module Polars # @private module Utils DTYPE_TEMPORAL_UNITS = ["ns", "us", "ms"] def self.wrap_s(s) Series._from_rbseries(s) end def self.wrap_df(df) DataFrame._from_rbdf(df) end def self.wrap_ldf(ldf) LazyFrame._from_rbldf(ldf) end def self.wrap_expr(rbexpr) Expr._from_rbexpr(rbexpr) end def self.col(name) Polars.col(name) end def self.arrlen(obj) if obj.is_a?(Range) # size only works for numeric ranges obj.to_a.length elsif obj.is_a?(::String) nil else obj.length end rescue nil end def self._timedelta_to_pl_duration(td) td end def self._datetime_to_pl_timestamp(dt, time_unit) dt = dt.to_datetime.to_time if time_unit == "ns" nanos = dt.nsec dt.to_i * 1_000_000_000 + nanos elsif time_unit == "us" micros = dt.usec dt.to_i * 1_000_000 + micros elsif time_unit == "ms" millis = dt.usec / 1000 dt.to_i * 1_000 + millis elsif time_unit.nil? # Ruby has ns precision nanos = dt.nsec dt.to_i * 1_000_000_000 + nanos else raise ArgumentError, "time_unit must be one of {{'ns', 'us', 'ms'}}, got #{tu}" end end def self._date_to_pl_date(d) dt = d.to_datetime.to_time dt.to_i / (3600 * 24) end def self._to_ruby_time(value) if value == 0 ::Time.utc(2000, 1, 1) else seconds, nanoseconds = value.divmod(1_000_000_000) minutes, seconds = seconds.divmod(60) hours, minutes = minutes.divmod(60) ::Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, hours, minutes, seconds, nanoseconds / 1000.0) end end def self._to_ruby_duration(value, time_unit = "ns") if time_unit == "ns" value / 1e9 elsif time_unit == "us" value / 1e6 elsif time_unit == "ms" value / 1e3 else raise ArgumentError, "time_unit must be one of {{'ns', 'us', 'ms'}}, got #{time_unit}" end end def self._to_ruby_date(value) # days to seconds # important to create from utc. Not doing this leads # to inconsistencies dependent on the timezone you are in. * 86400).utc.to_date end def self._to_ruby_datetime(value, time_unit = "ns", time_zone = nil) if time_zone.nil? || time_zone == "" if time_unit == "ns" return / 1000000000, value % 1000000000, :nsec).utc elsif time_unit == "us" return / 1000000, value % 1000000, :usec).utc elsif time_unit == "ms" return / 1000, value % 1000, :millisecond).utc else raise ArgumentError, "time_unit must be one of {{'ns', 'us', 'ms'}}, got #{time_unit}" end else raise Todo end end def self._to_ruby_decimal(digits, scale) BigDecimal("#{digits}e#{scale}") end def self.selection_to_rbexpr_list(exprs) if exprs.is_a?(::String) || exprs.is_a?(Symbol) || exprs.is_a?(Expr) || exprs.is_a?(Series) exprs = [exprs] end { |e| expr_to_lit_or_expr(e, str_to_lit: false)._rbexpr } end def self.expr_to_lit_or_expr(expr, str_to_lit: true) if (expr.is_a?(::String) || expr.is_a?(Symbol)) && !str_to_lit col(expr) elsif expr.is_a?(Integer) || expr.is_a?(Float) || expr.is_a?(::String) || expr.is_a?(Symbol) || expr.is_a?(Series) || expr.nil? lit(expr) elsif expr.is_a?(Expr) expr else raise ArgumentError, "did not expect value #{expr} of type #{}, maybe disambiguate with Polars.lit or Polars.col" end end def self.lit(value) Polars.lit(value) end def self.normalise_filepath(path, check_not_directory: true) path = File.expand_path(path) if check_not_directory && File.exist?(path) && Dir.exist?(path) raise ArgumentError, "Expected a file path; #{path} is a directory" end path end # TODO fix def self.is_polars_dtype(data_type, include_unknown: false) if data_type == Unknown return include_unknown end data_type.is_a?(Symbol) || data_type.is_a?(::String) || data_type.is_a?(DataType) || (data_type.is_a?(Class) && data_type < DataType) end def self.map_rb_type_to_dtype(ruby_dtype) if ruby_dtype == Float Float64 elsif ruby_dtype == Integer Int64 elsif ruby_dtype == ::String Utf8 elsif ruby_dtype == TrueClass || ruby_dtype == FalseClass Boolean elsif ruby_dtype == DateTime || ruby_dtype == ::Time || (defined?(ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone) && ruby_dtype == ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone)"ns") elsif ruby_dtype == ::Date Date elsif ruby_dtype == ::Array List elsif ruby_dtype == NilClass Null else raise TypeError, "Invalid type" end end # TODO fix def self.rb_type_to_dtype(data_type) if is_polars_dtype(data_type) data_type = data_type.to_s if data_type.is_a?(Symbol) return data_type end begin map_rb_type_to_dtype(data_type) rescue TypeError raise ArgumentError, "Conversion of Ruby data type #{data_type.inspect} to Polars data type not implemented." end end def self._process_null_values(null_values) if null_values.is_a?