module Jquery class InstallGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base PATH = source_root File.expand_path('../templates', __FILE__) # Options class_option :ui, :type => :boolean, :defalut => false, :desc => "Add jquery-ui components to application." class_option :ui_version, :type => :string, :defalut => "1", :desc => "Version of jquery-ui components to application." class_option :version, :type => :string, :defalut => "1", :desc => "Version of jquery used in application." JS_DEST = "public/javascripts" CSS_DEST = "public/stylesheets" def remove_prototype old_scripts = %w(controls dragdrop effects prototype) old_scripts.each do |script| path = "#{JS_DEST}/#{script}.js" remove_file path if File.exist? path end end def install_jquery version = (options[:version].nil?)? "1" : options[:version] ui_version = (options[:ui_version].nil?)? "1" : options[:ui_version] url = "{version}/jquery.min.js" #puts url get url, "#{JS_DEST}/jquery.js" get "", "#{JS_DEST}/rails.js" url = "{ui_version}/jquery-ui.min.js" #puts url if options.ui? get url, "#{JS_DEST}/jquery-ui.js" end end end end