require 'forwardable' module Rfm module Metadata # The Field object represents a single FileMaker field. It *does not hold the data* in the field. Instead, # it serves as a source of metadata about the field. For example, if your script is trying to be highly # dynamic about its field access, it may need to determine the data type of a field at run time. Here's # how: # # field_name = "Some Field Name" # case myRecord.fields[field_name].result # when "text" # # it is a text field, so handle appropriately # when "number" # # it is a number field, so handle appropriately # end # # =Attributes # # The Field object has the following attributes: # # * *name* is the name of the field # # * *result* is the data type of the field; possible values include: # * text # * number # * date # * time # * timestamp # * container # # * *type* any of these: # * normal (a normal data field) # * calculation # * summary # # * *max_repeats* is the number of repetitions (1 for a normal field, more for a repeating field) # # * *global* is +true+ is this is a global field, *false* otherwise # # Note: Field types match FileMaker's own values, but the terminology differs. The +result+ attribute # tells you the data type of the field, regardless of whether it is a calculation, summary, or normal # field. So a calculation field whose result type is _timestamp_ would have these attributes: # # * result: timestamp # * type: calculation # # * *control& is a FieldControl object representing the sytle and value list information associated # with this field on the layout. # # Note: Since a field can sometimes appear on a layout more than once, +control+ may be an Array. # If you don't know ahead of time, you'll need to deal with this. One easy way is: # # controls = [myField.control].flatten # controls.each {|control| # # do something with the control here # } # # The code above makes sure the control is always an array. Typically, though, you'll know up front # if the control is an array or not, and you can code accordingly. class Field attr_reader :name, :result, :type, :max_repeats, :global meta_attr_accessor :resultset_meta def_delegator :resultset_meta, :layout_object, :layout_object # Initializes a field object. You'll never need to do this. Instead, get your Field objects from # Resultset::field_meta def initialize(attributes) if attributes && attributes.size > 0 _attach_as_instance_variables attributes end self end # Coerces the text value from an +fmresultset+ document into proper Ruby types based on the # type of the field. You'll never need to do this: Rfm does it automatically for you when you # access field data through the Record object. def coerce(value) case when (value.nil? or value.empty?) return nil when value.is_a?(Array) return value.collect {|v| coerce(v)} when value.is_a?(Hash) return coerce(value.values[0]) end case result when "text" then value when "number" then when "date" then Date.strptime(value, resultset_meta.date_format) when "time" then DateTime.strptime("1/1/-4712 #{value}", "%m/%d/%Y #{resultset_meta.time_format}") when "timestamp" then DateTime.strptime(value, resultset_meta.timestamp_format) when "container" then #resultset_meta = resultset.instance_variable_get(:@meta) if resultset_meta && resultset_meta['doctype'] && value.to_s[/\?/] URI.parse(resultset_meta['doctype'].last.to_s).tap{|uri| uri.path, uri.query = value.split('?')} else value end else nil end rescue puts("ERROR in Field#coerce:", name, value, result, resultset_meta.timestamp_format, $!) nil end def get_mapped_name #(resultset_meta && resultset_meta.layout && resultset_meta.layout.field_mapping[name]) || name layout_object.field_mapping[name] || name end def field_definition_element_close_callback(cursor) #self.resultset = #resultset_meta = resultset.instance_variable_get(:@meta) self.resultset_meta = #puts ["\nFIELD#field_definition_element_close_callback", resultset_meta] resultset_meta.field_meta[get_mapped_name.to_s.downcase] = self end def relatedset_field_definition_element_close_callback(cursor) #self.resultset = self.resultset_meta = cursor.parent.object[get_mapped_name.split('::').last.to_s.downcase] = self #puts ['FIELD_portal_callback', name, cursor.parent.object.object_id, cursor.parent.tag, cursor.parent.object[name.split('::').last.to_s.downcase]].join(', ') end end # Field end # Metadata end # Rfm