module Capistrano class CLI module Help LINE_PADDING = 7 MIN_MAX_LEN = 30 HEADER_LEN = 60 def self.included(base) #:nodoc: base.send :alias_method, :execute_requested_actions_without_help, :execute_requested_actions base.send :alias_method, :execute_requested_actions, :execute_requested_actions_with_help end def execute_requested_actions_with_help(config) if options[:tasks] task_list(config) elsif options[:explain] explain_task(config, options[:explain]) else execute_requested_actions_without_help(config) end end def task_list(config) #:nodoc: tasks = config.task_list(:all) if tasks.empty? warn "There are no tasks available. Please specify a recipe file to load." else all_tasks_length = tasks.length if options[:verbose].to_i < 1 tasks = tasks.reject { |t| t.description.empty? || t.description =~ /^\[internal\]/ } end tasks = tasks.sort_by { |task| task.fully_qualified_name } longest = { |task| task.fully_qualified_name.length }.max max_length = output_columns - longest - LINE_PADDING max_length = MIN_MAX_LEN if max_length < MIN_MAX_LEN tasks.each do |task| puts "cap %-#{longest}s # %s" % [task.fully_qualified_name, task.brief_description(max_length)] end if all_tasks_length > tasks.length puts puts "Some tasks were not listed, either because they have no description," puts "or because they are only used internally by other tasks. To see all" puts "tasks, type `#{File.basename($0)} -Tv'." end puts puts "Extended help may be available for these tasks." puts "Type `#{File.basename($0)} -e taskname' to view it." end end def explain_task(config, name) #:nodoc: task = config.find_task(name) if task.nil? warn "The task `#{name}' does not exist." else puts "-" * HEADER_LEN puts "cap #{name}" puts "-" * HEADER_LEN if task.description.empty? puts "There is no description for this task." else puts format_text(task.description) end puts end end def long_help #:nodoc: help_text =, "help.txt")) self.class.ui.page_at = self.class.ui.output_rows - 2 self.class.ui.say format_text(help_text) end def format_text(text) #:nodoc: formatted = "" text.each_line do |line| indentation = line[/^\s+/] || "" indentation_size = indentation.split(//).inject(0) { |c,s| c + (s[0] == ?\t ? 8 : 1) } lines = line.strip.gsub(/(.{1,#{output_columns - indentation_size}})(?:\s+|\Z)/, "\\1\n").split(/\n/) if lines.empty? formatted << "\n" else formatted << { |l| "#{indentation}#{l}\n" }.join end end formatted end def output_columns #:nodoc: @output_columns ||= self.class.ui.output_cols > 80 ? 80 : self.class.ui.output_cols end end end end