CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED(VERSION 2.6 FATAL_ERROR) SET( SOURCES back.c io.c main.c ) MESSAGE( ${SOURCES} ) # three arguments, prints "back.cio.cmain.c" MESSAGE( "${SOURCES}" ) # one argument, prints "back.c;io.c;main.c" MESSAGE( "" ) # one argument, prints "" an empty line MESSAGE( "${EMPTY_STRING}" ) # one argument, prints "" an empty line MESSAGE( ${EMPTY_STRING} ) # zero arguments, causes CMake Error # "MESSAGE called with incorrect number of arguments" MESSAGE( \\\"\ \(\)\#\$\^ ) # this message contains literal characters MESSAGE( "This is practice." ) # prints "This is practice." MESSAGE( "This;is;practice." ) # prints "This;is;practice." MESSAGE( "Hi. ) MESSAGE( x )" ) # prints "Hi. ) MESSAGE( x )" MESSAGE( "Welc"ome ) # rule 1 MESSAGE( Welc"ome" ) # rule 3 MESSAGE( Welc"ome)" ) # rule 2 MESSAGE( ""Thanks ) # rule 1 MESSAGE( Thanks"" ) # rule 3 SET( x y A B C ) # stores "y;A;B;C" in x (without quote) SET( ${x} ) # => SET( y;A;B;C ) => SET( y A B C) MESSAGE( ${y} ) # prints "ABC" to stdout (without quotes) SET( y x ) # stores "x" in y (without quotes) SET( ${y} y = x ) # => SET( x y ) MESSAGE( "\${x} = '${x}'" ) # prints "${x} = 'y;=;x'" to stdout (without quotes) SET( y ${x} ) # => SET( y y = x ) => stores "y;=;x" in y (without quotes) MESSAGE( ${y} ) # prints "y=x" to stdout (without quotes) SET( x a b c ) # stores "a;b;c" in x (without quotes) SET( y "a b c" ) # stores "a b c" in y (without quotes) MESSAGE( a b c ) # prints "abc" to stdout (without quotes) MESSAGE( ${x} ) # prints "abc" to stdout (without quotes) MESSAGE("${x}") # prints "a;b;c" to stdout (without quotes) MESSAGE( ${y} ) # prints "a b c" to stdout (without quotes) MESSAGE("${y}") # prints "a b c" to stdout (without quotes) # This is a comment. COMMAND( arguments go here ) ANOTHER_COMMAND() # this command has no arguments YET_ANOTHER_COMMAND( these arguments are spread # another comment over several lines )