# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.describe Licensee::License do let(:license_count) { 39 } let(:hidden_license_count) { 27 } let(:featured_license_count) { 3 } let(:pseudo_license_count) { 2 } let(:non_featured_license_count) do license_count - featured_license_count - hidden_license_count end let(:mit) { described_class.find('mit') } let(:cc_by) { described_class.find('cc-by-4.0') } let(:unlicense) { described_class.find('unlicense') } let(:other) { described_class.find('other') } let(:no_license) { described_class.find('no-license') } let(:gpl) { described_class.find('gpl-3.0') } let(:lgpl) { described_class.find('lgpl-3.0') } let(:content_hash) { license_hashes['mit'] } let(:license_dir) do File.expand_path 'vendor/choosealicense.com/_licenses', project_root end context 'listing licenses' do let(:licenses) { described_class.all(arguments) } it 'returns the license keys' do expect(described_class.keys.count).to eql(license_count) expect(described_class.keys).to include(mit.key) expect(described_class.keys).to include('other') end context 'without any arguments' do let(:arguments) { {} } it 'returns the licenses' do expect(licenses).to all be_a(Licensee::License) expect(licenses.count).to eql(license_count - hidden_license_count) end it "doesn't include hidden licenses" do expect(licenses).to all(satisfy { |license| !license.hidden? }) end it 'includes featured licenses' do expect(licenses).to include(mit) expect(licenses).to_not include(cc_by) expect(licenses).to_not include(other) end end context 'hidden licenses' do let(:arguments) { { hidden: true } } it 'includes hidden licenses' do expect(licenses).to include(cc_by) expect(licenses).to include(mit) expect(licenses.count).to eql(license_count) end end context 'featured licenses' do let(:arguments) { { featured: true } } it 'includes only featured licenses' do expect(licenses).to include(mit) expect(licenses).to_not include(cc_by) expect(licenses).to_not include(other) expect(licenses.count).to eql(featured_license_count) end end context 'non-featured licenses' do let(:arguments) { { featured: false } } it 'includes only non-featured licenses' do expect(licenses).to include(unlicense) expect(licenses).to_not include(mit) expect(licenses).to_not include(other) expect(licenses.count).to eql(non_featured_license_count) end context 'including hidden licenses' do let(:arguments) { { featured: false, hidden: true } } it 'includes only non-featured licenses' do expect(licenses).to include(unlicense) expect(licenses).to include(cc_by) expect(licenses).to_not include(mit) expect(licenses.count).to eql(license_count - featured_license_count) end end end context 'pseudo licenses' do let(:other) { Licensee::License.find('other') } context 'by default' do let(:arguments) { {} } it "doesn't include pseudo licenses" do expect(licenses).to_not include(other) end end context 'with hidden licenses' do let(:arguments) { { hidden: true } } it 'includes pseudo licenses' do expect(licenses).to include(other) end end context 'when explicitly asked' do let(:arguments) { { hidden: true, pseudo: true } } it 'includes psudo licenses' do expect(licenses).to include(other) end end context 'when explicitly excluded' do let(:arguments) { { hidden: true, pseudo: false } } it "doesn'tincludes psudo licenses" do expect(licenses).to_not include(other) end end context 'mispelled' do context 'when explicitly asked' do let(:arguments) { { hidden: true, psuedo: true } } it 'includes psudo licenses' do expect(licenses).to include(other) end end context 'when explicitly excluded' do let(:arguments) { { hidden: true, psuedo: false } } it "doesn'tincludes psudo licenses" do expect(licenses).to_not include(other) end end end end end context 'finding' do it 'finds the MIT license' do expect(described_class.find('mit')).to eql(mit) end it 'finds hidden licenses' do expect(described_class.find('cc-by-4.0')).to eql(cc_by) end it 'is case insensitive' do