token # Set the Nova Compute API endpoint from the received service catalog OpenStack::Nova::Compute::Base.site = auth.endpoint_for('compute').publicURL # Get available security groups security_groups = OpenStack::Nova::Compute::SecurityGroup.all security_groups.each { |sg| printf "Name: %s, Description: %s\n", sg.name.center(20), sg.description.center(50) sg.rules.each { |r| printf "Protocol: %s, From port: %5i, To port: %5i, Addresses: %s\n", r.ip_protocol.center(4), r.from_port, r.to_port, r.cidr.present? ? r.cidr.center(18) : ''.center(18) } puts "\n" } === List available Floating IPs require 'openstack_activeresource' # Set Keystone Public API endpoint OpenStack::Keystone::Public::Base.site = "https://my.keystone.api.server:5000/v2.0/" # Authentication auth = OpenStack::Keystone::Public::Auth.create :username => "user", :password => "password", :tenant_id => "tenant_id" # Set the auth token for next API requests OpenStack::Base.token = auth.token # Set the Nova Compute API endpoint from the received service catalog OpenStack::Nova::Compute::Base.site = auth.endpoint_for('compute').publicURL # Get available floating IPs floatings = OpenStack::Nova::Compute::FloatingIp.all floatings.each { |floating| printf "IP: %s, Fixed IP: %s, Pool: %s, Instance: %s (%s)\n", floating.ip.center(20), floating.fixed_ip.present? ? floating.fixed_ip.center(20) : "".center(20), floating.pool.center(20), floating.instance_id.present? ? floating.instance_id.center(40) : "".center(40), floating.instance.present? ? floating.instance.name.center(15) : "".center(15) } === Start a new virtual server and play with it require 'openstack_activeresource' # Set Keystone Public API endpoint OpenStack::Keystone::Public::Base.site = "https://my.keystone.api.server:5000/v2.0/" # Authentication auth = OpenStack::Keystone::Public::Auth.create :username => "user", :password => "password", :tenant_id => "tenant_id" # Set the auth token for next API requests OpenStack::Base.token = auth.token # Set the Nova Compute API endpoint from the received service catalog OpenStack::Nova::Compute::Base.site = auth.endpoint_for('compute').publicURL # Generate a new keypair new_keypair = OpenStack::Nova::Compute::KeyPair.create :name => 'my_new_keypair' # Prints out keypair info (!) printf "Public key: %s\nPrivate key: %s\nKeypair Fingerprint: %s\n", new_keypair.public_key, new_keypair.private_key, new_keypair.fingerprint # Start a new virtual server new_server = OpenStack::Nova::Compute::Server.create( :name => 'my_new_server', :flavor => OpenStack::Nova::Compute::Flavor.find_by_name('m1.tiny'), :image => OpenStack::Nova::Compute::Image.find_by_name('Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS amd64') :key_pair => new_keypair, :security_groups => OpenStack::Nova::Compute::SecurityGroup.all ) # ... time passes... sleep 5 # ... time passes... new_server.refresh_status! # Get server status puts new_server.status # Pause/unpause the server new_server.pause # ... time passes... sleep 5 # ... time passes... new_server.unpause # Suspend/resume the server new_server.suspend # ... time passes... sleep 5 # ... time passes... new_server.resume # Reboot the server # new_server.reboot(:type => [:soft|:hard]) default :hard new_server.reboot # Get the server console output (last 10 row, default 50) puts new_server.console_output(10) # Get the server noVNC console URL puts new_server.vnc_console # ...code for floating IP retrieval... save the floating IP in my_floating_IP # Add a floating IP to the server new_server.add_floating_ip my_floating_IP # ...code for volume retrieval... save the volume in my_volume # Attach a volume to new_server new_server.attach_volume! my_volume, '/dev/vdb' === List available volumes require 'openstack_activeresource' # Set Keystone Public API endpoint OpenStack::Keystone::Public::Base.site = "https://my.keystone.api.server:5000/v2.0/" # Authentication