# Rakefile for RubyGems -*- ruby -*- #-- # Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others. # All rights reserved. # See LICENSE.txt for permissions. #++ require 'rubygems' require 'rake/clean' require 'rake/testtask' require 'rake/packagetask' require 'rake/gempackagetask' require 'rake/rdoctask' def announce(msg='') STDERR.puts msg end # Disable certs for now. if RUBY_PLATFORM.match('mswin') ENV['CERT_DIR'] ||= (File.join(ENV['USERPROFILE'], '.gem')) else ENV['CERT_DIR'] ||= File.expand_path(File.join('~', '.gem')) end PKG_NAME = 'rubygems' def package_version `ruby -Ilib bin/gem environment packageversion`.chomp end if ENV['REL'] PKG_VERSION = ENV['REL'] CURRENT_VERSION = package_version else PKG_VERSION = package_version CURRENT_VERSION = PKG_VERSION end CLEAN.include("COMMENTS") CLOBBER.include( 'InstalledFiles', "test/data/one/one-*0.0.1.gem", "test/temp", 'test/mock/gem/doc', 'test/mock/gem/cache', 'test/data/gemhome', 'test/data/[a-z]*.gem', 'scripts/*.hieraki', 'data__', 'html', 'pkgs/sources/sources*.gem', '.config', '**/debug.log', 'logs', '*.out' ) CLOBBER.exclude('test/data/broken-1.0.0.gem') desc "Run all tests" task :default => [:test] desc "Run unit tests (functionals fail on win32)" task :test => [:test_units] desc "Run just the unit tests" Rake::TestTask.new(:test_units) do |t| t.test_files = FileList['test/test*.rb'] t.warning = true end desc "Run just the functional tests" Rake::TestTask.new(:test_functional) do |t| t.test_files = FileList['test/functional*.rb'] t.warning = true end desc "Run the unit and functional tests" Rake::TestTask.new(:test_all) do |t| t.test_files = FileList['test/{test,functional}*.rb'] t.warning = true end desc "Run the tests for a build" task :build_tests do html_dir = ENV['TESTRESULTS'] || 'html/tests' ruby %{-Ilib scripts/buildtests.rb #{html_dir}} open("#{html_dir}/summary.html") do |inf| open("#{html_dir}/summary.new", "w") do |outf| inf.each do |line| if line =~ /td align/ line = " #{Time.now}" end outf.puts line end end end mv "#{html_dir}/summary.html", "#{html_dir}/summary.old" mv "#{html_dir}/summary.new", "#{html_dir}/summary.html" end # Shortcuts for test targets task :tf => [:test_functional] task :tu => [:test_units] task :ta => [:test_all] task :gemtest do ruby %{-Ilib -rscripts/runtest -e 'run_tests("test/test_gempaths.rb", true)'} end # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Creating a release desc "Make a new release" task :release => [ :prerelease, :clobber, :test_all, :update_version, :package, :tag] do announce announce "**************************************************************" announce "* Release #{PKG_VERSION} Complete." announce "* Packages ready to upload." announce "**************************************************************" announce end # Validate that everything is ready to go for a release. task :prerelease do announce announce "**************************************************************" announce "* Making RubyGem Release #{PKG_VERSION}" announce "* (current version #{CURRENT_VERSION})" announce "**************************************************************" announce # Is a release number supplied? unless ENV['REL'] fail "Usage: rake release REL=x.y.z [REUSE=tag_suffix]" end # Is the release different than the current release. # (or is REUSE set?) if PKG_VERSION == CURRENT_VERSION && ! ENV['REUSE'] fail "Current version is #{PKG_VERSION}, must specify REUSE=tag_suffix to reuse version" end # Are all source files checked in? if ENV['RELTEST'] announce "Release Task Testing, skipping checked-in file test" else announce "Checking for unchecked-in files..." data = `svn st` unless data =~ /^$/ abort "svn status is not clean ... do you have unchecked-in files?" end announce "No outstanding checkins found ... OK" end end task :update_version => [:prerelease] do if PKG_VERSION == CURRENT_VERSION announce "No version change ... skipping version update" else announce "Updating RubyGem version to #{PKG_VERSION}" open("lib/rubygems/rubygems_version.rb", "w") do |f| f.puts "# DO NOT EDIT" f.puts "# This file is auto-generated by build scripts." f.puts "# See: rake update_version" f.puts "module Gem" f.puts " RubyGemsVersion = '#{PKG_VERSION}'" f.puts "end" end if ENV['RELTEST'] announce "Release Task Testing, skipping commiting of new version" else sh %{svn commit -m "Updated to version #{PKG_VERSION}" lib/rubygems/rubygems_version.rb} # " end end end task :tag => [:prerelease] do reltag = "REL_#{PKG_VERSION.gsub(/\./, '_')}" reltag = "REL_#{ENV['REUSE'].gsub(/\./, '_')}" if ENV['REUSE'] announce "Tagging SVN with [#{reltag}]" software_dir = File.basename(Dir.pwd) if ENV['RELTEST'] announce "Release Task Testing, skipping SVN tagging (in dir #{software_dir})" else sh %{svn copy svn+ssh://rubyforge.org/var/svn/rubygems/trunk svn+ssh://rubyforge.org/var/svn/rubygems/tags/#{reltag}} end end # -------------------------------------------------------------------- begin # rcov require 'rcov/rcovtask' Rcov::RcovTask.new do |t| t.libs << "test" t.rcov_opts = ['-xRakefile', '-xrakefile', '-xpublish.rf', '--text-report'] t.test_files = FileList[ 'test/{functional,test}*.rb' ] t.verbose = true end rescue LoadError end # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create a task to build the RDOC documentation tree. desc "Create the RDOC html files" rd = Rake::RDocTask.new("rdoc") { |rdoc| rdoc.rdoc_dir = 'html' rdoc.title = "RubyGems" rdoc.options << '--line-numbers' << '--inline-source' << '--main' << 'README' rdoc.rdoc_files.include('README', 'TODO', 'LICENSE.txt', 'GPL.txt') rdoc.rdoc_files.include('lib/**/*.rb') rdoc.rdoc_files.include('doc/**/*.rdoc') # rdoc.rdoc_files.include('test/**/*.rb') } desc "Publish the RDOCs on RubyForge" task :publish_rdoc => ["html/index.html"] do # NOTE: This task assumes that you have an SSH alias setup for rubyforge. mkdir_p "emptydir" sh "scp -rq emptydir rubyforge:/var/www/gforge-projects/rubygems/rdoc" sh "scp -rq html/* rubyforge:/var/www/gforge-projects/rubygems/rdoc" rm_r "emptydir" end # Wiki Doc Targets desc "Upload the Hieraki Data" task :upload => [:upload_gemdoc] task :upload_gemdoc => ['scripts/gemdoc.hieraki'] do ruby %{scripts/upload_gemdoc.rb} end desc "Build the Hieraki documentation" task :hieraki => ['scripts/gemdoc.hieraki', 'scripts/specdoc.hieraki'] file 'scripts/gemdoc.hieraki' => ['scripts/gemdoc.rb', 'scripts/gemdoc.data'] do chdir('scripts') do ruby %{-I../lib gemdoc.rb gemdoc.hieraki} end end file 'scripts/specdoc.hieraki' => ['scripts/specdoc.rb', 'scripts/specdoc.data', 'scripts/specdoc.yaml'] do chdir('scripts') do ruby %{-I../lib specdoc.rb >specdoc.hieraki} end end # Package tasks PKG_FILES = FileList[ "Rakefile", "ChangeLog", "TODO", "README", "LICENSE.txt", "GPL.txt", "setup.rb", "bin/*", "doc/*.css", "doc/*.rb", "examples/**/*", "gemspecs/**/*", "lib/**/*.rb", "pkgs/**/*", "redist/*.gem", "scripts/*.rb", "test/**/*", ".document" ] PKG_FILES.exclude(%r(^test/temp(/|$))) Rake::PackageTask.new("package") do |p| p.name = PKG_NAME p.version = PKG_VERSION p.need_tar = true p.need_zip = true p.package_files = PKG_FILES end Spec = Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = PKG_NAME + "-update" s.version = PKG_VERSION s.required_ruby_version = Gem::Requirement.new '> 1.8.3' s.summary = "RubyGems Update GEM" s.description = %{RubyGems is a package management framework for Ruby. This Gem is a update for the base RubyGems software. You must have a base installation of RubyGems before this update can be applied. } s.files = PKG_FILES.to_a s.require_path = 'lib' s.authors = ['Jim Weirich', 'Chad Fowler', 'Eric Hodel'] s.email = "rubygems-developers@rubyforge.org" s.homepage = "http://rubygems.rubyforge.org" s.rubyforge_project = "rubygems" s.bindir = "bin" # Use these for applications. s.executables = ["update_rubygems"] certdir = ENV['CERT_DIR'] if certdir s.signing_key = File.join(certdir, 'gem-private_key.pem') s.cert_chain = [File.join(certdir, 