--- waht: what warrent: warrant wass: was watchs: watches watn: want weakend: weakened weaponary: weaponry webcasted: webcast webstie: website wecked: wrecked wehn: when weilded: wielded wel: well welcame: welcomed wendsay: Wednesday wendsday: Wednesday wensday: Wednesday wesbite: website whant: want whants: wants whcih: which wheelbarrel: wheelbarrow whent: went wherabouts: whereabouts wheras: whereas wherby: whereby whereever: wherever wherin: wherein whic: which whihc: which whilest: while wholely: wholly wholey: wholly wholistic: holistic wholley: wholly whon: whom whta: what widht: width witdh: width wief: wife wierd: weird wiht: with wihtin: within wihtout: without willingess: willingness wirting: writing Wisconson: Wisconsin wistle: whistle witchs: witches withing: within withold: withhold withought: without witht: with witout: without winows: windows widnows: windows windwos: windows winodws: windows Winsows: windows wittness: witness wiull: will wnat: want wnated: wanted wnats: wants wohle: whole wokr: work wokring: working worlwide: worldwide worsten: worsen worstened: worsened worstening: worsening woudl: would wreckless: reckless wrecklessness: recklessness wriet: write writen: written writter: writer writting: writing wroet: wrote wrok: work wroking: working wtih: with wupport: support