# Using in Rails engines If the application UI consists of multiple frontend application, you'd probably like to isolate their building too (e.g. if you use different frameworks/versions). Hence we needed our webpack(-er) to be isolated too: separate `package.json`, dev server, compilation process. You can do this by adding another Webpacker instance to your application. This guide describes how to do that using [Rails engines](https://guides.rubyonrails.org/engines.html). ## Step 1: create Rails engine. First, you create a Rails engine (say, `MyEngine`). See the official [Rails guide](https://guides.rubyonrails.org/engines.html). ## Step 2: install Webpacker within the engine. There is no built-in tasks to install Webpacker within the engine, thus you have to add all the require files manually (you can copy them from the main app): - Add `config/webpacker.yml` and `config/webpack/*.js` files - Add `bin/webpack` and `bin/webpack-dev-server` files - Add `package.json` with required deps. ## Step 3: configure Webpacker instance. - File `lib/my_engine.rb` ```ruby module MyEngine ROOT_PATH = Pathname.new(File.join(__dir__, "..")) class << self def webpacker @webpacker ||= ::Webpacker::Instance.new( root_path: ROOT_PATH, config_path: ROOT_PATH.join("config/webpacker.yml") ) end end end ``` ## Step 4: Configure dev server proxy. - File `lib/my_engine/engine.rb` ```ruby module MyEngine class Engine < ::Rails::Engine initializer "webpacker.proxy" do |app| insert_middleware = begin MyEngine.webpacker.config.dev_server.present? rescue nil end next unless insert_middleware app.middleware.insert_before( 0, Webpacker::DevServerProxy, # "Webpacker::DevServerProxy" if Rails version < 5 ssl_verify_none: true, webpacker: MyEngine.webpacker ) end end end ``` If you have multiple webpackers, you would probably want to run multiple dev servers at a time, and hence be able to configure their setting through env vars (e.g. within a `docker-compose.yml` file): ```yml # webpacker.yml # ... development: # ... dev_server: env_prefix: "MY_ENGINE_WEBPACKER_DEV_SERVER" # ... ``` ## Step 5: configure helper. - File `app/helpers/my_engine/application_helper.rb` ```ruby require "webpacker/helper" module MyEngine module ApplicationHelper include ::Webpacker::Helper def current_webpacker_instance MyEngine.webpacker end end end ``` Now you can use `stylesheet_pack_tag` and `javascript_pack_tag` from within your engine. ## Step 6: rake tasks. Add Rake task to compile assets in production (`rake my_engine:webpacker:compile`) - File `my_engine_rootlib/tasks/my_engine_tasks.rake` ```ruby def ensure_log_goes_to_stdout old_logger = Webpacker.logger Webpacker.logger = ActiveSupport::Logger.new(STDOUT) yield ensure Webpacker.logger = old_logger end namespace :my_engine do namespace :webpacker do desc "Install deps with yarn" task :yarn_install do Dir.chdir(File.join(__dir__, "../..")) do system "yarn install --no-progress --production" end end desc "Compile JavaScript packs using webpack for production with digests" task compile: [:yarn_install, :environment] do Webpacker.with_node_env("production") do ensure_log_goes_to_stdout do if MyEngine.webpacker.commands.compile # Successful compilation! else # Failed compilation exit! end end end end end end def yarn_install_available? rails_major = Rails::VERSION::MAJOR rails_minor = Rails::VERSION::MINOR rails_major > 5 || (rails_major == 5 && rails_minor >= 1) end def enhance_assets_precompile # yarn:install was added in Rails 5.1 deps = yarn_install_available? ? [] : ["my_engine:webpacker:yarn_install"] Rake::Task["assets:precompile"].enhance(deps) do Rake::Task["my_engine:webpacker:compile"].invoke end end # Compile packs after we've compiled all other assets during precompilation skip_webpacker_precompile = %w(no false n f).include?(ENV["WEBPACKER_PRECOMPILE"]) unless skip_webpacker_precompile if Rake::Task.task_defined?("assets:precompile") enhance_assets_precompile else Rake::Task.define_task("assets:precompile" => "my_engine:webpacker:compile") end end ``` ## Step 7: serving compiled packs. There are two approaches on serving compiled assets. ### Put engine's assets to the root app's public/ folder You can serve engine's assets using the main app's static files server which serves files from `public/` folder. For that you must configure your engine's webpacker to put compiled assets to the app's `public/` folder: ```yml # my_engine/config/webpacker.yml default: &default # ... # public_root_path could be used to override the path to `public/` folder # (relative to the engine root) public_root_path: ../public # use a different sub-folder name public_output_path: my-engine-packs ``` ### Use a separate middleware To serve static assets from the engine's `public/` folder you must add a middleware and point it to your engine's webpacker output path: ```ruby # application.rb config.middleware.use( Rack::Static, urls: ["/my-engine-packs"], root: "my_engine/public" ) ``` or if you prefer to keep your engine-related configuration within the engine itself ```ruby # my-engine-root/lib/my-engine/engine.rb module MyEngine class Engine < ::Rails:Engine config.app_middleware.use( Rack::Static, urls: ["/my-engine-packs"], root: "my_engine/public" ) end end ``` **NOTE:** in the example above we assume that your `public_output_path` is set to `my-engine-packs` in your engine's `webpacker.yml`.