@show @articles Feature: ModsAsset Show View I want to see appropriate information for ModsAsset objects in the show view @overwritten Scenario: Public visit Publicly Viewable Document Given I am on the show document page for hydrangea:fixture_mods_article1 Then I should see "ARTICLE TITLE" And I should see "GIVEN NAMES" And I should see "FAMILY NAME" And I should see "FACULTY, UNIVERSITY" And I should see "TOPIC 1" And I should see "TOPIC 2" And I should see "CONTROLLED TERM" And I should not see a link to "the edit document page for hydrangea:fixture_mods_article1" @local Scenario: Public visit Publicly Viewable Document Given I am on the show document page for libra-oa:1 Then I should see "The Smallest Victims of the" And I should see "Mary" And I should see "Gibson" And I should see "University of Virginia" And I should see "white plague" And I should see "pediatric nursing" # We're not doing anything with licenses for this version of mods_assets # And I should see "UVA Libra Contributor's License" And I should not see a link to "the edit document page for libra-oa:1" Scenario: Public visit Document Show Page for a private document Given I am on the show document page for hydrangea:fixture_archivist_only_mods_article Then I should be on the search page And I should see "You do not have sufficient access privileges to read this document, which has been marked private" within ".alert" @overwritten Scenario: Superuser visits Document Show Page for a private document Given I am a superuser And I am on the show document page for hydrangea:fixture_archivist_only_mods_article Then I should see "Article for Archivist Eyes Only" @local Scenario: Superuser visits Document Show Page for a private document Given I am a superuser And I am on the show document page for libra-oa:7 Then I should see "Khadzhi-Murat's Silence" @overwritten Scenario: Archivist visits Show Page for Restricted Document Given I am logged in as "archivist1@example.com" And I am on the show document page for hydrangea:fixture_archivist_only_mods_article Then I should see "Article for Archivist Eyes Only" And I should see "Sally" And I should see "Whocontributes" And I should see "University of Contributions" And I should see "contributing" And I should see "exclusiveness" And I should not see a link to "the edit document page for hydrangea:fixture_public_mods_article" @local Scenario: Archivist visits Show Page for Restricted Document Given I am logged in as "archivist1@example.com" And I am on the show document page for libra-oa:7 Then I should see "Khadzhi-Murat's Silence" And I should see "David Herman" And I should see "University of Virginia" Scenario: html5 valid - unauthenticated Given I am on the show document page for hydrangea:fixture_mods_article1 Then the page should be HTML5 valid Scenario: html5 valid - unauthenticated for restricted document Given I am on the show document page for hydrangea:fixture_archivist_only_mods_article Then the page should be HTML5 valid Scenario: html5 valid - authenticated Given I am logged in as "archivist1@example.com" When I am on the show document page for hydrangea:fixture_mods_article1 Then the page should be HTML5 valid Scenario: html5 valid - authenticated but not authorized for restricted document Given I am a superuser When I am on the show document page for hydrangea:fixture_archivist_only_mods_article Then the page should be HTML5 valid Scenario: html5 valid - authenticated for restricted document Given I am logged in as "archivist1@example.com" When I am on the show document page for hydrangea:fixture_archivist_only_mods_article Then the page should be HTML5 valid