require 'cl' require 'fileutils' require 'forwardable' require 'shellwords' require 'dpl/helper/assets' require 'dpl/helper/cmd' require 'dpl/helper/config_file' require 'dpl/helper/env' require 'dpl/helper/interpolate' require 'dpl/helper/memoize' require 'dpl/helper/squiggle' require 'dpl/provider/dsl' require 'dpl/provider/examples' require 'dpl/version' module Dpl # Base class for all concrete providers that `dpl` supports. # # These are subclasses of `Cl::Cmd` which means they are going to be detected # by the first argument passed to `dpl [provider]`, instantiated, and run. # # Implementors are encouraged to use the provider DSL to declare various # features, requirements, and attributes that apply to their provider, to # implement any of the following stages (methods) according to their needs # and semantics: # # * init # * install # * login # * setup # * validate # * prepare # * deploy # * finish # # The main logic should sit in the `deploy` stage. # # If at any time the method `error` is called, or any exception raised the # deploy process will be halted, and subsequent stages skipped. However, the # stage `finish` will run even if previous stages have raised an error, # giving the provider the opportunity to potentially clean up stage. # # In addition to this the following methods will be called if implemented # by the provider: # # * run_cmd # * add_key # * remove_key # # Like the `finish` stage, the method `remove_key` will be called even if # previous stages have raised an error. # # See the respective method's documentation for details on these. # # The following stages are not meant to be overwritten, but considered # internal: # # * before_install # * before_setup # * before_prepare # * before_finish # # Dependencies declared as required, such as APT, NPM, or Python are going to # be installed as part of the `before_install` stage . # # Cleanup is run as part of the `before_prepare` stage if the option # `--cleanup` was given. This will use `git stash --all` in order to reset # the working directory to the committed state, and cleanup any left over # artifacts from the build process. Providers can use the DSL method `keep` # in order to declare known artifacts (such as CLI tooling installed to the # working directory) that needs to be moved out of the way and restored after # the cleanup process. (It is recommended to place such artifacts outside of # the build working directory though, for example in `~/.dpl`). # # The method `run_cmd` is called for each command specified using the `--run` # option. By default, these command are going to be run as local shell # commands, but providers can choose to overwrite this method in order to run # the command on a remote machine. # # @see Cl's documentation for details on how # providers (commands) are declared and run. class Provider < Cl::Cmd extend Dsl, Forwardable include Assets, Env, ConfigFile, FileUtils, Interpolate, Memoize, Squiggle class << self def examples @examples ||= super || end def move_files(ctx) ctx.move_files(move) if move.any? end def unmove_files(ctx) ctx.unmove_files(move) if move.any? end def install_deps? apt? || gem? || npm? || pip? end def install_deps(ctx) ctx.apts_get(apt) if apt? ctx.gems_require(gem) if gem? npm.each { |npm| ctx.npm_install *npm } if npm? pip.each { |pip| ctx.pip_install *pip } if pip? end def validate_runtimes(ctx) ctx.validate_runtimes(runtimes) if runtimes.any? end end # Fold names to display in the build log. FOLDS = { init: 'Initialize deployment', setup: 'Setup deployment', validate: 'Validate deployment', install: 'Install deployment dependencies', login: 'Authenticate deployment', prepare: 'Prepare deployment', deploy: 'Run deployment', finish: 'Finish deployment', } # Deployment process stages. # # In addition to the stages listed here the stage `finish` will be run at # the end of the process. # # Also, the methods `add_key` (called before `setup`), `remove_key` (called # before `finish`), and `run_cmd` (called after `deploy`) may be of # interest to implementors. STAGES = %i( init install login setup validate prepare deploy ) abstract arg :provider, 'The provider name', required: true opt '--cleanup', 'Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment', negate: %w(skip) opt '--run CMD', 'Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully', type: :array opt '--stage NAME', 'Execute the given stage(s) only', type: :array, internal: true, default: STAGES opt '--backtrace', 'Print the backtrace for exceptions', internal: true opt '--fold', 'Wrap log output in folds', internal: true opt '--edge', internal: true msgs before_install: 'Installing deployment dependencies', before_setup: 'Setting the build environment up for the deployment', setup_git_ssh: 'Setting up