## # Signing plugin for hoe. # # === Tasks Provided: # # generate_key:: Generate a key for signing your gems. # # === Extra Configuration Options: # # signing_key_file:: Signs your gems with this private key. # signing_cert_file:: Signs your gem with this certificate. # # === Usage: # # Run the 'generate_key' task. This will: # # 1. Configure your ~/.hoerc. # 2. Generate a signing key and certificate. # 3. Install the private key and public certificate files into ~/.gem. # # Hoe will now generate signed gems when the package task is run. If you have # multiple machines you build gems on, be sure to install your key and # certificate on each machine. # # Keep your private key secret! Keep your private key safe! # # To make sure your gems are signed run: # # rake package; tar tf pkg/yourproject-1.2.3.gem # # If your gem is signed you will see: # # data.tar.gz # data.tar.gz.sig # metadata.gz # metadata.gz.sig module Hoe::Signing Hoe::DEFAULT_CONFIG["signing_key_file"] = "~/.gem/gem-private_key.pem" Hoe::DEFAULT_CONFIG["signing_cert_file"] = "~/.gem/gem-public_cert.pem" ## # Define tasks for plugin. def define_signing_tasks set_up_signing desc "Generate a key for signing your gems." task :generate_key do generate_key_task end end def set_up_signing # :nodoc: signing_key = nil cert_chain = [] with_config do |config, _path| break unless config["signing_key_file"] and config["signing_cert_file"] key_file = File.expand_path config["signing_key_file"].to_s signing_key = key_file if File.exist? key_file cert_file = File.expand_path config["signing_cert_file"].to_s cert_chain << cert_file if File.exist? cert_file end if signing_key and cert_chain then spec.signing_key = signing_key spec.cert_chain = cert_chain end end def generate_key_task # :nodoc: email = Array(spec.email) abort "No email in your gemspec" if email.nil? or email.empty? key_file = with_config { |config, _| config["signing_key_file"] } cert_file = with_config { |config, _| config["signing_cert_file"] } if key_file.nil? or cert_file.nil? then ENV["SHOW_EDITOR"] ||= "no" Rake::Task["config_hoe"].invoke key_file = with_config { |config, _| config["signing_key_file"] } cert_file = with_config { |config, _| config["signing_cert_file"] } end key_file = File.expand_path key_file cert_file = File.expand_path cert_file unless File.exist? key_file then puts "Generating certificate" if File.exist? key_file then abort "Have #{key_file} but no #{cert_file}, aborting as a precaution" end warn "NOTICE: using #{email.first} for certificate" if email.size > 1 sh "gem cert --build #{email.first}" mv "gem-private_key.pem", key_file, :verbose => true mv "gem-public_cert.pem", cert_file, :verbose => true puts "Installed key and certificate." end puts "Key file = #{key_file}" puts "Cert file = #{cert_file}" puts puts "Until rubygems.org has a better strategy for signing, that's" puts "the best we can do at this point." end end