module Padrino module Generators module Components module Tests module BaconGen BACON_SETUP = (<<-TEST).gsub(/^ {10}/, '') class Bacon::Context include Rack::Test::Methods end def app # Sinatra < 1.0 always disable sessions for test env # so if you need them it's necessary force the use # of Rack::Session::Cookie CLASS_NAME.tap { |app| app.use Rack::Session::Cookie } # You can hanlde all padrino applications using instead: # Padrino.application end TEST BACON_CONTROLLER_TEST = (<<-TEST).gsub(/^ {10}/, '') require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_config.rb' describe "!NAME!Controller" do it 'returns text at root' do get "/" last_response.body.should == "some text" end end TEST BACON_RAKE = (<<-TEST).gsub(/^ {10}/, '') require 'rake/testtask' do |test| test.pattern = '**/*_test.rb' test.verbose = true end TEST BACON_MODEL_TEST = (<<-TEST).gsub(/^ {10}/, '') require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_config.rb' describe "!NAME! Model" do it 'can be created' do @!DNAME! = !NAME!.new @!DNAME! end end TEST # Setup the testing configuration helper and dependencies def setup_test require_dependencies 'bacon', :group => 'test' insert_test_suite_setup BACON_SETUP, :path => 'test/test_config.rb' create_file destination_root("test/test.rake"), BACON_RAKE end # Generates a controller test given the controllers name def generate_controller_test(name) bacon_contents = BACON_CONTROLLER_TEST.gsub(/!NAME!/, name.to_s.camelize) create_file destination_root("test/controllers/","#{name}_controller_test.rb"), bacon_contents, :skip => true end def generate_model_test(name) bacon_contents = BACON_MODEL_TEST.gsub(/!NAME!/, name.to_s.camelize).gsub(/!DNAME!/, name.downcase.underscore) create_file destination_root("test/models/#{name.to_s.downcase}_test.rb"), bacon_contents, :skip => true end end end end end end