{: versionI"3.4.13 (Selective Steve):EF:shaI"-b4f1cf213c597f068116f508d874961cd473ca8d;F: contents"Åo:Sass::Tree::RootNode :@children[o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode : @value[I"ã/*/ Hides the text in an element, commonly used to show an image. Some elements will need block-level styles applied. */ */ @link http://zeldman.com/2012/03/01/replacing-the-9999px-hack-new-image-replacement */ */ @example scss - Usage */ .element { */ @include hide-text; */ } */ */ @example css - CSS Output */ .element { */ overflow: hidden; */ text-indent: 101%; */ white-space: nowrap; */ } */ */ @todo Remove height argument in v5.0.0 */:ET: @type: silent;[: @linei: @options{o:Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode : @nameI"hide-text; T: @args[[o:!Sass::Script::Tree::Variable ;I" height; T:@underscored_nameI" height; T; i:@source_rangeo:Sass::Source::Range :@start_poso:Sass::Source::Position; i: @offseti: @end_poso;; i;i: @fileI"p/opt/rubies/2.0.0-p481/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/bourbon-4.2.2/app/assets/stylesheets/addons/_hide-text.scss; T:@importero:Sass::Rails::SassImporter: @rootI"Y/opt/rubies/2.0.0-p481/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/bourbon-4.2.2/app/assets/stylesheets; F:@real_rootI"Y/opt/rubies/2.0.0-p481/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/bourbon-4.2.2/app/assets/stylesheets; F:@same_name_warningso:Set: @hash{:@filename@; @ o: Sass::Script::Tree::Literal ;o:Sass::Script::Value::Null;0; @ ;o; ;o;; i;i0;o;; i;i4;I"w/opt/rubies/2.0.0-p481/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/bourbon-4.2.2/app/assets/stylesheets/functions/_assign-inputs.scss; T;@; i;o; ;o;; i;i ;o;; i;i$;@;@;!@: @splat0;[ o:Sass::Tree::PropNode;[I" overflow; T;o;";o: Sass::Script::Value::String;I" hidden; T; :identifier; @ ; i;o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;i;@;@: @tabsi:@prop_syntax:new;[; i;o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;i;@;@:@name_source_rangeo; ;@1;o;; i;i;@;@:@value_source_rangeo; ;o;; i;i;@2;@;@; @ o;%;[I"text-indent; T;o;";o;&;I" 101%; T; ;'; @ ; i;o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;i;@;@;(i;);*;[; i;o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;i;@;@;+o; ;@B;o;; i;i;@;@;,o; ;o;; i;i;@C;@;@; @ o;%;[I"white-space; T;o;";o;&;I" nowrap; T; ;'; @ ; i;o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;i;@;@;(i;);*;[; i;o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;i;@;@;+o; ;@S;o;; i;i;@;@;,o; ;o;; i;i;@T;@;@; @ u:Sass::Tree::IfNodeî[o:!Sass::Script::Tree::Variable : @nameI" height:ET:@underscored_nameI" height;T: @linei:@source_rangeo:Sass::Source::Range :@start_poso:Sass::Source::Position; i: @offseti : @end_poso; ; i;i: @fileI"p/opt/rubies/2.0.0-p481/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/bourbon-4.2.2/app/assets/stylesheets/addons/_hide-text.scss;T:@importero:Sass::Rails::SassImporter: @rootI"Y/opt/rubies/2.0.0-p481/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/bourbon-4.2.2/app/assets/stylesheets;F:@real_rootI"Y/opt/rubies/2.0.0-p481/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/bourbon-4.2.2/app/assets/stylesheets;F:@same_name_warningso:Set: @hash{:@filename@ : @options{0[o:Sass::Tree::WarnNode : @expro: Sass::Script::Tree::Literal : @valueo: Sass::Script::Value::String;I"{The `hide-text` mixin has changed and no longer requires a height. The height argument will no longer be accepted in v5.0.0;T: @type: string;@; i; o; ; o; ; i;i;o; ; i;iˆ;@ ;@ ;@ :@children[; i; o; ; o; ; i;i ;o; ; i;iˆ;@ ;@ ;@; i;o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;i&;@;@:@has_childrenT; @ :@templateI"ä/// Hides the text in an element, commonly used to show an image. Some elements will need block-level styles applied. /// /// @link http://zeldman.com/2012/03/01/replacing-the-9999px-hack-new-image-replacement /// /// @example scss - Usage /// .element { /// @include hide-text; /// } /// /// @example css - CSS Output /// .element { /// overflow: hidden; /// text-indent: 101%; /// white-space: nowrap; /// } /// /// @todo Remove height argument in v5.0.0 @mixin hide-text($height: null) { overflow: hidden; text-indent: 101%; white-space: nowrap; @if $height { @warn "The `hide-text` mixin has changed and no longer requires a height. The height argument will no longer be accepted in v5.0.0"; } } ; T; i;o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;i;@;@;.T; @