#!/usr/bin/env ruby # SNMP Bulk Metrics # === # # This is a script to 'bulk walk' an SNMP OID value, collecting metrics # # # Requires SNMP gem # # USAGE: # # snmp-bulk-metrics -h host -C community -O oid1,oid2... -s suffix # # Copyright 2014 Matthew Richardson # Based on snmp-metrics.rb by Double Negative Limited # # Released under the same terms as Sensu (the MIT license); see LICENSE # for details. require 'sensu-plugin/metric/cli' require 'snmp' # Class that collects and outputs SNMP metrics in graphite format class SNMPGraphite < Sensu::Plugin::Metric::CLI::Graphite option :host, short: '-h host', boolean: true, default: '', required: true option :community, short: '-C snmp community', boolean: true, default: 'public' option :objectid, short: '-O OID[,OID,OID...]', description: 'comma separated list of OIDs to bulkwalk', required: true option :prefix, short: '-p prefix', description: 'prefix to attach to graphite path' option :suffix, short: '-s suffix', description: 'suffix to attach to graphite path', required: true option :snmp_version, short: '-v version', description: 'SNMP version to use (SNMPv1, SNMPv2c (default))', default: 'SNMPv2c' option :graphite, short: '-g', description: 'Replace dots with underscores in hostname', boolean: true option :maxrepeat, short: '-m maxrepeat', description: 'Number of iterations to perform on repeating variables (defaults to 10)', default: 10 option :nonrepeat, short: '-n non-repeaters', description: 'Number of supplied OIDs that should not be iterated over (defaults to 0)', default: 0 option :mibdir, short: '-d mibdir', description: 'Full path to custom MIB directory.' option :mibs, short: '-l mib[,mib,mib...]', description: 'Custom MIBs to load (from custom mib path).', default: '' option :timeout, short: '-t timeout (seconds) (defaults to 5)', default: 5 def run oids = config[:objectid].split(',') mibs = config[:mibs].split(',') begin manager = SNMP::Manager.new(host: "#{config[:host]}", community: "#{config[:community]}", version: config[:snmp_version].to_sym, timeout: config[:timeout].to_i) if config[:mibdir] && !mibs.empty? manager.load_modules(mibs, config[:mibdir]) end response = manager.get_bulk(config[:nonrepeat].to_i, config[:maxrepeat].to_i, oids) rescue SNMP::RequestTimeout unknown "#{config[:host]} not responding" rescue => e unknown "An unknown error occured: #{e.inspect}" end config[:host] = config[:host].gsub('.', '_') if config[:graphite] response.each_varbind do |vb| name = vb.oid name = "#{name}".gsub('.', '_') if config[:graphite] begin if config[:prefix] output "#{config[:prefix]}.#{config[:host]}.#{config[:suffix]}.#{name}", value.to_f else output "#{config[:host]}.#{config[:suffix]}.#{name}", vb.value.to_f end rescue NameError # rubocop:disable all # Some values may fail to cast to float end end manager.close ok end end