git-ssh', cleanup: 'Cleaning up git repository with `git stash --all`', ssh_keygen: 'Generating SSH key', setup_git_ua: 'Setting up git HTTP user agent', ssh_remote_host: 'SSH remote is %s at port %s', ssh_try_connect: 'Waiting for SSH connection ...', ssh_connected: 'SSH connection established.', ssh_failed: 'Failed to establish SSH connection.' def_delegators :'self.class', :status, :full_name, :install_deps, :install_deps?, :keep, :move_files, :unmove_files, :needs?, :runtimes, :validate_runtimes, :user_agent def_delegators :ctx, :apt_get, :gem_require, :npm_install, :pip_install, :build_dir, :build_number, :encoding, :file_size, :git_author_email, :git_author_name, :git_branch, :git_branch, :git_commit_author, :git_commit_msg, :git_commit_msg, :git_dirty?, :git_log, :git_log, :git_ls_files, :git_ls_remote?, :git_remote_urls, :git_remote_urls, :git_rev_parse, :git_rev_parse, :git_sha, :git_tag, :last_err, :last_out, :last_out, :logger, :machine_name, :mv, :node_version, :node_version, :npm_version, :rendezvous, :rendezvous, :repo_slug, :sleep, :sleep, :ssh_keygen, :success?, :test?, :test?, :tmp_dir, :tty?, :which, :which, :write_file, :write_netrc attr_reader :repo_name, :key_name def initialize(ctx, *args) @repo_name = ctx.repo_name @key_name = ctx.machine_name super end # Runs all stages, all commands provided by the user, as well as the final # stage `finish` (which will be run even if an error has been raised during # previous stages). def run stages = { |stage| run_stage?(stage) } stages.each { |stage| run_stage(stage) } run_cmds rescue Error raise rescue Exception => e raise"#{e.message} (#{e.class})", backtrace: backtrace? ? e.backtrace : nil) unless test? raise ensure run_stage(:finish, fold: false) if finish? end # Whether or not a stage needs to be run def run_stage?(stage) respond_to?(:"before_#{stage}") || respond_to?(stage) end def finish? stage.size == STAGES.size end # Runs a single stage. # # For each stage the base class has the opportunity to implement a `before` # stage method, in order to apply default behaviour. Provider implementors # are asked to not overwrite these methods. # # Any log output from both the before stage and stage method is going to be # folded in the resulting build log. def run_stage(stage, opts = {}) fold(stage, opts) do send(:"before_#{stage}") if respond_to?(:"before_#{stage}") send(stage) if respond_to?(stage) end end # Initialize the deployment process. # # This will: # # * Displays warning messages about the provider's maturity status, and deprecated # options used. # * Setup a ~/.dpl working directory # * Move files out of the way that have been declared as such def before_init warn status.msg if status && status.announce? deprecations.each { |(key, msg)| ctx.deprecate_opt(key, msg) } setup_dpl_dir move_files(ctx) end # Install APT, NPM, and Python dependencies as declared by the provider. def before_install validate_runtimes(ctx) return unless install_deps? info :before_install install_deps(ctx) end # Sets the build environment up for the deployment. # # This will: # # * Setup a ~/.dpl working directory # * Create a temporary, per build SSH key, and call `add_key` if the feature `ssh_key` has been declared as required. # * Setup git config (email and user name) if the feature `git` has been declared as required. # * Either set or unset the environment variable `GIT_HTTP_USER_AGENT` depending if the feature `git_http_user_agent` has been declared as required. def before_setup info :before_setup setup_ssh_key if needs?(:ssh_key) setup_git_config if needs?(:git) setup_git_http_user_agent end # Prepares the deployment by cleaning up the working directory. # # @see Provider#cleanup def before_prepare cleanup if cleanup? end # Runs each command as given by the user using the `--run` option. # # For a command that matches `restart` the method `restart` will be called # (which can be overwritten by providers, e.g. in order to restart service # instances). # # All other commands will be passed to the method `run_cmd`. By default this # will be run as a shell command locally, but providers can choose to # overwrite this method in order to run the command on a remote machine. def run_cmds Array(opts[:run]).each do |cmd| cmd.downcase == 'restart' ? restart : run_cmd(cmd) end end def run_cmd(cmd) cmd.downcase == 'restart' ? restart : shell(cmd) end # Finalizes the deployment process. # # This will: # # * Call the method `remove_key` if implemented by the provider, and if the # feature `ssh_key` has been declared as required. # * Revert the cleanup process, i.e. restore files moved out of the way # during `cleanup`. # * Remove the temporary directory `~/.dpl` def before_finish remove_key if needs?(:ssh_key) && respond_to?