'gem-public_cert.pem')] end end # Add console output about signing the Gem file "pkg/#{Spec.full_name}.gem" do puts "Signed with certificates in '#{ENV['CERT_DIR']}'" if ENV['CERT_DIR'] end Rake::GemPackageTask.new(Spec) do |p| end desc "Build the Gem spec file for the rubygems-update package" task :gemspec => "pkg/rubygems-update.gemspec" file "pkg/rubygems-update.gemspec" => ["pkg", "Rakefile"] do |t| open(t.name, "w") do |f| f.puts Spec.to_yaml end end # Install RubyGems desc "Install RubyGems" task :install do ruby 'setup.rb' end # Run 'gem' (using local bin and lib directories). # e.g. # rake rungem -- install -r blahblah --test desc "Run local 'gem'" task :rungem do ARGV.shift exec "ruby -Ilib bin/gem #{ARGV.join(' ')}" end # Misc Tasks --------------------------------------------------------- def egrep(pattern) Dir['**/*.rb'].each do |fn| count = 0 open(fn) do |f| while line = f.gets count += 1 if line =~ pattern puts "#{fn}:#{count}:#{line}" end end end end end desc "Look for TODO and FIXME tags in the code" task :todo do egrep /#.*(FIXME|TODO|TBD)/ end desc "Look for Debugging print lines" task :dbg do egrep /\bDBG|\bbreakpoint\b/ end desc "List all ruby files" task :rubyfiles do puts Dir['**/*.rb'].reject { |fn| fn =~ /^pkg/ } puts Dir['bin/*'].reject { |fn| fn =~ /CVS|(~$)|(\.rb$)/ } end task :rf => :rubyfiles # These tasks expect to have the following directory structure: # # git/git.rubini.us/code # Rubinius git HEAD checkout # svn/ruby/trunk # ruby subversion HEAD checkout # svn/rubygems/trunk # RubyGems subversion HEAD checkout # # If you don't have this directory structure, set RUBY_PATH and/or # RUBINIUS_PATH. diff_options = "-urpN --exclude '*svn*' --exclude '*swp' --exclude '*rbc'" rsync_options = "-avP --exclude '*svn*' --exclude '*swp' --exclude '*rbc' --exclude '*.rej' --exclude '*.orig'" rubinius_dir = ENV['RUBINIUS_PATH'] || '../../../git/git.rubini.us/code' ruby_dir = ENV['RUBY_PATH'] || '../../ruby/trunk' desc "Updates Ruby HEAD with the currently checked-out copy of RubyGems." task :update_ruby do sh "rsync #{rsync_options} bin/gem #{ruby_dir}/bin/gem" sh "rsync #{rsync_options} lib/ #{ruby_dir}/lib" sh "rsync #{rsync_options} test/ #{ruby_dir}/test/rubygems" sh "rsync #{rsync_options} util/gem_prelude.rb #{ruby_dir}/gem_prelude.rb" end desc "Diffs Ruby HEAD with the currently checked-out copy of RubyGems." task :diff_ruby do options = "-urpN --exclude '*svn*' --exclude '*swp' --exclude '*rbc'" sh "diff #{diff_options} bin/gem #{ruby_dir}/bin/gem; true" sh "diff #{diff_options} lib/ubygems.rb #{ruby_dir}/lib/ubygems.rb; true" sh "diff #{diff_options} lib/rubygems.rb #{ruby_dir}/lib/rubygems.rb; true" sh "diff #{diff_options} lib/rubygems #{ruby_dir}/lib/rubygems; true" sh "diff #{diff_options} lib/rbconfig #{ruby_dir}/lib/rbconfig; true" sh "diff #{diff_options} test #{ruby_dir}/test/rubygems; true" sh "diff #{diff_options} util/gem_prelude.rb #{ruby_dir}/gem_prelude.rb; true" end desc "Updates Rubinius HEAD with the currently checked-out copy of RubyGems." task :update_rubinius do sh "rsync #{rsync_options} bin/gem #{rubinius_dir}/lib/bin/gem.rb" sh "rsync #{rsync_options} lib/ #{rubinius_dir}/lib" sh "rsync #{rsync_options} test/ #{rubinius_dir}/test/rubygems" sh "rsync #{rsync_options} util/gem_prelude.rb #{rubinius_dir}/kernel/core/gem_prelude.rb" end desc "Diffs Rubinius HEAD with the currently checked-out copy of RubyGems." task :diff_rubinius do sh "diff #{diff_options} bin/gem #{rubinius_dir}/lib/bin/gem.rb; true" sh "diff #{diff_options} lib/ubygems.rb #{rubinius_dir}/lib/ubygems.rb; true" sh "diff #{diff_options} lib/rubygems.rb #{rubinius_dir}/lib/rubygems.rb; true" sh "diff #{diff_options} lib/rubygems #{rubinius_dir}/lib/rubygems; true" sh "diff #{diff_options} lib/rbconfig #{rubinius_dir}/lib/rbconfig; true" sh "diff #{diff_options} test #{rubinius_dir}/test/rubygems; true" sh "diff #{diff_options} util/gem_prelude.rb #{rubinius_dir}/kernel/core/gem_prelude.rb; true" end