(Hash) null_values.to_a else null_values end end def self._prepare_row_count_args(row_count_name = nil, row_count_offset = 0) if !row_count_name.nil? [row_count_name, row_count_offset] else nil end end def self.handle_projection_columns(columns) projection = nil if columns raise Todo # if columns.is_a?(::String) || columns.is_a?(Symbol) # columns = [columns] # elsif is_int_sequence(columns) # projection = columns.to_a # columns = nil # elsif !is_str_sequence(columns) # raise ArgumentError, "columns arg should contain a list of all integers or all strings values." # end end [projection, columns] end def self.scale_bytes(sz, to:) scaling_factor = { "b" => 1, "k" => 1024, "m" => 1024 ** 2, "g" => 1024 ** 3, "t" => 1024 ** 4 }[to[0]] if scaling_factor > 1 sz / scaling_factor.to_f else sz end end def self.bool?(value) value.is_a?(TrueClass) || value.is_a?(FalseClass) end def self.strlike?(value) value.is_a?(::String) || value.is_a?(Symbol) end def self.pathlike?(value) value.is_a?(::String) || (defined?(Pathname) && value.is_a?(Pathname)) end def self._is_iterable_of(val, eltype) val.all? { |x| x.is_a?(eltype) } end def self.is_bool_sequence(val) val.is_a?(::Array) && val.all? { |x| x == true || x == false } end def self.is_dtype_sequence(val) val.is_a?(::Array) && val.all? { |x| is_polars_dtype(x) } end def self.is_int_sequence(val) val.is_a?(::Array) && _is_iterable_of(val, Integer) end def self.is_expr_sequence(val) val.is_a?(::Array) && _is_iterable_of(val, Expr) end def self.is_rbexpr_sequence(val) val.is_a?(::Array) && _is_iterable_of(val, RbExpr) end def self.is_str_sequence(val, allow_str: false) if allow_str == false && val.is_a?(::String) false else val.is_a?(::Array) && _is_iterable_of(val, ::String) end end def self.local_file?(file) Dir.glob(file).any? end def self.parse_as_list_of_expressions(*inputs, __structify: false, **named_inputs) exprs = _parse_positional_inputs(inputs, structify: __structify) if named_inputs.any? named_exprs = _parse_named_inputs(named_inputs, structify: __structify) exprs.concat(named_exprs) end exprs end def self._parse_positional_inputs(inputs, structify: false) inputs_iter = _parse_inputs_as_iterable(inputs) { |e| parse_as_expression(e, structify: structify) } end def self._parse_inputs_as_iterable(inputs) if inputs.empty? return [] end if inputs.length == 1 && inputs[0].is_a?(::Array) return inputs[0] end inputs end def self._parse_named_inputs(named_inputs, structify: false) do |name, input| parse_as_expression(input, structify: structify)._alias(name.to_s) end end def self.parse_as_expression(input, str_as_lit: false, list_as_lit: true, structify: false, dtype: nil) if input.is_a?(Expr) expr = input elsif input.is_a?(::String) && !str_as_lit expr = Polars.col(input) structify = false elsif input.is_a?(::Array) && !list_as_lit expr = Polars.lit(, dtype: dtype) structify = false else expr = Polars.lit(input, dtype: dtype) structify = false end if structify raise Todo end expr._rbexpr end USE_EARLIEST_TO_AMBIGUOUS = { true => "earliest", false => "latest" } def self.rename_use_earliest_to_ambiguous(use_earliest, ambiguous) unless use_earliest.nil? ambiguous = USE_EARLIEST_TO_AMBIGUOUS.fetch(use_earliest) end ambiguous end def self._check_arg_is_1byte(arg_name, arg, can_be_empty = false) if arg.is_a?(::String) arg_byte_length = arg.bytesize if can_be_empty if arg_byte_length > 1 raise ArgumentError, "#{arg_name} should be a single byte character or empty, but is #{arg_byte_length} bytes long." end elsif arg_byte_length != 1 raise ArgumentError, "#{arg_name} should be a single byte character, but is #{arg_byte_length} bytes long." end end end def self._expand_selectors(frame, *items) items_iter = _parse_inputs_as_iterable(items) expanded = [] items_iter.each do |item| if is_selector(item) selector_cols = expand_selector(frame, item) expanded.concat(selector_cols) else expanded << item end end expanded end # TODO def self.is_selector(obj) false end def self.parse_predicates_constraints_as_expression(*predicates, **constraints) all_predicates = _parse_positional_inputs(predicates) if constraints.any? constraint_predicates = _parse_constraints(constraints) all_predicates.concat(constraint_predicates) end _combine_predicates(all_predicates) end def self._parse_constraints(constraints) do |name, value| Polars.col(name).eq(value)._rbexpr end end def self._combine_predicates(predicates) if !predicates.any? msg = "at least one predicate or constraint must be provided" raise TypeError, msg end if predicates.length == 1 return predicates[0] end Plr.all_horizontal(predicates) end def self.parse_when_inputs(*predicates, **constraints) parse_predicates_constraints_as_expression(*predicates, **constraints) end end end