(:remove_key) uncleanup if cleanup? unmove_files(ctx) remove_dpl_dir end # Resets the current working directory to the commited state. # # Cleanup will use `git stash --all` in order to reset the working # directory to the committed state, and cleanup any left over artifacts # from the build process. Providers can use the DSL method `keep` in order # to declare known artifacts (such as CLI tooling installed to the working # directory) that needs to be moved out of the way and restored after the # cleanup process. def cleanup info :cleanup keep.each { |path| shell "mv ./#{path} ~/#{path}", echo: false, assert: false } shell 'git stash --all' keep.each { |path| shell "mv ~/#{path} ./#{path}", echo: false, assert: false } end # Restore files that have been cleaned up. def uncleanup shell 'git stash pop', assert: false end # Creates the directory `~/.dpl` as an internal working directory. def setup_dpl_dir rm_rf '~/.dpl' mkdir_p '~/.dpl' chmod 0700, '~/.dpl' end # Remove the internal working directory `~/.dpl`. def remove_dpl_dir rm_rf '~/.dpl' end # Creates an SSH key, and sets up git-ssh if needed. # # This will: # # * Create a temporary, per build SSH key. # * Setup a `git-ssh` executable to use that key. # * Call the method `add_key` if implemented by the provider. def setup_ssh_key ssh_keygen(key_name, '~/.dpl/id_rsa') setup_git_ssh('~/.dpl/id_rsa') add_key('~/.dpl/') if respond_to?(:add_key) end # Setup git config # # This adds the current user's name and email address (as user@localhost) # to the git config. def setup_git_config shell "git config >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || git config `whoami`@localhost", echo: false, assert: false shell "git config >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || git config `whoami`", echo: false, assert: false end # Sets up `git-ssh` and the GIT_SSH env var def setup_git_ssh(key) info :setup_git_ssh path, conf = '~/.dpl/git-ssh', asset(:dpl, :git_ssh).read % expand(key) open(path, 'w+') { |file| file.write(conf) } chmod(0740, path) ENV['GIT_SSH'] = expand(path) end # Generates an SSH key. def ssh_keygen(key, path) info :ssh_keygen ctx.ssh_keygen(key, expand(path)) end # Sets or unsets the environment variable `GIT_HTTP_USER_AGENT`. def setup_git_http_user_agent return ENV.delete('GIT_HTTP_USER_AGENT') unless needs?(:git_http_user_agent) info :setup_git_ua ENV['GIT_HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = user_agent(git: `git --version`[/[\d\.]+/]) end # Waits for SSH access on the given host and port. # # This will try to connect to the given SSH host and port, and keep # retrying 30 times, waiting a second inbetween retries. def wait_for_ssh_access(host, port) info :ssh_remote_host, host, port 1.upto(20) { try_ssh_access(host, port) && break || sleep(3) } success? ? info(:ssh_connected) : error(:ssh_failed) end # Tries to connect to the given SSH host and port. def try_ssh_access(host, port) info :ssh_try_connect shell "#{ENV['GIT_SSH']} #{host} -p #{port} 2>&1 | grep -c 'PTY allocation request failed' > /dev/null", echo: false, assert: false end # Creates a log fold. # # Folds any log output from the given block into a fold with the given # name. def fold(name, opts = {}, &block) return yield unless fold?(name, opts) title = FOLDS[name] || "deploy.#{name}" ctx.fold(title, &block) end # Checks if the given stage needs to be folded. # # Depends on the option `--fold`, also omits folds for the init and finish # stages. Can be overwritten by passing `fold: false`. def fold?(name, opts = {}) !opts[:fold].is_a?(FalseClass) && super() && !%i(init).include?(name) end # Runs a script as a shell command. # # Scripts can be stored as separate files (assets) in the directory # `lib/dpl/assets/[provider]`. # # This is meant for large shell commands that would be hard to read if # embedded in Ruby code. Storing them as separate files helps with proper # syntax highlighting etc in editors, and allows to execute them for # testing purposes. # # Scripts can have interpolation variables. See Dpl::Interpolate for # details on interpolating variables. # # See Ctx::Bash#shell for details on the options accepted. def script(name, opts = {}) opts[:assert] = name if opts[:assert].is_a?