expect(described_class.find('MIT')).to eql(mit) end end it 'returns the license dir' do expect(described_class.license_dir).to eql(license_dir) expect(described_class.license_dir).to be_an_existing_file end it 'returns license files' do expected = license_count - pseudo_license_count expect(described_class.license_files.count).to eql(expected) expect(described_class.license_files).to all be_an_existing_file expect(described_class.license_files).to include(mit.path) end it 'stores the key when initialized' do expect(described_class.new('mit')).to be == mit expect(described_class.new('MIT')).to be == mit end it 'exposes the path' do expect(mit.path).to be_an_existing_file expect(mit.path).to match(described_class.license_dir) end it 'exposes the key' do expect(mit.key).to eql('mit') end it 'exposes the SPDX ID' do expect(gpl.spdx_id).to eql('GPL-3.0') end it 'exposes special SPDX ID for pseudo licenses' do expect(other.spdx_id).to eql('NOASSERTION') expect(no_license.spdx_id).to eql('NONE') end context '#other?' do it 'knows MIT is not other' do expect(gpl).to_not be_other end it 'knows the other license is other?' do expect(other).to be_other end end context 'meta' do it 'exposes license meta' do expect(mit).to respond_to(:meta) expect(mit.meta).to respond_to(:title) expect(mit.meta['title']).to eql('MIT License') expect(mit.meta.title).to eql('MIT License') end it 'includes defaults' do expect(other.meta['hidden']).to eql(true) end it 'returns the name' do expect(mit.name).to eql('MIT License') end it 'uses the default name when none exists' do expect(other.name).to eql('Other') expect(no_license.name).to eql('No license') end it 'expoeses the nickname' do expect(gpl.nickname).to eql('GNU GPLv3') end it 'exposes the name without version' do expect(mit.name_without_version).to eql('MIT License') expect(gpl.name_without_version).to eql('GNU General Public License') end it 'knows if a license is hidden' do expect(mit).to_not be_hidden expect(cc_by).to be_hidden end it 'knows if a license is featured' do expect(mit).to be_featured expect(unlicense).to_not be_featured end it 'knows if a license is GPL' do expect(mit).to_not be_gpl expect(gpl).to be_gpl end it 'knows a license is lgpl' do expect(mit).to_not be_gpl expect(lgpl).to be_lgpl end it 'knows if a license is CC' do expect(gpl).to_not be_creative_commons expect(cc_by).to be_creative_commons end end context 'content' do it 'returns the license content' do expect(mit.content).to match('Permission is hereby granted') end it 'strips leading whitespace' do expect(mit.content).to start_with('M') end it 'computes the hash' do expect(mit.content_hash).to eql(content_hash) end context 'with content stubbed' do let(:license) do license = described_class.new 'MIT' license.instance_variable_set(:@raw_content, content) license end context 'with a horizontal rule' do let(:content) do "---\nfoo: bar\n---\nSome license\n---------\nsome text\n" end it 'parses the content' do expect(license.content).to eql("Some license\n---------\nsome text\n") end end end end it 'returns the URL' do expect(mit.url).to eql('http://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/') end it 'knows equality' do expect(mit).to eql(mit) expect(gpl).to_not eql(mit) end it 'knows if a license is a pseudo license' do expect(mit).to_not be_pseudo_license expect(other).to be_pseudo_license end it 'fails loudly for invalid license' do expect do described_class.new('foo').name end.to raise_error(Licensee::InvalidLicense) end it 'returns the rules' do expect(mit.rules).to be_a(Licensee::LicenseRules) expect(mit.rules).to have_key('permissions') expect(mit.rules['permissions'].first).to be_a(Licensee::Rule) expect(mit.rules.flatten.count).to eql(7) end it 'returns rules by tag and group' do expect(cc_by.rules).to have_key('limitations') rule = cc_by.rules['limitations'].find { |r| r.tag == 'patent-use' } expect(rule).to_not be_nil expect(rule.description).to include('does NOT grant') expect(gpl.rules).to