# Testing Zen Zen comes with a wide variety of tests to ensure that the various parts of Zen work as expected. These tests can be configured to use different databases and/or features. Regardless of the configuration you should first migrate the database and set up a test user, this can be done by running the following commands: $ cd spec $ rake db:migrate $ rake db:test_user Once migrated you can run the tests as following: $ ruby zen/all.rb ## Requirements * Ruby 1.9.2 or newer * Firefox * Selenium Based on your configuration you may also need extra gems such as the sqlite3 gem or the mysql2 gem. ## Environment Variables * ADAPTER: the database adapter to use. For SQLite3 this should be set to "sqlite", for MySQL to "mysql2" and for PostgreSQL to "postgres". * DATABASE: the name or file (in case of SQLite3) of the database. * USERNAME: the username to use for connecting to a PostgreSQL or MySQL database. * PASSWORD: the password to use for connecting to a PostgreSQL or MySQL database. * LRU: when set to a non empty value the cache for sessions is set to Ramaze::Cache::LRU. * COVERAGE: when set to a non empty value code coverage will be generated using SimpleCov. ## Examples Testing MySQL: $ cd spec $ export ADAPTER=mysql2 DATABASE=zen_dev USERNAME=root $ rake db:migrate $ rake db:test_user $ ruby zen/all.rb Testing PostgreSQL: $ cd spec $ export ADAPTER=postgres DATABASE=zen_dev USERNAME=postgres $ rake db:migrate $ rake db:test_user $ ruby zen/all.rb