auth = OpenStack::Keystone::Public::Auth.create :username => "user", :password => "password", :tenant_id => "tenant_id" # Set the auth token for next API requests OpenStack::Base.token = auth.token # Set the Nova Volume API endpoint from the received service catalog OpenStack::Nova::Volume::Base.site = auth.endpoint_for('volume').publicURL # Get available volumes volumes = OpenStack::Nova::Volume::Volume.all volumes.each { |volume| printf "Name: %s, Status: %s\n", volume.display_name.center(20), volume.status.center(50) } === Simple tenant usage (requires 'admin' role) require 'openstack_activeresource' # Set Keystone Public and Admin API endpoints OpenStack::Keystone::Public::Base.site = "https://my.keystone.api.server:5000/v2.0/" # Authentication auth = OpenStack::Keystone::Public::Auth.create :username => "adminuser", :password => "adminpassword", :tenant_id => "admintenant_ID" # Set the auth token for next API requests OpenStack::Base.token = auth.token # Set the Nova Compute API endpoint from the received service catalog OpenStack::Nova::Compute::Base.site = auth.endpoint_for('compute').publicURL # Get the tenant tenant = OpenStack::Keystone::Admin::Tenant.find_by_name "the_tenant" # Get usage for a single tenant simple_usage = OpenStack::Nova::Compute::SimpleTenantUsage.find tenant.id, :params => {:start => '1998-07-29T00:00:01', :end => '2012-07-09T00:00:00'} # Or: #past_month_start = (DateTime.now - 1.month).at_beginning_of_month #past_month_end = (DateTime.now - 1.month).at_end_of_month #simple_usage = OpenStack::Nova::Compute::SimpleTenantUsage.find_between_dates tenant.id, past_month_start, past_month_end # get usage for all tenants simple_usages = OpenStack::Nova::Compute::SimpleTenantUsage.find_from_date(:all, days.days.ago) simple_usages.each { |usage| printf "Tenant: %s, Total hours: %3.3f, Total memory: %8.3f, Total vcpus: %4.3f, Total disk: %5.3f\n", usage.tenant_id.center(30), usage.total_hours, usage.total_memory_mb_usage, usage.total_vcpus_usage, usage.total_local_gb_usage usage.server_usages.each { |su| printf "\tName: %s, state: %s, vCPU: %2i, RAM: %5i, Disk: %3i, Started: %31s, Ended: %31s, Hours: %10.5f\n", su.name.center(15), su.state.center(15), su.vcpus, su.memory_mb, su.local_gb, su.started_at.to_time.localtime, su.ended_at.nil? ? '' : su.ended_at.to_time.localtime, su.hours } puts "\n" } == Using OpenStack-ActiveResource with Ruby on Rails (sample usage) Create an helper method in your application controller class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base ... private def require_openstack_login if OpenStack::Base.token.nil? or OpenStack::Base.token.expired? OpenStack::Keystone::Public::Base.site = # Admin API, if needed OpenStack::Keystone::Admin::Base.site = auth = OpenStack::Keystone::Public::Auth.create :username => , :password => , :tenant_id => OpenStack::Base.token = auth.token OpenStack::Nova::Compute::Base.site = auth.endpoint_for('compute').publicURL # Set other endpoints if needed ... # For instance: # OpenStack::Nova::Volume::Base.site = auth.endpoint_for('volume').publicURL end end ... end In controllers which need to access the openstack API, class OpenStackConsumerController < ApplicationController ... # "Enable" openstack API only in methods where it is needed before_filter :require_openstack_login, :only => [ :index, :show ] ... end == Contributing to openstack_activeresource * Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet. * Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it. * Fork the project. * Start a feature/bugfix branch. * Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution. * Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. * Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it. == Copyright Copyright (c) 2012 Unidada S.p.A. (Davide Guerri - d.guerri@unidata.it). See LICENSE.txt for further details.