have_key('permissions') rule = gpl.rules['permissions'].find { |r| r.tag == 'patent-use' } expect(rule).to_not be_nil expect(rule.description).to include('an express grant of patent rights') end context 'fields' do it 'returns the license fields' do expect(mit.fields.count).to eql(2) expect(mit.fields.first.key).to eql('year') expect(mit.fields.last.key).to eql('fullname') expect(gpl.fields).to be_empty end context 'muscache' do let(:license) do license = described_class.new 'MIT' content = license.content + '[foo] [bar]' license.instance_variable_set(:@content, content) license end it 'returns mustache content' do expect(license.content_for_mustache).to match(/{{{year}}}/) expect(license.content_for_mustache).to match(/{{{fullname}}}/) expect(license.content_for_mustache).to_not match(/\[year\]/) expect(license.content_for_mustache).to_not match(/\[fullname\]/) end it "doesn't mangle other fields" do expect(license.content_for_mustache).to match(/\[foo\]/) expect(license.content_for_mustache).to_not match(/{{{foo}}}/) end end end context 'License.title_regex' do Licensee::License.all(hidden: true, pseudo: false).each do |license| context "the #{license.title} license" do %i[title nickname key].each do |variation| next if license.send(variation).nil? context "the license #{variation}" do let(:license_variation) { license.send(variation).sub('*', 'u') } let(:text) { license_variation } it 'matches' do expect(text).to match(license.title_regex) end it 'finds by title' do expect(described_class.find_by_title(text)).to eql(license) end if license.title =~ /\bGNU\b/ context "without 'GNU'" do let(:text) { license_variation.sub(/GNU /i, '') } it 'still matches' do expect(text).to match(license.title_regex) end end end context "with 'the' and 'license'" do let(:text) { "The #{license_variation} license" } it 'matches' do expect(text).to match(license.title_regex) end end if variation == :title context 'version notation variations' do context "with 'version x.x'" do let(:text) do license_variation.sub(/v?(\d+\.\d+)/i, 'version \1') end it 'matches' do expect(text).to match(license.title_regex) end end context "with ', version x.x'" do let(:text) do license_variation.sub(/ v?(\d+\.\d+)/i, ', version \1') end it 'matches' do expect(text).to match(license.title_regex) end end context "with 'vx.x'" do let(:text) do license_variation.sub(/(?:version)? (\d+\.\d+)/i, ' v\1') end it 'matches' do expect(text).to match(license.title_regex) end end end end end end end end context 'a license with an alt title' do let(:text) { 'The Clear BSD license' } let(:license) { Licensee::License.find('bsd-3-clause-clear') } it 'matches' do expect(text).to match(license.title_regex) end it 'finds by title' do expect(described_class.find_by_title(text)).to eql(license) end end end context 'to_h' do let(:hash) { mit.to_h } let(:expected) do { key: 'mit', spdx_id: 'MIT', meta: mit.meta.to_h, url: 'http://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/', rules: mit.rules.to_h, fields: mit.fields.map(&:to_h), other: false, gpl: false, lgpl: false, cc: false } end it 'Converts to a hash' do expect(hash).to eql(expected) end end context 'source regex' do Licensee::License.all(hidden: true, pseudo: false).each do |license| context "the #{license.title} license" do let(:source) { URI.parse(license.source) } %w[http https].each do |scheme| context "with a #{scheme}:// scheme" do before { source.scheme = scheme } ['www.', ''].each do |prefix| context "with '#{prefix}' before the host" do before do source.host = "#{prefix}#{source.host.sub(/\Awww\./, '')}" end ['.html', '.htm', '.txt', ''].each do |suffix| context "with '#{suffix}' after the path" do before do next if license.key == 'wtfpl' regex = /#{Licensee::License::SOURCE_SUFFIX}\z/ source.path = source.path.sub(regex, '') source.path = "#{source.path}#{suffix}" end it 'matches' do expect(source.to_s).to match(license.source_regex) end end end end end end end end end end end