module Kiqr module Models module User extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do # Register Devise modules devise :registerable, :recoverable, :rememberable, :validatable, :confirmable, :lockable, :timeoutable, :trackable, :omniauthable # Using the "devise-two-factor" gem devise :two_factor_authenticatable # Omniauth identities for social/external logins has_many :omniauth_identities, dependent: :destroy has_many :members, dependent: :destroy has_many :accounts, through: :members # Personal account belongs_to :personal_account, class_name: "Account", optional: true, dependent: :destroy accepts_nested_attributes_for :personal_account validates_associated :personal_account # Validation of KIQR fields validates :email, presence: true, uniqueness: true validates :time_zone, inclusion: { in: -> { } } validates :locale, inclusion: { in: -> { } } protected # Used by Devise to check if the user's password is required. # This must be defined inside the included block since the # original method is protected. def password_required? return false if skip_password_validation super end end # Virtual attribute to skip password validation while saving attr_accessor :skip_password_validation # Get the user's full name from their personal account. delegate :name, to: :personal_account # Generate the user's OTP provisioning URI. def otp_uri issuer = Kiqr::Config.app_name otp_provisioning_uri(email, issuer: issuer) end # Check if the user has been onboarded successfully. def onboarded? personal_account&.persisted? end # Alternative to the devise update_with_password method to # allow users to add a password without providing their current password. def create_password(params) params.delete(:current_password) result = update(params) clean_up_passwords result end # Reset unconfirmed email and confirmation sent at. # This is useful when a user cancels their email change. def cancel_pending_email_change! update!(unconfirmed_email: nil, confirmation_sent_at: nil) end # Helper method to allow for other two-factor methods # to be added in the future. def two_factor_enabled? otp_required_for_login? end # Reset the user's OTP secret and disable two-factor authentication. def reset_otp_secret! update!( otp_secret: generate_otp_secret, otp_required_for_login: false, consumed_timestep: nil, otp_backup_codes: nil ) end protected def generate_otp_secret(otp_secret_length = Devise.otp_secret_length) ROTP::Base32.random_base32(otp_secret_length) end end end end