Jldrill Git C0 Coverage Information - RCov


Name Total Lines Lines of Code Total Coverage Code Coverage
lib/jldrill/model/items/ItemFactory.rb 24 22


Code reported as executed by Ruby looks like this...and this: this line is also marked as covered.Lines considered as run by rcov, but not reported by Ruby, look like this,and this: these lines were inferred by rcov (using simple heuristics).Finally, here's a line marked as not executed.

Coverage Details

1 require 'jldrill/model/items/ItemType'
2 require 'jldrill/model/items/Vocabulary'
3 require 'jldrill/model/items/JWord'
5 module JLDrill
6     class ItemFactory
8         def ItemFactory::find(type)
9             retVal = nil
10             if type.eql? Vocabulary
11                 retVal = ItemType.new(type.to_s, type)
12                 retVal.headings = [["kanji", "Kanji", 90],
13                                    ["reading", "Reading", 130],
14                                    ["definitions", "Meaning", 230]]
15             elsif type.eql? JWord
16                 retVal = ItemType.new(type.to_s, type)
17                 retVal.headings = [["kanji", "Kanji", 90],
18                                    ["reading", "Reading", 130],
19                                    ["toVocab.definitions", "Meaning", 230]]
20             end
21             return retVal
22         end
23     end
24 end

Generated on Mon May 23 16:17:46 +0900 2011 with rcov 0.9.8