When /^I configure ActionMailer to use "([^"]+)" as a host$/ do |host| mailer_config = "config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => '#{host}' }" replace_in_file "config/application.rb", /(class .* < Rails::Application)/, "\\1\n#{mailer_config}" end When /^I add the "([^"]*)" gem from this project as a dependency$/ do |gem_name| append_to_file('Gemfile', %{\ngem "#{gem_name}", :path => "#{PROJECT_ROOT}"}) end When /^I disable Capybara Javascript emulation$/ do replace_in_file "features/support/env.rb", %{require 'cucumber/rails/capybara_javascript_emulation'}, "# Disabled" end When /^I give a more detailed new account message$/ do account_message = "Please sign up now." replace_in_file 'app/views/accounts/new.html.erb', %r{(</h2>)}, "\\1\n#{account_message}" scenario = <<-HERE Feature: The new account page should have a desperate message Scenario: New account message Given a plan exists with a name of "Free" When I go to the sign up page for the "Free" plan Then I should see "Please sign up now" HERE create_file('features/new_account_message.feature', scenario) end When /^I add a custom layout to the accounts index$/ do in_current_dir do FileUtils.cp("app/views/layouts/application.html.erb", "app/views/layouts/custom.html.erb") end replace_in_file 'app/views/layouts/custom.html.erb', %r{(<body>)}, "\\1\nCustom Layout Content" layout_config = "config.saucy.layouts.accounts.index = 'custom'" replace_in_file "config/application.rb", /(class .* < Rails::Application)/, "\\1\n#{layout_config}" create_file('features/custom_accounts_index_layout.feature', <<-SCENARIO) Feature: The accounts index should have a custom layout Scenario: Custom layout Given I am signed up and confirmed as "email@person.com/password" And the following projects exist: | name | account | | ClothesPin | name: One | | Talkr | name: Two | | Fabio | name: One | And "email@person.com" is a member of the "ClothesPin" project And "email@person.com" is a member of the "Talkr" project When I go to the sign in page And I sign in as "email@person.com/password" And I go to the dashboard page Then I should see "Custom Layout Content" SCENARIO end When /^I copy the specs for this project$/ do in_current_dir do FileUtils.cp_r(File.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'spec'), '.') end end