require 'helper' require 'active_record/test_case' class TestStoreBaseStiClass < ActiveRecord::TestCase def setup @old_store_base_sti_class = ActiveRecord::Base.store_base_sti_class ActiveRecord::Base.store_base_sti_class = false @thinking_post = SpecialPost.create(:title => 'Thinking', :body => "the body") @misc_tag = Tag.create(:name => 'Misc') end def teardown ActiveRecord::Base.store_base_sti_class = @old_store_base_sti_class end def test_polymorphic_belongs_to_assignment_with_inheritance # should update when assigning a saved record tagging = post = SpecialPost.create(:title => 'Budget Forecasts Bigger 2011 Deficit', :body => "the body") tagging.taggable = post assert_equal, tagging.taggable_id assert_equal "SpecialPost", tagging.taggable_type # should update when assigning a new record tagging = post = => 'Budget Forecasts Bigger 2011 Deficit', :body => "the body") tagging.taggable = post assert_nil tagging.taggable_id assert_equal "SpecialPost", tagging.taggable_type end def test_polymorphic_has_many_create_model_with_inheritance post = => 'Budget Forecasts Bigger 2011 Deficit', :body => "the body") tagging = @misc_tag.taggings.create(:taggable => post) assert_equal "SpecialPost", tagging.taggable_type post.reload assert_equal [tagging], post.taggings end def test_polymorphic_has_one_create_model_with_inheritance post = => 'Budget Forecasts Bigger 2011 Deficit', :body => "the body") tagging = @misc_tag.create_tagging(:taggable => post) assert_equal "SpecialPost", tagging.taggable_type post.reload assert_equal tagging, post.tagging end def test_polymorphic_has_many_create_via_association tag = SpecialTag.create!(:name => 'Special') tagging = tag.polytaggings.create! assert_equal "SpecialTag", tagging.polytag_type end def test_polymorphic_has_many_through_create_via_association tag = SpecialTag.create!(:name => 'Special') post = tag.polytagged_posts.create!(:title => 'To Be or Not To Be?', :body => "the body") assert_equal "SpecialTag", tag.polytaggings.first.polytag_type end def test_include_polymorphic_has_one post = SpecialPost.create!(:title => 'Budget Forecasts Bigger 2011 Deficit', :body => "the body") tagging = post.create_tagging(:tag => @misc_tag) post = Post.find(, :include => :tagging) assert_equal tagging, assert_no_queries { post.tagging } end def test_include_polymorphic_has_many tag = SpecialTag.create!(:name => 'Special') tag.polytagged_posts << SpecialPost.create!(:title => 'Budget Forecasts Bigger 2011 Deficit', :body => "the body") tag.polytagged_posts << @thinking_post tag = Tag.find(, :include => :polytaggings) assert_equal 2, assert_no_queries { tag.polytaggings.length } end def test_include_polymorphic_has_many_through tag = SpecialTag.create!(:name => 'Special') tag.polytagged_posts << SpecialPost.create!(:title => 'Budget Forecasts Bigger 2011 Deficit', :body => "the body") tag.polytagged_posts << @thinking_post tag = Tag.find(, :include => :polytagged_posts) assert_equal 2, assert_no_queries { tag.polytagged_posts.length } end def test_join_polymorhic_has_many tag = SpecialTag.create!(:name => 'Special') tag.polytagged_posts << SpecialPost.create!(:title => 'Budget Forecasts Bigger 2011 Deficit', :body => "the body") tag.polytagged_posts << @thinking_post assert Tag.find_by_id(, :joins => :polytaggings, :conditions => [ ' = ?', ]) end def test_join_polymorhic_has_many_through tag = SpecialTag.create!(:name => 'Special') tag.polytagged_posts << SpecialPost.create!(:title => 'Budget Forecasts Bigger 2011 Deficit', :body => "the body") tag.polytagged_posts << @thinking_post assert Tag.find_by_id(, :joins => :polytagged_posts, :conditions => [ ' = ?', tag.polytaggings.first.taggable_id ]) end def test_has_many_through_polymorphic_has_one author = Author.create!(:name => 'Bob') post = Post.create!(:title => 'Budget Forecasts Bigger 2011 Deficit', :author => author, :body => "the body") special_post = SpecialPost.create!(:title => 'IBM Watson''s Jeopardy play', :author => author, :body => "the body") special_tag = SpecialTag.create!(:name => 'SpecialGeneral') taggings = [ post.taggings.create(:tag => special_tag), special_post.taggings.create(:tag => special_tag) ] assert_equal taggings.sort_by(&:id), author.tagging.sort_by(&:id) end def test_has_many_polymorphic_with_source_type tag = SpecialTag.create!(:name => 'Special') tag.polytagged_posts << SpecialPost.create!(:title => 'Budget Forecasts Bigger 2011 Deficit', :body => "the body") tag.polytagged_posts << @thinking_post! tag.reload tag = Tag.find( assert_equal 2, tag.polytagged_posts.length end def test_polymorphic_has_many_through_with_double_sti_on_join_model tag = SpecialTag.create!(:name => 'Special') post = @thinking_post tag.polytagged_posts << post tag.reload assert_equal 1, tag.polytaggings.length tagging = tag.polytaggings.first assert_equal 'SpecialTag', tagging.polytag_type assert_equal 'SpecialPost', tagging.taggable_type assert_equal tag, tagging.polytag assert_equal post, tagging.taggable end def test_finder_sql_is_supported author = Author.create!(:name => 'Bob') post = Post.create!(:title => 'Budget Forecasts Bigger 2011 Deficit', :author => author, :body => "the body") special_tag = Tag.create!(:name => 'SpecialGeneral') post.taggings.create(:tag => special_tag) assert_equal [author], special_tag.authors end end