# XML::Mixup: A mixin for XML markup
require 'xml-mixup'
class Anything
include XML::Mixup
something = Anything.new
# generate a structure
node = something.markup spec: [
{ '#pi' => 'xml-stylesheet', type: 'text/xsl', href: '/transform' },
{ '#dtd' => :html },
{ '#html' => [
{ '#head' => [
{ '#title' => 'look ma, title' },
{ '#elem' => :base, href: 'http://the.base/url' },
] },
{ '#body' => [
{ '#h1' => 'Illustrious Heading' },
{ '#p' => :lolwut },
] },
], xmlns: 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' }
# `node` will correspond to the last thing generated. In this
# case, it will be a text node containing 'lolwut'.
doc = node.document
puts doc.to_xml
# =>
# =>
# =>
# =>
# =>
# => look ma, title
# =>
# =>
# =>
# => Illustrious Heading
# => lolwut
# =>
# =>
## Yet another XML markup generator?
Some time ago, [I](https://doriantaylor.com/) wrote a Perl module called
[Role::Markup::XML](https://metacpan.org/pod/Role::Markup::XML). I did this
because I had a lot of XML to generate, and was dissatisfied with what
was currently on offer. Now I have a lot of XML to generate using
Ruby, and found a lot of the same things:
### Structure is generated by procedure calls
Granted it's a lot nicer to do this sort of thing in Ruby, but at the
end of the day, the thing generating the XML is a nested list of
method calls — _not_ a declarative data structure.
### Document has to be generated all in one shot
It's not super-easy to generate a piece of the target document and
then go back and generate some more (although
`Nokogiri::XML::Builder.with` is a nice start). This plus the last
point leads to all sorts of cockamamy constructs which are almost as
life-sucking as writing raw DOM routines.
### Hard to do surgery on existing documents
This comes up a lot: you have an existing document and you want to add
even just a single node to it — say, in between two nodes just for
fun. Good luck with that.
### Enter `XML::Mixup`
* __The input consists of ordinary Ruby data objects__ so you can
build them up ahead of time, in bulk, transform them using familiar
operations, etc.,
* __Sprinkle pre-built XML subtrees anywhere into the spec__ so you
can memoize repeating elements, or otherwise compile a document
* __Attach new generated content anywhere:__ underneath a parent node,
or before, after, or _instead of_ a node at the sibling level.
## The tree spec format
At the heart of this module is a single method called `markup`, which,
among other things, takes a `:spec`. The spec can be any composite of
these objects, and will behave as described:
### Hashes
The principal construct in `XML::Mixup` is the `Hash`. You can
generate pretty much any node with it:
#### Elements
{ '#tag' => 'foo' } # =>
# or, with the element name as a symbol
{ '#element' => :foo } # =>
# or
{ '#elem' => 'foo' } # =>
# or, with nil as a key
{ nil => :foo } # =>
# or, with attributes
{ nil => :foo, bar: :hi } # =>
# or, with namespaces
{ nil => :foo, xmlns: 'urn:x-bar' } # =>
# or, with more namespaces
{ nil => :foo, xmlns: 'urn:x-bar', 'xmlns:hurr' => 'urn:x-durr' }
# =>
# or, with content
{ nil => [:foo, :hi] } # => hi
# or, shove your child nodes into an otherwise content-less key
{ [:hi] => :foo, bar: :hurr } # => hi
# or, if you have content and the element name is not a reserved word
{ '#html' => { '#head' => { '#title' => :hi } } }
# => hi
# also works with namespaces
{ '#atom:feed' => nil, 'xmlns:atom' => 'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom' }
# =>
Reserved hash keywords are: `#comment`, `#cdata`, `#doctype`, `#dtd`,
`#elem`, `#element`, `#pi`, `#processing-instruction`, `#tag`. Note
that the constructs `{ nil => :foo }`, `{ nil => 'foo' }`, and `{
'#foo' => nil }`, plus `[]` anywhere you see `nil`, are all
Attributes are sorted lexically. Composite attribute values get
flattened like this:
{ nil => :foo, array: [:a, :b], hash: { e: :f, c: :d } }
# =>
#### Processing instructions
{ '#pi' => 'xml-stylesheet', type: 'text/xsl', href: '/transform' }
# =>
# or, if you like typing
{ '#processing-instruction' => :hurr } # =>
#### `DOCTYPE` declarations
{ '#dtd' => :html } # =>
# or (note either :public or :system can be nil)
{ '#dtd' => [:html, :public, :system] }
# =>
# or, same thing
{ '#doctype' => :html, public: :public, system: :system }
#### Comments and `CDATA` sections
Comments and `CDATA` are flattened into string literals:
{ '#comment' => :whatever } # =>
{ '#cdata' => '' } # => ]]>
Pretty straight forward?
### Arrays
Parts of a spec that are arrays (or really anything that can be turned
into one) are attached at the same level of the document in the
sequence given, as you might expect.
### `Nokogiri::XML::Node` objects
These are automatically cloned, but otherwise passed in as-is.
### `Proc`s, lambdas etc.
These are executed with any supplied `:args`, and then `markup` is run
again over the result. (Take care not to supply a `Proc` that produces
another `Proc`.)
### Everything else
Turned into a text node.
## Documentation
Generated and deposited
[in the usual place](http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/xml-mixup/).
## Installation
Come on, you know how to do this:
$ gem install xml-mixup
Or, [download it off rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org/gems/xml-mixup).
## Contributing
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome at
[the GitHub repository](https://github.com/doriantaylor/rb-xml-mixup).
## The Future
As mentioned, this is pretty much a straight-across port
of [Role::Markup::XML](https://metacpan.org/pod/Role::Markup::XML),
where it makes sense in Perl to bolt a bunch of related pseudo-private
`_FOO`-looking instance methods onto an object so you can use them to
make more streamlined methods. This may or may not make the same kind
of sense with Ruby.
In particular, these methods do not touch the calling object's
state. In fact they _should_ be completely stateless and side-effect
free. Likewise, they are really meant to be private. As such, it may
make sense to simply bundle them as class methods and use them as
such. I don't know, I haven't decided yet.
## License
This software is provided under
the [Apache License, 2.0](https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).