(TrueClass) shell(asset(name).read, opts.merge(echo: false)) end # Runs a single shell command. # # Shell commands can have interpolation variables. See Dpl::Interpolate for # details on interpolating variables. # # See Ctx::Bash#shell for details on the options accepted. def shell(cmd, *args) opts = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} cmd =, cmd, opts) end # @!method print # Prints a partial message to stdout # # This method does not append a newline character to the given message, # which usually is not the desired behaviour. The method is intended to be # used if an initial, partial message is supposed to be printed, which will # be completed later (using the method `info`). # # For example: # # print 'Starting a long running task ...' # run_long_running_task # info 'done.' # # Messages support interpolation variables. See Dpl::Interpolate for # details on interpolating variables. # @!method info # Outputs an info message to stdout # # This method is intended to be used for default, info level messages that # are supposed to show up in the build log. # # @!method warn # Outputs an warning message to stderr # # This method is intended to be used for warning messages that are supposed # to show up in the build log, but do not qualify as errors that would # abort the deployment process. The warning will be highlighted as red # text. Use sparingly. # # Messages support interpolation variables. See Dpl::Interpolate for # details on interpolating variables. # @!method error # Outputs an error message to stderr, and raises an error, halting the # deployment process. # # This method is intended to be used for all error conditions that require # the deployment process to be aborted. # # Messages support interpolation variables. See Dpl::Interpolate for # details on interpolating variables. %i(print info warn error).each do |level| define_method(level) do |msg, *args| msg = interpolate(self.msg(msg), args) if msg.is_a?(Symbol) ctx.send(level, msg) end end # @!method cmd # Looks up a shell command from the commands declared by the provider # (using the class level DSL). # # Not usually useful to be used by provider implementors directly. Use the # method `shell` in order to execute shell commands. # @!method err # Looks up an error message from the error messages declared by the # provider (using the class level DSL), as needed by the option `assert` # when passed to the method `shell`. # @!method msg # Looks up a message from the messages declared by the provider (using the # class level DSL). # # For example, a message declared on the class body like so: # # ```ruby # msgs commit_msg: 'Commit build artifacts on build %{build_number}' # ``` # # could be used by the implementation like so: # # ```ruby # def commit_msg # interpolate(msg(:commit_msg)) # end # ``` # # Note that the the method `interpolate` needs to be used in order to # interpolate variables used in a message (if any). %i(cmd err msg str).each do |name| define_method(name) do |*keys| key = keys.detect { |key| key.is_a?(Symbol) } self.class.send(:"#{name}s")[key] if key end end # Escapes the given string so it can be safely used in Bash. def escape(str) Shellwords.escape(str) end # Double quotes the given string. def quote(str) %("#{str.gsub('"', '\"')}") end # Outdents the given string. # # @see Dpl::Squiggle def sq(str) self.class.sq(str) end # Generate shell option strings to be passed to a shell command. # # This generates strings like `--key="value"` for the option keys passed. # These keys are supposed to correspond to methods on the provider # instance, which will be called in order to determine the option value. # # If the returned value is an array then the option will be repeated # multiple times. If it is a String then it will be double quoted. # Otherwise it is assumed to be a flag that does not have a value. # # @option prefix [String] Use this to set a single dash as an option prefix (defaults to two dashes). # @option dashed [Boolean] Use this to dasherize the option key (rather than underscore it, defaults to underscore). def opts_for(keys, opts = {}) strs = Array(keys).map { |key| opt_for(key, opts) if send(:"#{key}?") }.compact strs.join(' ') if strs.any? end def opt_for(key, opts = {}) case value = send(key) when String then "#{opt_key(key, opts)}=#{value.inspect}" when Array then { |value| "#{opt_key(key, opts)}=#{value.inspect}" } else opt_key(key, opts) end end def opt_key(key, opts) "#{opts[:prefix] || '--'}#{opts[:dashed] ? key.to_s.gsub('_', '-') : key}" end # Compacts the given hash by rejecting nil values. def compact(hash) hash.reject { |_, value| value.nil? } end # Returns a new hash with the given keys selected from the given hash. def only(hash, *keys) { |key, _| keys.include?(key) } end # Deep symbolizes the given hash's keys def symbolize(obj) case obj when Hash { |key, obj| [key.to_sym, symbolize(obj)] }.to_h when Array { |obj| symbolize(obj) } else obj end end def file?(path) File.file?(expand(path)) end def mkdir_p(path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(expand(path)) end def chmod(perm, path) super(perm, expand(path)) end def mv(src, dest) super(expand(src), expand(dest)) end def rm_rf(path) super(expand(path)) end def open(path, *args, &block), *args, &block) end def read(path) end def expand(*args) File.expand_path(*args) end end end require 'dpl/providers'