module Workarea class Address include ApplicationDocument ATTRIBUTES_FOR_LENGTH_VALIDATION = [ :first_name, :last_name, :company, :street, :street_2, :city, :region, :postal_code, :country, :phone_number, :phone_extension ] field :first_name, type: String field :last_name, type: String field :company, type: String field :street, type: String field :street_2, type: String field :city, type: String field :region, type: String field :postal_code, type: String field :country, type: Country field :phone_number, type: String field :phone_extension, type: String embedded_in :addressable, polymorphic: true ATTRIBUTES_FOR_LENGTH_VALIDATION.each do |field| validates field, length: { maximum: 500 } end validates :first_name, presence: true validates :last_name, presence: true validates :street, presence: true validates :city, presence: true validates :country, presence: true validate :region_presence validate :postal_code_presence validate :not_po_box, unless: :allow_po_box? # Sets the phone number of the address, while removing # any non-digit characters. # # @param value # @return [void] # def phone_number=(val) if val.nil? super(val) else super(val.to_s.gsub(/\D/, '')) end end # Ensures the following situations work: # = 'US' # = 'USA' # = 'United States of America' # = Country['US'] # # @param value # def country=(value) super(Country.search_for(value)&.alpha2) end # Whether or not to allow a PO BOX address. Can be overridden in subclasses # to configure this behavior. # # @return [Boolean] If the address can be a PO BOX # def allow_po_box? true end # Whether the address is a PO BOX address # # @return [Boolean] If the address is PO BOX or not # def po_box? street.present? && street.strip =~ Workarea.config.po_box_regex || street_2.present? && street_2.strip =~ Workarea.config.po_box_regex end # If this address is the same as another address. Addresses # are equal if the address-relevant attributes are the same, # ignoring case. Used to check whether we should save an # additional address for a user. # # @return [Boolean] # def address_eql?(address) Workarea.config.address_attributes.inject(true) do |memo, attr| other = address.send(attr).to_s.downcase.gsub(/\s+/, '') selfs = self.send(attr).to_s.downcase.gsub(/\s+/, '') memo && other == selfs end end # Returns the full name for the region # # @return [String] # def region_name return '' if region.blank? country.subdivisions[region].try(:name) || region end def as_json(*args) super.tap do |hash| hash['country'] = end end private def region_presence return unless country.try(:subdivisions).present? if country.subdivisions[region].blank? errors.add(:region, I18n.t('errors.messages.invalid')) end end def postal_code_presence return unless country.try(:postal_code?) if postal_code.blank? errors.add(:postal_code, I18n.t('errors.messages.blank')) end end def not_po_box return unless po_box? if street.present? && street.strip =~ Workarea.config.po_box_regex errors.add(:street, I18n.t('workarea.errors.messages.po_box')) else errors.add(:street_2, I18n.t('workarea.errors.messages.po_box')) end end end end