# frozen_string_literal: true module Primer # :nodoc: class Classify DISPLAY_KEY = :display SPACING_KEYS = Primer::Classify::Spacing::KEYS # Keys where we can simply translate { key: value } into ".key-value" CONCAT_KEYS = SPACING_KEYS + %i[hide position v float col text box_shadow].freeze INVALID_CLASS_NAME_PREFIXES = (["bg-", "color-", "text-", "d-", "v-align-", "wb-", "box-shadow-"] + CONCAT_KEYS.map { |k| "#{k}-" }).freeze COLOR_KEY = :color BG_KEY = :bg VERTICAL_ALIGN_KEY = :vertical_align WORD_BREAK_KEY = :word_break TEXT_KEYS = %i[text_align font_weight].freeze WIDTH_KEY = :width HEIGHT_KEY = :height BOX_SHADOW_KEY = :box_shadow VISIBILITY_KEY = :visibility ANIMATION_KEY = :animation BREAKPOINTS = ["", "-sm", "-md", "-lg", "-xl"].freeze RESPONSIVE_KEYS = ([DISPLAY_KEY, :col, :float] + SPACING_KEYS + Primer::Classify::Flex::RESPONSIVE_KEYS).freeze BOOLEAN_MAPPINGS = { underline: { mappings: [ { value: true, css_class: "text-underline" }, { value: false, css_class: "no-underline" } ] }, top: { mappings: [ { value: false, css_class: "top-0" } ] }, bottom: { mappings: [ { value: false, css_class: "bottom-0" } ] }, left: { mappings: [ { value: false, css_class: "left-0" } ] }, right: { mappings: [ { value: false, css_class: "right-0" } ] } }.freeze BORDER_KEY = :border BORDER_COLOR_KEY = :border_color BORDER_MARGIN_KEYS = %i[border_top border_bottom border_left border_right].freeze BORDER_RADIUS_KEY = :border_radius TYPOGRAPHY_KEYS = [:font_size].freeze VALID_KEYS = ( CONCAT_KEYS + BOOLEAN_MAPPINGS.keys + BORDER_MARGIN_KEYS + TYPOGRAPHY_KEYS + TEXT_KEYS + Primer::Classify::Flex::KEYS + [ BORDER_KEY, BORDER_COLOR_KEY, BORDER_RADIUS_KEY, COLOR_KEY, BG_KEY, DISPLAY_KEY, VERTICAL_ALIGN_KEY, WORD_BREAK_KEY, WIDTH_KEY, HEIGHT_KEY, BOX_SHADOW_KEY, VISIBILITY_KEY, ANIMATION_KEY ] ).freeze class << self def call(classes: "", style: nil, **args) extracted_results = extract_hash(args) extracted_results[:class] = [ validated_class_names(classes), extracted_results.delete(:classes) ].compact.join(" ").strip.presence extracted_results[:style] = [ extracted_results.delete(:styles), style ].compact.join("").presence extracted_results end private def validated_class_names(classes) return if classes.blank? if ENV["RAILS_ENV"] == "development" invalid_class_names = classes.split(" ").each_with_object([]) do |class_name, memo| memo << class_name if INVALID_CLASS_NAME_PREFIXES.any? { |prefix| class_name.start_with?(prefix) } end raise ArgumentError, "Use System Arguments (https://primer.style/view-components/system-arguments) instead of Primer CSS class #{'name'.pluralize(invalid_class_names.length)} #{invalid_class_names.to_sentence}. This warning will not be raised in production." if invalid_class_names.any? end classes end # NOTE: This is a fairly naive implementation that we're building as we go. # Feel free to refactor as this is thoroughly tested. # # Utility for mapping component configuration into Primer CSS class names # # styles_hash - A hash with utility keys that mimic the interface used by https://github.com/primer/components # # Returns a string of Primer CSS class names to be added to an HTML class attribute # # Example usage: # extract_hash({ mt: 4, py: 2 }) => "mt-4 py-2" def extract_hash(styles_hash) memo = { classes: [], styles: +"" } styles_hash.each do |key, value| next unless VALID_KEYS.include?(key) if value.is_a?(Array) raise ArgumentError, "#{key} does not support responsive values" unless RESPONSIVE_KEYS.include?(key) value.each_with_index do |val, index| Primer::Classify::Cache.read(memo, key, val, BREAKPOINTS[index]) || extract_value(memo, key, val, BREAKPOINTS[index]) end else Primer::Classify::Cache.read(memo, key, value, BREAKPOINTS[0]) || extract_value(memo, key, value, BREAKPOINTS[0]) end end memo[:classes] = memo[:classes].join(" ") memo end def extract_value(memo, key, val, breakpoint) return if val.nil? || val == "" if SPACING_KEYS.include?(key) memo[:classes] << Primer::Classify::Spacing.spacing(key, val, breakpoint) elsif BOOLEAN_MAPPINGS.key?(key) BOOLEAN_MAPPINGS[key][:mappings].each do |m| memo[:classes] << m[:css_class] if m[:value] == val && m[:css_class].present? end elsif key == BG_KEY if val.to_s.start_with?("#") memo[:styles] << "background-color: #{val};" else memo[:classes] << Primer::Classify::FunctionalBackgroundColors.color(val) end elsif key == COLOR_KEY memo[:classes] << Primer::Classify::FunctionalTextColors.color(val) elsif key == DISPLAY_KEY memo[:classes] << "d#{breakpoint}-#{val.to_s.dasherize}" elsif key == VERTICAL_ALIGN_KEY memo[:classes] << "v-align-#{val.to_s.dasherize}" elsif key == WORD_BREAK_KEY memo[:classes] << "wb-#{val.to_s.dasherize}" elsif key == BORDER_KEY border_value = if val == true "border" else "border-#{val.to_s.dasherize}" end memo[:classes] << border_value elsif key == BORDER_COLOR_KEY memo[:classes] << Primer::Classify::FunctionalBorderColors.color(val) elsif BORDER_MARGIN_KEYS.include?(key) memo[:classes] << "#{key.to_s.dasherize}-#{val}" elsif key == BORDER_RADIUS_KEY memo[:classes] << "rounded-#{val}" elsif Primer::Classify::Flex::KEYS.include?(key) memo[:classes] << Primer::Classify::Flex.classes(key, val, breakpoint) elsif key == WIDTH_KEY || key == HEIGHT_KEY if val == :fit memo[:classes] << "#{key}-#{val}" else memo[key] = val end elsif TEXT_KEYS.include?(key) memo[:classes] << "text-#{val.to_s.dasherize}" elsif TYPOGRAPHY_KEYS.include?(key) memo[:classes] << "f#{val.to_s.dasherize}" elsif key == BOX_SHADOW_KEY memo[:classes] << if val == true "color-shadow-small" elsif val == :none || val.blank? "box-shadow-none" else "color-shadow-#{val.to_s.dasherize}" end elsif key == VISIBILITY_KEY memo[:classes] << "v-#{val.to_s.dasherize}" elsif key == ANIMATION_KEY memo[:classes] << if val == :grow "hover-grow" else "anim-#{val.to_s.dasherize}" end else memo[:classes] << "#{key.to_s.dasherize}#{breakpoint}-#{val.to_s.dasherize}" end end end Cache.preload! end end