Feature: Case checking In order to make sure certain words are upper or lower case as they should be As a Ruby developer I want to find out which files have words that aren't in the proper case Scenario: Method names that are camel-cased are detected Given I have a project directory "1_file_with_camel_case_method" And I have "1" file in my project And that file does not contain any "class" statements And the file contains only "1" "def" statement And the file contains a "method" that has a camel-cased name When I run the checker on the project Then the checker should tell me I have a camel-cased method name Scenario: Method names that are snake-cased are not reported Given I have a project directory "1_file_with_snake_case_method" And I have "1" file in my project And that file does not contain any "class" statements And the file contains only "1" "def" statement And the file contains a "method" that has a snake-cased name When I run the checker on the project Then the checker shouldn't tell me the method name is camel-case Scenario: Class names that are camel-cased are not reported Given I have a project directory "1_file_with_camel_case_class" And I have "1" file in my project And the file contains only "1" "class" statement And the file contains a "class" that has a camel-cased name When I run the checker on the project Then the checker shouldn't tell me the class name is camel-case Scenario: Class names that are snake-cased are detected Given I have a project directory "1_file_with_snake_case_class" And I have "1" file in my project And the file contains only "1" "class" statement And the file contains a "class" that has a snake-cased name When I run the checker on the project Then the checker should tell me the class name is not camel-case