import { HAS_NATIVE_SYMBOL, inspect } from '..'; import { moduleFor, AbstractTestCase as TestCase } from 'internal-test-helpers'; moduleFor( 'Ember.inspect', class extends TestCase { ['@test strings'](assert) { assert.equal(inspect('foo'), '"foo"'); } ['@test numbers'](assert) { assert.equal(inspect(2.6), '2.6'); } ['@test null'](assert) { assert.equal(inspect(null), 'null'); } ['@test undefined'](assert) { assert.equal(inspect(undefined), 'undefined'); } ['@test true'](assert) { assert.equal(inspect(true), 'true'); } ['@test false'](assert) { assert.equal(inspect(false), 'false'); } ['@test object'](assert) { assert.equal(inspect({}), '{ }'); assert.equal(inspect({ foo: 'bar' }), '{ foo: "bar" }'); let obj = { foo() { return this; }, }; // IE 11 doesn't have function name if ( { assert.equal(inspect(obj), `{ foo: [Function:foo] }`); } else { assert.equal(inspect(obj), `{ foo: [Function] }`); } } ['@test objects without a prototype'](assert) { let prototypelessObj = Object.create(null); prototypelessObj.a = 1; prototypelessObj.b = [Object.create(null)]; assert.equal(inspect({ foo: prototypelessObj }), '{ foo: { a: 1, b: [ { } ] } }'); } ['@test array'](assert) { assert.equal(inspect([1, 2, 3]), '[ 1, 2, 3 ]'); } ['@test array list limit'](assert) { let a = []; for (let i = 0; i < 120; i++) { a.push(1); } assert.equal(inspect(a), `[ ${a.slice(0, 100).join(', ')}, ... 20 more items ]`); } ['@test object list limit'](assert) { let obj = {}; let pairs = []; for (let i = 0; i < 120; i++) { obj['key' + i] = i; pairs.push(`key${i}: ${i}`); } assert.equal(inspect(obj), `{ ${pairs.slice(0, 100).join(', ')}, ... 20 more keys }`); } ['@test depth limit'](assert) { assert.equal( inspect([[[['here', { a: 1 }, [1]]]]]), '[ [ [ [ "here", [Object], [Array] ] ] ] ]' ); } ['@test odd key'](assert) { assert.equal( inspect({ [`Hello world! How are you?`]: 1, }), '{ "Hello world!\\nHow are you?": 1 }' ); } ['@test node call'](assert) { let obj = { a: 1 }; obj.inspect = inspect; let depth = 2; let options = {}; assert.equal(obj.inspect(depth, options), obj); } ['@test cycle'](assert) { let obj = {}; obj.a = obj; let arr = [obj]; arr.push(arr); assert.equal(inspect(arr), '[ { a: [Circular] }, [Circular] ]'); } ['@test custom toString'](assert) { class Component { static toString() { return '@ember/component'; } toString() { return `<${this.constructor}:ember234>`; } } assert.equal( inspect([new Component(), Component]), '[ <@ember/component:ember234>, @ember/component ]' ); } ['@test regexp'](assert) { assert.equal(inspect(/regexp/), '/regexp/'); } ['@test date'](assert) { let inspected = inspect(new Date('Sat Apr 30 2011 13:24:11')); assert.ok(inspected.match(/Sat Apr 30/), 'The inspected date has its date'); assert.ok(inspected.match(/2011/), 'The inspected date has its year'); assert.ok(inspected.match(/13:24:11/), 'The inspected date has its time'); } ['@test inspect outputs the toString() representation of Symbols'](assert) { if (HAS_NATIVE_SYMBOL) { let symbol = Symbol('test'); assert.equal(inspect(symbol), 'Symbol(test)'); } else { assert.expect(0); } } } );